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David, @joyofnapping, and their bubble-mate Carter got their first dose of the Pfizer vaccine today. In this bonus audio, they discuss the series of events that led them to this moment and reflect on the experience. 

Note: We are not medical professionals and any content should not be taken as medical advice or official vaccine guidance.




leanne royo

I finally had the chance to listen to this and thank you guys so much for sharing your thoughts! I'm currently scheduled to get the vaccine this Friday (Moderna) and I have been dealing with a range of emotions about it that I did not anticipate feeling, so it is reassuring to hear you all discuss it. In my household, my sister & I are the last ones to get the vaccine (my mom got Pfizer, and my brother-in-law got Johnson&Johnson) so I feel extremely grateful that we have been able to get it as early as we have. I totally understand the stigma folks have about "cutting in line" to get the shot early (it is something I contended with recently), but I also feel strongly that if you can get it early you're doing a service to society in addition to making a conscientious (good!) choice about your personal health. Everyone deserves the vaccine, and the inability of a particular group/person to access it is more of a failing of the government (either at a local or federal level) for not making it more widely available, or organizing a better distribution of it so that all communities have equal access to the vaccines. Anyways, I appreciate as always what you guys think, and looking forward to hearing about your experiences post-vaccine (possible grocery store runs, eating out, or going to a theater)!

Lucy Rodriguez

I really love the episodes you do with Joy. You can feel the love between you guys in the way you speak to each other. I, too, really appreciate how ethical you are and Joy is always such a pleasure to listen to.