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Hey folks,

I don't usually cross-post my Culturally Relevant episodes here (you can subscribe to get episodes automatically) but I wanted to make an exception for this one. Our latest episode covers the sad and tragic events in Georgia this week, in which eight people were murdered, six of whom were women of Asian descent. We process our current feelings, discuss some of the history of anti-Asian sentiment, and suggest some paths forward. 

You can listen to the episode here. 

If the podcast is helpful to you, please feel free to share it with someone you know. Learn more about StopAAPIHate.org at their website. 

It's been a tough week for me, as I continue to balance work, my online life, and doing what I can to speak out about these challenging issues. Thanks, as always, for your patience and support. Be safe and be good to each other.




Jesus... that was one of the most impactful pieces of content the two of you’ve produced. Thank you for this. I’m so proud to be a patron here and extremely proud of you both as producers. Just keep going.

Mads Olsen

I don't really have anything to add to the conversation, but this episode almost made me tear up when I was biking home from uni. It actually made me look up if there had been similar increases towards Danish-Asians and, of course, that is the case here as well. https://politiken.dk/indland/samfund/art7737522/Coronavirus-f%C3%A5r-racisme-mod-dansk-asiatere-ud-i-lys-lue (behind a pay wall, but nonetheless from a major newspaper) Even though there are vast differences between the US and tiny Denmark, your podcasts have been eye opening to me and have made me more aware of other peoples situation, which is one of the many reasons I always follow your stuff, David. Keep it up - it really makes the world a better place.