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The streets were crowded but they paid no mind to the older woman who pushed through them with her hood covering her face, she carried fabrics to test in the dining hall and ballroom. The Queen would need the options to make decisions for her son's wedding and Nible wanted to make it as easy as possible for her Majesty. For one, Alura didn't seem to be as excited as she thought she would be, hopefully envisioning what it could possibly be would lift the woman's spirits.

Her shoes dusted through the dirty streets and it made her hope for rain soon, maybe after the celebrations to help cleanse the kingdom and bless the new couple.

"Get out of the way!" People screamed suddenly, and she did so, pushing herself back against some other commoners who held their stuff tight as if they were afraid it would disappear. She watched the drunken royal men come in with boars and deer tied to their backs, a successful hunting trip it seemed to be. Especially to the people who showed their awe by clapping, but Nible only watched with sad eyes seeing the Prince so drunk he could barely ride upright.

As much as her allegiance was sorely to the Queen she often followed the young boy to help him escape with the bad decisions he always made. She once fetched him new clothes after he tore the ones his mother so clearly told him to be careful in. She made it in half an hour and the Queen never noticed. One time he even ran to her like a grandchild would and begged her not to tell his mother about the birds he released back into the wild. She blamed it on a new hire and watched him get punished with no remorse.

The Queen was tough on those who worked for her but she was one hundred percent worse when it came to her son, she expected so much out of him and he never pushed himself to give her that satisfaction. Even worse it made it hard for the old woman to help when he constantly got himself in trouble. How could she help when he didn't even give her an opportunity to?

Following behind the horses she kept her face from being seen as everyone else went back to shopping and conversing on the main road, a common place for everyone to meet their needs and socialize. Nible hoped the men would go straight to the castle, most did, but a couple at the back strayed and went left. She wouldn't have cared if not for Nikolai and Lenal following behind laughing like idiots.

Sadly she knew where they were going but she kept a close eye hoping they just might be going to the Arena instead of the...sighing she leaned against a standing wagon watching the drunken men slide off of their horses and be greeted by the spymaster Marath Lancher. He of course wasn't a horrible guy but he wasn't good, he just ran a business. She wouldn't expect him to turn away paying customers even if he knew what that meant. Everyone needed to feed their family and Marath's family just happened to be himself and his hungry pocketbook.

Nible walked to the middle of the road and squinted her eyes into the sun, It would be close to dinner time soon and she expected the boy to be finished around that time, all she had to do was keep The Queen busy for a few hours in a secluded place so that he could sneak by without being caught. She hated him being punished but she also hated the idea of Alura being right. He wasn't even married yet and he fooled around like a man he was destined to become. Maybe that's why the Queen didn't seem excited over the arrangement, She could see herself in poor Antonella's eyes.

That girl, however...Nible hadn't been able to figure it out. She was usually able to come to an easy conclusion with whoever she met, that's why the fearless leader loved having her around but she was unable to give her anything pertaining to the new face except what everyone else knew. Antonella Maddox, from the land of Westile. Curious about what happens around her and oblivious to the customs of a new people.

Innocence didn't last long here.

Going through the castle's doors the handmaiden was pleased to see the council being adjourned after a quick meeting discussing the finances that had been delivered from the generous wife-to-be's family. The treasurer seemed pleased with his work and walked past Nible without a passing glance. Dras and Imil smiled at her but said nothing else.

It was the high priest Vastor who stopped her, his short body looked up at the woman and he crossed his arms. "What a blessed day we have been given from the god's Nible." He was testing her in the way he did almost every time their eyes met. She did what she usually did and nodded.

"God's be good, father." She studied his new taller hat that sat on his squished face. "May the Gods continue to shine a pleased light on the kingdom of Pentad." She could see how displeased he was with her correct answer but she didn't stay long to toy with him anymore. She only went to the Queen who seemed more drained than usual. "I have pleasant news, my lady."

The Queen didn't say anything as she began walking to the gardens.

"I thought it would be right to decide on themes and colors." She held out the new options and walked in front of the queen to stop her from continuing. Nible knew that irritated her but she stayed put until the blue eyes gave in and looked down to her arms.

"You fetched them this morning?"

She still didn't seem excited so the older woman spit out the first thing on her mind. "We could fetch the future Princess to accompany us."

The blonde woman nodded as an okay and turned back around to go to the dining hall where much work was already taking place. Nible knew workers would be filing around like ants for the next few weeks preparing and then cleaning. Everything had to be perfect so they exerted themselves even harder seeing the Queen enter and look around. They paused for only a second and then kept going like they had just received a motivational speech. Walking faster and yelling directions louder to the ones hanging new candles on the chandeliers.

Nible cleared her throat and rolled out some of the fabric on the empty table, "We of course will go with LeVane colors but we want to put some of the colorful foods as a centerpiece to bring how bright this celebration is."

"Lovely." Was all Alura said as she watched the Princess enter the dining hall from the opposite door, she looked around with wide eyes before being shown the way by a young handmaiden.

Nible watched her Majesty's blue eyes light up like she expected the centerpieces to and gulped knowing all too well what was now going through her head. She didn't say anything however as she watched the soon-to-be Princess walk toward them with a sweet smile and an out-of-place gaze. The girl was a different beauty, one that wasn't common in Wellbourne so she imagined many people who watched her thought the same thing. The prince is a lucky man.

"Good evening my Queen." She curtseyed leaving the blonde woman to smile. "Good evening Nible."

"Good evening my lady." The old handmaiden let her eyes peer at the smile still lingering on the woman's face. "We thought it appropriate to start deciding for the wedding."

"Of course."  Antonella looked down at the fabrics and used her sense of touch to fill the silence as she ran her fingertips down the white and cream-colored materials. "These are excellent choices."

"Anything that speaks to you little bird?" The Queen's voice was soft and kind as she let her own hand reach to feel the same thing the young Marquees did. Their hands ran side by side down the fabric, letting Nible compare the size difference and color difference between them. The Queen's hand was long and darker than the girl's pale slightly rougher hands. That made the handmaiden furrow her eyes but she only used her curiosity to search the Queen's other hand that rested on the girl's back. Her hand slid through her black hair and untangling itself into her loose waves.

Nible held her breath for a moment until Antonella's eyes met hers. "You design most everything in this castle, don't you? Including the dresses?"

"Yes, my lady."

"What a talent."

The handmaiden bowed at the compliment but didn't say anything more as her attention turned to the open door, her eyes went wide as the prince stumbled through the halls with a sober Lenal by his side holding him up. That boy was trying to save the Prince more often than she was. She was hoping the Queen would see nothing but it was no use as her almost motherly instincts kicked in and made her look behind her to the door.

She didn't have much time to look however as Antonella turned, running right into her new handmaiden who carried two wine glasses with a bright red liquid. Their bodies met forcefully and the wine spilled down the girl's beautiful new dress leaving her standing in disbelief before helping the handmaiden off of the ground.

"What is the meaning of this?" The Queen's attention was forced off of her son as she grabbed Antonella's arms and observed the large stain. "How can you be so-?" Her anger was clearly pointed towards the now trembling worker but Antonella objected quicker than her face could turn red.

"I am so sorry Cara, are you alright?"

Nible and the Queen who held onto the Marquees looked at each other in disbelief.

Antonella bent down and picked up the cups still on the floor and put them back on the tray for the girl. "I can be so clumsy sometimes."

"But my lady, your dress?" Nible asked watching the handmaiden scurry off.

"Yes," she held out the fabric that was cold on her stomach. "I am so sorry to ruin your hard work."

"Have her taken to her room Nible," Queen Alura's soft voice was gone. "Run her a bath and get her ready for the night."

Bowing the older woman watched the blonde-haired ruler walk out of the room quicker than the clumsy handmaiden had. She had hoped the Marquees were distraction enough but she had seen Prince Nikolai acting like a fool and that was not an easy thing for her to forget. Now she was redder than the wine that had spilled and she only shook her head hoping his punishment was mild.



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