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Thanks to everyone who's already contributed to the Patreon! I wanted to re-iterate what's in my "About" section and run down what these rewards are all about. I put a lot of thought into these tiers but please note that some of this is still subject to change. I will be as transparent as possible in communicating that if it does. 

But also, I would love to hear from you about why you're contributing to the Patreon! Is there any specific reward that you want to see more of or that you are excited by? Is there something that's NOT on here that you would like to see as a reward? Are you just trying to support me as a creator and don't really care that much about the rewards? Please let me know! Your feedback will help me figure out how to best use my time, which as we all know is our most valuable resource. (Our time collectively, not mine specifically).

Hit me up in the comments!  


Here's how I envision the rewards playing out:

Access to Community Chat - I'll create a new Discord/Slack channel for Patrons. I've really appreciated a lot of the connections I've been able to make through the various chat groups I'm a part of and I'm hopeful that this one will lead to interesting new interactions too. 

Occasional behind-the-scenes content - Creating videos and podcasts sometimes results in interesting artistic choices. Where possible, I'll post about how these decisions happened.

Early access to bonus podcasts and other experiments - I create lots of audio/video stuff, much of which is interesting but doesn't really fit into any of my existing channels. You'll get a Patreon-specific RSS-feed and receive exclusive early access to this material. This will include stuff like: 

  • Bonus TV discussion podcasts 
  • Bonus movie review podcasts
  • Bonus podcasts about what married life is like in quarantine, featuring @joyofnapping
  • Monologues on the nature of politics, religion, life, and existence

And whatever else you might be interested in! 

Monthly Exclusive Live Chat - Once per month, I'll do a live, Patrons-only broadcast where I'll respond to your questions in real time. 

Monthly movie watch-along (plus early access to recorded commentary) - Once per month, we'll figure out a way to all watch a movie together. I will plan to record myself (and possible guests!) watching the movie and commenting on it, while chatting with you. I will  provide early access to this audio/video for ALL backers.

Your name in the credits for (virtually) every one of my YouTube videos - I'll put your name in the credits of all of my YouTube videos. The reason this says "virtually" is because there will probably be a couple videos per month where this will not make sense or be feasible.

Get an audio shout-out on my podcast (Culturally Relevant) once per month - I'll give your name an audio shout you out on my podcast once per month.


Laura Nash

I feel like I owe you since I haven’t supported you in the past and have enjoyed your work so much — I chose a tier I could sustain over the long term so it’s steady, and I really see it as giving back rather than getting new stuff.


This is UNPRECEDENTED access into the life and mind of David Chen. Simply incredible.