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Hi Patrons! We're into month two of this Patreon page and things on the page seem to be stabilizing nicely. I continue to be enormously grateful for all your support, as well as the motivation (and resources) it provides me to make cool things I'm passionate about. That said, from time to time I want to check in with you to see if there's anything you'd like me to make/comment on. 

Is there any type of content you'd like to see from me? Are you happy to just support the Patreon without consuming any of the additional content (i.e. the content I make won't impact whether or not you continue pledging?). Or alternatively: Is there stuff you definitely need to see in order to continue your pledging?

So far I've been treating the Patreon like a monetary grant of sorts. It lets me explore things/movies and have conversations with people I'd never otherwise have. As long as folks are okay with that, I'm happy to continue doing so. 

I can't say I'll be able to take all suggestions but I'd love to hear from y'all! 


Mike Shaw

I like the variety of content. and just in it for all things Chen. I do enjoy when @joyofnapping joins you, but it could be fun to get some other guests on as well. (outside the Culturally Relevant guests.

Brennan C

I love the reviews of old movies that you have been doing. I would love to see a discussion about Back To The Future!