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Our house was still busy with people the next morning, I could hear their voices even though I sat up in Grace's bed behind a closed door. My throat had a hard time clearing as I felt a cough force its way out. It was a nasty kind of cough, the kind that made me wonder what could possibly be in my lungs. Grace had heard, she always heard. The door opened and she looked at me with furrowed eyebrows. "You've caught something haven't you?" She came to me and touched my forehead with her lips while her fingers went to my cheeks. "A slight fever."

"I'm fine," I said. My voice betrayed me as it crackled and dropped with every syllable.

"Are you?" Grace laughed and pushed me back down onto the pillow. "I'm afraid that's not the truth." She tucked me back in and checked my leash to make sure it was still connected to the bed. She was paranoid I could tell, Grace was constantly reassuring herself that I didn't want to leave and her unwillingness to tell me about the situation outside of the door was confirmation for me. I could only tell her so much that I didn't want to go.

A doctor came soon, Grace moved me to Ms. Winslet's room because she had a TV and the two stood at the edge of the bed while the older man stared at his watch and let the cold stethoscope feel my breathing. "She caught a bad cold is all." He said very shortly after, his tongue licking his pen before he wrote down his diagnosis. "Plenty of rest and fluids of course but she's alright." He smiled down at me as I coughed again, "If she doesn't get better within a few days I'll come back to check." As he left Amelia followed after asking a bunch of questions and Grace tilted her head at me. Almost pitifully as I tried to breathe through my nose.

"You are delightfully adorable."

I couldn't see how. Especially with how I felt. My chest and throat were clogged and my face swelled from the punch. I was a mess. "I'm cold." That was all I said back. Even though my cheeks burned to the touch.

"I'll have Nina make some soup alright? You just relax." She tucked me in and I fell asleep, there wasn't even a need for the TV. I woke up soon after with the opening of the door, Grace carried in a tray of food and Amelia came in after making sure the door was closed. They weren't very talkative.

"I didn't know what medicine to get so I got them all." Pouring out some boxes from a sack Amelia pulled out the next bag. Grace winked at me to let me know that was Ms. Winslet's way of showing she cared. I said thank you and sat up to have the soup put in front of me.

"What else can we do for you?" Grace asked, her attentive eyes looking me over as I took a sip of warm tea. "Would you like something to watch?"

"Would you watch with me?" They looked at each other. "Both of you," I said. They carefully got on either side of me as the TV flashed on. They both felt like cardboard next to me. Awkwardly avoiding each other's contact as they stared at the show. I looked between as I munched on my cracker wondering why until Amelia's hand rested around me. Her aroma comforted me as I looked over at Grace who only folded her arms. I couldn't place why I kept forgetting our situation, the only thing I could place was how often Grace's finger tapped on her own arm. Every tap reminded me how jealous of a lover she was.

When she was given the chance she would make sure to claim me again, her instincts almost primal compared to Ms. Winslet who took one of my crackers for herself. I couldn't worry about any of that I could only wonder what had become of the three escapees that I had helped. Waiting for a commercial to give me the chance I closed my eyes and took the bait, "What happened to them?"

"To whom?" Amelia was impatient with the TV. Her fingers switched the channels so commercials wouldn't be an issue.


Grace interrupted. "They are back home where they belong. All safe and sound thanks to you."

That made me feel a pain in my stomach, Was it the guilt or cold? They didn't want to talk about it any longer, Amelia made sure to change the subject and I was made to stay silent. They talked for a minute allowing me to relax and soon my head lumped over on Amelia and my legs were massaged by Grace. For three days I awoke to care and was shushed back to sleep. When I finally felt better I raised up in the bed and stared at the two women who sat in their own chairs at the other end of the room the blonde folding clothes and chewing on some gum and the brunette with her feet up as she scrolled on her computer.

When Amelia noticed my eyes were clearer than before she took off her glasses and smiled. "Welcome back kitten." I went on a walk around the pond and soaked up the fresh air but I was disappointed to see Grace kneel down to my level, "I have to go into town this evening. Amelia is having some friends over so I want you to be good." I had only nodded, when was I ever not good? I had watched her leave with a purse in hand and wondered what could possibly happen with people coming over to our house again. Now with Grace gone?

I put on the clothes laid out for me and went down the hallway to see a man I didn't know setting up a poker table, Nina was situating a table with snakes and the Gardner shuffled some cards in front of me. "You ever play Poker?" He never really spoke to me so I looked around to make sure he was talking to me before shaking my head. He didn't have any more time to explain as Ms. Winslet rushed into the room excited to see me. "Grace is going to kill me if she sees you off on your own." Taking my hand she led me to the kitchen where dinner was ready. I enjoyed every bite as the sun set and the front door kept opening and closing.

The voices of many flooded my ears as Amelia fetched me. The turning of the corner shows the room that was once being set up littered with drinks and laughs. She sat at the head of the table which seemed to be the go to start the game, cards were fanned and distributed and chips were thrown into the middle. It was all very interesting yet I knew nothing about it.

"I thought pets weren't allowed to these games." A familiar voice had cut through everyone else. James, who I had barely realized to be Amelia's brother looked me up and down and grabbed a cigar that was offered to him by Nina. "Is your blonde Nanny taking a nap?"

Referring to Grace as a Nanny somehow made my cheeks redden and my chest tighten. There was nothing about James that I liked but I only stayed silent and looked over at Amelia who took a cigar for herself. "You're just mad my pet actually wants to be around me."

"She's just a well-trained puppy." He said using his knuckle to knock on the table. "You got lucky."

Amelia was used to him she only shrugged. "Raise."

Neither of them won that round it was some other greying man who laughed loudly when he pulled the chips worth more than I could have imagined towards himself. Smoke puffed and I breathed in while cards were dealt again. James' eyes never left mine. "You should rent her out. You would make a killing sis." His smile made my stomach churn.

"Oh fuck off. You can't even get your own to like you and stay around more than a week, what makes you think I'd let you touch mine?"

"Amelia is better on the eyes than you James." A woman said. None of it made me feel better as I backed away hoping Amelia would get the hint. Luckily, she did. Her cards were left as she folded out and put her cigar into her mouth. Her lips covered it perfectly as she grabbed my hand and led me away.

"I don't like him," I whispered following her up the stairs where the balcony sat overlooking the front of the house.

Amelia only smiled. "Get in line." Stopping to gaze upon the first floor the older woman breathed out the smoke. "No one else can touch you alright?" Her eyes unfocused as she stared. "I'll make sure of it kitten." Blinking a few times she glanced over at me and offered the cigar. "Want to try?"

Taking it slowly I looked over wondering why it had to be so big before I put it to my lips and breathed in. A coughing fit immediately overtook me as I handed it back and heard her laugh. "Do you like it?" She asked rubbing my back.

I could only shake my head "that's awful."

Her smile went away for a moment before she leaned forward and kissed me, the moment catching me off guard as I stepped back and looked at her blue eyes. The smoke in between us made a scene that must have elevated our senses because she grabbed me pulling me towards her again. "Do you want to get the taste of the cigar out of your mouth?" She whispered in my ear. Her voice caused me to shake before I nodded.

Ms. Winslet didn't even care that we were on show for anyone to see if they came through she started unbuttoning her pants. I looked around but she grabbed my hair and pushed me down. Her forcefulness made me throb as I waited for her to give me what I had missed. I took her soft dick and let it grow in my mouth as she watched me with her cigar back in her mouth. I had to wonder why she didn't care. Anyone who came to the front of the house would look up the staircase and see her leaning on the wood, her legs spread and me in between her. Maybe a few people even did see I wouldn't have known.

I was enjoying every lick and every taste. I was becoming addicted to making someone like Amelia Winslet smile from satisfaction. I wanted her to moan every time I hit the right spot and I wanted her to fuck me like I know she wanted to. Oddly enough we were beginning to fit together perfectly, I was accustomed to her and was getting better at pleasing her as she closed her eyes. My hands stroked what my mouth couldn't and I could feel my center pulsate. Her smell, her sounds, her...she caused feelings to ounce out of me that I never expected. Even the thought of being seen by others was exciting. The person Amelia brought out in me was frightening.

Of course, the one person I would have not preferred to be seen by was the one who opened the front and looked for a moment. Her silent steps made us oblivious as I tasted the pre cum that leaked out. "You're back early." Ms. Winslet said out of breath. My eyes opened to see Grace looking down at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Don't stop on my account Ivy," Grace whispered. At first, I thought of jealousy or possibly anger but she sounded like she did when she took me for the first time, Did she like it? "Keep going." Her words commanded. My cheeks burned red as Amelia waited for me to take her back in. "I got everything on the list." Grace handed the bag over to her boss and I watched as Ms. Winslet looked Inside and smiled.

"Your either going to hate this or love this kitten." Petting my hair the brunette pulled out of my mouth and turned to the blonde. "I might need your help if you are comfortable with it."

Grace was hiding a smile, she only nodded. "And your guest?"

"I could care less about the guests." Amelia grabbed my arm and pulled me up from my knees. "Into my office."


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