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THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR BACKING ME ON PATREON! Your contribution helps me to make more weird and interesting things for the internet! Two things to guide you as you get started looking through my Patreon page. 

1) By default, you'll receive an email for every Patreon post I make: This helps me reach you with time-sensitive things! I will try my best to keep this only the most interesting, relevant, or Patreon-exclusive material! Promise.
2) Subscribe to my private podcast feed: You can get all my Patreon bonus audio in your podcast app by going to patreon.com/davechen, going to the "My Membership" section, and copying and pasting the RSS link to your podcast app. You can also download the Patreon app on your phone and get it there (iOS and Android).
3) This tier comes with a paid subscription to DecodingTV.com. I will manually add you to the list of people who have a paid subscription, so be on the lookout for an email from DecodingTV.com. If/when you ever cancel, I will remove your paid subscription. 

Thanks again and enjoy the Patreon!
Added: 2024-06

Your contribution helps me to make more weird and interesting things for the internet! Two things to guide you as you get started looking through my Patreon page. 

1) By default, you'll receive an email for every Patreon post I make: This helps me reach you with time-sensitive things! I will try my best to keep this only the most interesting, relevant, or Patreon-exclusive material! Promise. 
2) Subscribe to my private podcast feed: You can get all my Patreon bonus audio in your podcast app by going to patreon.com/davechen, going to the "My Membership" section, and copying and pasting the RSS link to your podcast app. You can also download the Patreon app on your phone and get it there (iOS and Android).

Thanks again and enjoy the Patreon! 
Added: 2024-06