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Dave on Dave is an ongoing series in which David Cho and David Chen gather together to discuss life and work. Also, usually David Cho has some harsh words to say about David Chen's stuff!

In this episode, David Chen experiences a setback and David Cho weighs in on the nature of plans, structure, and the need for agility.

PATRONS: You can get this audio in your podcast app by going to patreon.com/davechen, going to the "My Membership" section, and copying and pasting the RSS link to your podcast app.





The word “transparency” has become over-used and cliched, but it’s so apt for the quality that comes across in these conversations. Having enjoyed your work for a long time, Dave, these “coaching sessions” about your process and your goals (and just about LIFE) are compelling, inspiring, and a lot of fun. I commend you for making these available to your subscribers, because there is a degree of vulnerability that you reveal here…and making artistic things (poems, plays, stories, podcasts, films) does require taking risks. I’m reminded of a quote from poet William Stafford: “I must be willingly fallible in order to deserve a place in the realm where miracles happen.” I appreciate the risk-taking here, and I always enjoy your writing, talking, and making things. Thank you.


"Plans are a track that something's on but we're not fucking trains" - David Cho busting out motivational quotes left and right!