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Greetings Patrons! 

Thanks to all of you who continue to support me in what I'm doing online. Special greetings to all you newcomers who have pledged in the past month! I wanted to let you know what I'm thinking about for the Patreon this month:

Ask Me Anything: I wanted to open this month by trying something somewhat new: Ask me anything in the comments or via DM! If there are enough questions, I'll put together a video answering them (All Patrons will get early/exclusive access).

Everything else: For the $10+ audio feed, I'm planning on releasing my review of Apocalypse Now: The Final Cut (feat. Patrick H Willems) this week. Other ideas I'm considering but are not yet final:

  • A 3-part Back to the Future series retrospective (the new 4K disc set is out now!)
  • A review of Almost Famous on the occasion of its recent 20th anniversary 
  • More episodes of "The Bomb Squad" podcast, in which Patrick Willems and I will discuss famous box office movie bombs and assess whether or not they were in fact terrible

But I have to also be honest: I have no idea WTF is going to happen with the U.S. Election this week and I have to imagine that whatever does happen is going to dramatically impact my mood and inclination to plan out and record podcasts episodes about movies. It's pretty unpredictable how things will play out and I will hope for your patience and understanding as I muddle through it. 

Either way, I'll likely plan to record more impromptu podcast (lifecast?) episodes like this one and talk through what we're feeling about things. I hope you find these helpful.

In the meantime, always open to your suggestions/questions below in the comments. Thanks! Be well. Stay safe. And vote. 


Christian Evaristo

I don’t know if you’ve covered this before but any chance you can give us a tour of your Home Media set up, like what TV, Audio, gaming console etc you are currently using?

Anthony Bautista-Ramil

By this point, is it more valuable to you to maintain your status of having not watched Firefly than it is to actually watch it? Do you feel like you'd be losing something by finally watching it? And is there some other major I-can't-believe-you-haven't-seen-it property that can take the mantle if you ever do decide to watch Firefly?

Anthony Bautista-Ramil

I'll make this pledge now (and I hope others will join): I'll up my Patreon tier to the next level if you, Devindra, and Jeff do a full series review of Firefly before my next birthday (February 12, 2021).