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Hello, and welcome to this week’s Patreon Newsletter! This is to keep patrons up-to-date with the goings-on of OBT with schedules, behind-the-scenes, and more! These will be posted on a bi-weekly schedule and help give an idea of what’s to come each month for my Patreon.

Coming Soon

Crawls out of the dirt

Hey how ya doin B)

So the bad news is, I got super busy since last newsletter and got caught up IRL with lots of family and personal related events. The good news? I've finally finished construction on our house, and have officially moved in to my new office! And I gotta say, having the space has made a big difference with my workflow. I don't think I've been this productive maybe, ever? Which is good news for you guys, it means a lot is on the way.

Like with last time, I intend to catch up on missed content to make up for past months. Unlike last time, I'm gonna try focusing on blitzing specific catchup items at a time. In the past I tried to slow drip releases, but I've found that if I mess up the schedule, I just end up forgetting to update while I'm swept away. So to prevent that, I'm gonna bombard y'all with catchups with Trivia Tuesdays and Backstage Passes to start! I apologize for all the email notifications in advanced. In round numbers there are 40 pieces of trivia and 20 backstage pass topics, so I'll be posting 4 a day and 2 a day respectively so that by the next newsletter, we'll be back on our normal schedule. By next newsletter, I hope that we'll be able to move on to catching up on postcards and phone/desktop backgrounds! As with previous catch ups, if you plan to not be a patron in the future when this catchup content is being released, please feel free to reach out to me via PM and I’ll provide a resource where you can view the catchup content all at once. 

Content from 2020 is now being released publicly, starting with phone/desktop backgrounds! Designs for postcards from 2020 will also be releasing soon, once I catch up on postcard shipment backlog.

Great news regarding postcards, now that I've finished construction on my office I have room for a shiny new printer! It (allegedly) will be arriving within the next week or two, so I'm excited to finally get postcards mailed out once I have it set up and going. With some luck, postcards will be out by mid-late September! Though I do want to warn that like the previous postcard batch they may be more "print" style, without personal messages/doodles on the back. Since I have a sizable backlog I'd have to ship out, I don't wanna risk hurting my hand. I appreciate everyone's understanding with this!

New page buffer for OBT is underway! I've been starting to get in the groove, and I'm hoping that once I'm settled in, I can crank out somewhere in the realm of a page a day as I rev back up into my workflow! Estimated release for these pages on Patreon is September 10th, though they may come out sooner depending on how quickly I get back into the flow of things.

Finally, once-monthly gaming livestreams will start taking place this month! I want to focus on art a little more heavily on the first half of the month, so expect dates and times for that in the next newsletter. I'll be posting a poll later to determine what game to play!

August/September 2021 Schedule

Tuesday, August 31st

  • Trivia Tuesday x4 (Catchup)
  • Backstage Pass x2 (Catchup)
  • Cameo Call

Wednesday, September 1st

  • Trivia Tuesday x4 (Catchup)
  • Backstage Pass x2 (Catchup)
  • Soundboard
  • WIP Wednesday

Thursday, September 2nd

  • Trivia Tuesday x4 (Catchup)
  • Backstage Pass x2 (Catchup)
  • Misc. Art

Friday, September 3rd

  • Trivia Tuesday x4 (Catchup)
  • Backstage Pass x2 (Catchup)

Saturday, September 4th

  • Trivia Tuesday x4 (Catchup)
  • Backstage Pass x2 (Catchup)


Monday, September 6th

  • Trivia Tuesday x4 (Catchup)
  • Backstage Pass x2 (Catchup)

Tuesday, September 7th

  • Trivia Tuesday x4 (Catchup)
  • Backstage Pass x2 (Catchup)

Wednesday, September 8th

  • Trivia Tuesday x4 (Catchup)
  • Backstage Pass x2 (Catchup)
  • WIP Wednesday

Thursday, September 9th

  • Trivia Tuesday x4 (Catchup)
  • Backstage Pass x2 (Catchup)

Friday, September 10th

  • Trivia Tuesday x4 (Catchup)
  • Backstage Pass x2 (Catchup)
  • OBT Pages 21-29


Monday, September 13th

  • September Newsletter #1

Thanks again for your support, and I look forward to seeing you next newsletter!


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