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Dave on Dave is an ongoing series in which David Cho and David Chen gather together to discuss life and work. Also, usually David Cho has some harsh words to say about David Chen's stuff!

In this episode, David Chen shares with David Cho what his birthday was like, and the two discuss lessons/resolutions from the year past and for the year moving forward.

PATRONS: You can get this audio in your podcast app by going to patreon.com/davechen, going to the "My Membership" section, and copying and pasting the RSS link to your podcast app.




Clifford Robinson

Dave, I’m sorry for what you and your family are going through. I wish you all peace and strength and love in your time together. PS Happy 21st birthday!

Patrick Neon

Happy Bday Dave! Great episode. As you guys were briefly mentioning JK Rowling, I just listened to this amazing podcast series „The Witch Trails of J.K. Rowling“ with host Megan Phelps-Roper wich does an excellent job in examining the situation. When I was listening to it, I thought this topic might make an excellent Culturally Relevant episode / Decoding everything episode..