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Here's the plot summary for Assassin 33 A.D.:

When a billionaire gives a group of young scientists unlimited resources to study the science of matter transfer, the scientists unlock the secrets of time travel. But they soon find out that the project is backed by a militant extremist group, and the billionaire plans to go back in time and prove that Jesus never rose from the dead.

This is one of the most bizarre, offensive movies I've ever seen and I was extremely grateful that Scott Wampler joined me to discuss the film in this Patreon exclusive!

Follow Scott on Twitter and listen to his amazing podcast the Kingcast.

Note: I'm guessing most of you have not seen Assassin 33 A.D. That is okay. You probably shouldn't ever watch this movie. You may still enjoy hearing us discuss it though.



Dan Flanegan

I feel like review might be more entertaining than the actual movie.... I'm in!