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      Once on the outskirts of town, Malachi gestures towards an odd-looking platform. Upon gently moving the board, we are greeted with the descending entrance to his home, and the pair step inside. It's a quaint little spot, with jagged stalactites and stalagmites lining an exposed ocean view. A dusty rug graces the floor with a simple table and cushion laid atop it in true lonely bachelor fashion. Despite the rugged look of the interior, a shining ivory teacup and kettle sit, undisturbed. The sun reflects brilliantly off of them, though the set is permanently stained by the frequently used leaves.

     The cat turns to his vulpine guest. “I
technically don’t own this place, but it’s not claimed by the city either, so I think it’s fair game.” He gives a snide grin, though his eyes reveal an anxiety that comes with maybe breaking the law.


So I've decided that for my NaNoWriMo this year, I'll be working on the script for OBT! I get more writing time with school than I do drawing (it's easier to pretend to take notes when typing scripts vs. drawing with my tablet during lectures), so I'll be plucking my favorite short excerpts from the script and adding them here. These might end up becoming slightly out of context and out of order as time goes on, so I apologize for that.

Since this month seems to be less hectic as far as school goes, I should be able to get back to drawing as I intended during October! Inktober pieces will resume shortly alongside these NaNo uploads. That's the end of my ramble for now, see you all next upload!


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