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This evening, @joyofnapping asked me if I wanted to record a podcast episode. It's a rare occurrence; I'm usually the one asking if she wants to create something. But @joyofnapping wanted to get her thoughts down about how she was feeling with this upcoming election. She felt it might be helpful for folks out there to hear about it.

So, we got together with our COVID bubble partner Carter to discuss:

  • How we formed a COVID bubble
  • Things we are doing to self-soothe during this stressful time
  • How our workplace(s) are handling the pandemic
  • Why it's worth it to reach out to people you care about right now
  • How we are feeling about the upcoming election
  • Which rules of Monoply (the board game) we play by

I hope you find it entertaining and enjoyable. Thanks you SO MUCH for continuing to be a Patron of mine and supporting my work. 

I hope you are all staying safe out there. And vote! 



Steven Austin

This story about throwing the monopoly money in the air, reminds of the movie Short Circuit, and the joke that proves Johnny 5 is alive lol