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Hi Patrons,

Me and my COVID bubble were lucky enough to get the second dose of our Pfizer vaccine recently. I created this video to share our personal experience with it. The point of this was not to flex or brag but to help demystify the process for people. Going into dose 2, I'd heard so many different things about what the experience could be like. 

I hope this gives you some sense of what the results might be, and that it helps you to make your own plans around dose 2. Thanks, as always, for your support!

Note: We are not medical professionals. If you need medical advice, ask your doctor.



Getting Pfizer Vaccine Second Dose: Side Effects and Reactions - Vlog

David and his COVID bubble discuss what it's like to get dose 2 of Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine. What were the side effects (if any)? Back David on Patreon: http://Patreon.com/davechen​​​​​​ Follow David on Twitter: http://twitter.com/davechensky​​​​​​ Listen to David's podcast: http://www.culturallyrelevantshow.com...​ Subscribe to David's newsletter: http://davechen.net/letters



I understand the concern of "taking a dose from someone who needs it," but I generally think if you can get one, get one. I know people who feel like this that are delaying getting one, assuming there is a mass rush of elderly people ahead of them, meanwhile appointments are open and come and go every day. Getting the vaccine helps everyone. Unless you're pushing an old person out of line, get the shot!

Jack Lee

Great video!! The pharmacist in the video said don't take Ibuprofen, which was exactly what I took after my shot. Now I am freaking out, is my vaccine effect going to be cancelled out? CDC and most other reputable websites say Ibuprofen is OK. I wonder if anyone know why the pharmacist would suggest not taking Ibuprofen?

David Chen

Jack: I wouldn't worry too much about it. According to the Times' piece I linked above, it shouldn't make too big of a difference.