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Hey hey, it's time for the first print run of Dielle's Wish!

First, some quick legal jargon! This print run will be not-for-profit, meaning that the cost of each book is relegated strictly to what it takes to produce and ship. I, the artist, will not be receiving any revenue from this. OBT is a derivative work, and I don't wanna risk getting in hot water legally. But I do get the satisfaction of holding a physical copy of something I made, so that's more than enough payment for me!

The production cost of each book is $7.08, with varying shipping & handling charges depending on where you live (within US territories, it'll be $9.65). They'll be received and ready to start shipping out around March 15th! I'll be ordering 25 copies, so this run will last as long as supplies last (though I might order a second wave if there's a big interest)!

To place your order, DM me anywhere I'll see your message! DA, Discord, here on Patreon, anything works! Let me know how many copies you want, shipping address, and I'll send you a Paypal invoice. Once payment is received in full and the books have arrived, I will ship out your copies. I am also willing to hold copies, but people with payment ready will receive priority. Also also, this print run is available to non-patrons! So feel free to share around with friends.

I will be holding another print run in December once Dielle's Wish has released publicly, if you're not able to join this time. If you miss out on either print run, you are welcome to order outside of the run itself- but I should warn you that production costs skyrocket when ordering single copies. Prices in that case start at $80.00 per book- yeah, even one as small as Dielle's Wish. But hey, shipping wouldn't change! (Or you could gather some friends together and order multiple copies, even getting 2 books splits production cost to $42 per book.)

I look forward to sharing this exciting development with you all!


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