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Tomorrow, @joyofnapping and I are heading to a Walmart far away to get our second dose of the Pfizer vaccine. We recorded some scattered thoughts on what our vaccine journey has been like. Thanks to those who've been on this journey with us. 




Dan Flanegan

Thank you both for sharing and good luck today! I was officially fully vaccinated (Moderna) as of Wed of this past week. I'll say I had a mild reaction after the first dose, mainly exhaustion. After the second dose (received at 8 am in the morning) it took about 16 hours and I was hit with chills, body aches that came on in the middle of the night. That progressed to a very low grade fever, but sometimes those feel the worst. This all lasted almost exactly 24 hours. I woke up the next morning feeling great! The good news is that almost my entire household is now vaccinated. I feel like this was our reward for being so careful for the past year, for respecting our responsibility to the community over our personal selfishness. We hit the road shortly to go visit parents, who are also fully vaccinated, for the first time in months. Small victories. Will be thinking of you both today!

Connor Rock

As always, I love hearing both of your thoughts, and honest feelings through this whole year and the excitement and unease about entering back into the world ever so slowly. There is a certain level of guilt that I feel, having been partially vaccinated, as I know others, my age and in other states, have yet to get their first dose. There is no denying we’ve all been changed in someway, this last year, and I know that I, for one, have a high level of anxiety about experiencing first hand what parts of my social skills have changed. Being autistic, there was a certain level of muscle memory I had to establish, to pass as something close to normal, in the workaday world, and I’m wondering if some of that might have been lost, in the last year. Thank you all for inspiring the deep introspection that I and I know others, all need after this last year. Good luck today, I am super excited for you both!!