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Grace was becoming more lenient when it came to my leash. She didn't even attach it when she directed me to the backseat of the car. She only put my regular seatbelt on and went to the driver's side, "You'll be good won't you?" Of course, I would be. When it came to Grace I barely found myself doing anything wrong, all I wanted to do was make her proud. "Have you thought about what  activities  you want to sign up for?" She asked. Her eyes were covered from her shades and her hands sat comfortably on the steering wheel, only the sound of her gum filling the silence as I picked at my nails.

"I don't know what to join." I had been nervous about our outing for the last few days, I was used to my schedule and safety net. The thought of being with others made me anxious. "Maybe painting."

"One activity that's creative and one that's healthy. That was what you promised Amelia isn't that right baby?"

It was, she was clear about wanting me to stay healthy and active. "What if I'm not very good."

"Then you practice." Grace's smile was always there to reassure me. It was what I longed for as soon as it was gone and now that we had kissed I wanted more. Every time she called me something sweet I swooned and every time her fingers brushed mine I blushed. I wondered if she would kiss me again. After that night when I saw her watching Amelia and I, I wondered what she would do. But she did nothing. She didn't even begin to act like anything had happened. Did she even mean to kiss me?

Winston was there to greet us, he shook Grace's hand and complimented the leash she attached to me, it matched my outfit and even Grace but I couldn't concentrate on that I only watched the other pets that passed me by. Some older, some younger. A few on leashes like me and some running around together like friends. "Did Ms.Winslet have anything special in mind?" Grace was answering all of his questions and even took my hand to keep me close, I guess I kept getting too sidetracked. There were a few "classrooms" that reminded me of a school but even those were filled with pets. Did they all have masters?

We went into Winston's office where I felt myself shiver. It felt like the real world but only...I was a pet. I'm not sure why that still sounded so far-fetched to me.  The posters on the wall looked like ones I would see in a car dealership but instead of cars there were smiling humans with collars.

"Ivy." Grace was snapping at me. She pulled me over and had me sit on her lap as some papers were put in front of her, I assumed they were about me. I didn't care to look. I instead played with a pen put in front of me. Drawing flowers on the corner of the paper that Grace was trying to sign. "Are you thirsty baby?" He must have asked me first but I had only heard her.

"We have juice, water, sodas, teas..."

"No thank you."

He nodded to the answer and began digging through his papers to find what he wanted. "These are some schedules you can keep around. Attendance is all up to Ms. Winslet. These are just for fun after all." Licking his fingers he flipped through some more. "Here's some other info about what else we offer." His chair rolled to a cabinet. "Until then I will get her all ready for the art classes and football. We do provide uniforms and equipment but you'll need to fill out her sizes and send that back to us."

He went on about more pointless things. There were pet spas, rooms for when masters had to leave, training, movies, and anything you could think of was there for the likes of me. The organization Amelia had told me little about really putting their all into what they did. I was waiting now by the door, my leash not letting me go any further as I watched a group of girls pass me by. They looked me up and down but said nothing as they kept walking, my cheeks immediately reddened.

"Is there anything Ivy is having trouble with?"

"No, not at all. We have a few mishaps here and there but she really is perfect." Grace's voice was trying not to be quiet so I wouldn't hear. "I might order another supply of the shots."

"Of course." My eyes met Winston's. "She still has moments?"

Grace came over to me and brushed my hair back. "Not often, but we have to expand her comfort zone sooner or later, sometimes that comes with challenges." She picked my chin up and made sure I smiled back at her. "Isn't that right Ivy?"

We left soon after that, I was itching to get back in the car where only Grace could see me. Everyone there made me feel so odd and I couldn't figure out why. The entire ride home was quiet, I couldn't figure out why the blonde in front of me refused to acknowledge what I thought we had. It was her job to be seen to me, I had to remember that. But why then did we have that moment on the blanket? The atmosphere was right and her tongue was sincere. I could still feel-

"Baby." Her hands were snapping in front of me again. Our house was behind her as she waited for me to look at her. "You need your nap." She laughed but I felt embarrassed. Hopefully, she didn't know I was thinking about her. "Don't you worry about your chores, you did so well today. You can get a good nap and tonight how about a movie?" Her voice was soft and comforting. Oh how I loved her voice. It was a spiral of overwhelming love and I could be walking off a bridge without knowing it if her voice was the one leading me.

She helped me change, her hands lingering on my back's arch as she zipped me up. My eyes watched her hoping she would do something, anything. "Ms. Winslet told me she wouldn't be back until tomorrow night. She wanted me to tell you that she is looking forward to time with you when she returns."

I nodded and gulped away the knot in my throat, Grace was sad as she looked at me. "She's a good master to you. And you are a good pet for her."

"Only for her?"

Her fingers which were once resting on my hips moved up to flick the name on my collar. "It doesn't say, Grace." I didn't know what to say to that, even though my heart yearned for her the last thing I wanted to do was get in trouble and have Amelia angry at me. Or even worse get her in trouble. My chin raised again to look up at the blonde with a smirk. "What I did the other day was wrong. You are not mind to taste. You are not mine to dominate and..." she paused "you aren't mine."

"What if I could be both?"

She smiled and rested her lips on my forehead, her hand brushing my hair. "If only it were that simple."

She tucked me in. Those words still tattooed in my brain as I lay in the dark room. There was no way around our situation. It wasn't bad, Ms. Winslet was excellent and I enjoyed every second I had with her but I was hoping for...maybe I didn't know what I wanted. I had to turn it off. Listen to my body and fall asleep so that I could be rested. The blankets and pillows neatened me into a sleep that left me snoring cooing me. When I slept hard like I did then I would begin to dream. I didn't dream often and usually didn't even stir when I experienced them but I was back with my parents. They were in their recliners like they usually were in the evenings.

They were angry. "You can't get Into the college you want with grades like this!"

My mother always had something to add. "She's just lazy."

"It's hard." I was defending myself to the best of my ability. I was never good at arguing when I was only 15. "I'm working and tutoring, it's too much."

"It's life." My dad had worked since he left home early. Hard jobs, I probably just complained too much. "You go to work and you go home and work some more. This is something you are going to have to deal with. Get used to it."

"She's just lazy." Mom repeated. "She's going to end up a bum like her aunt. We aren't supporting you when think working is too hard."

I woke up in a sweat. It wasn't a scary dream, why was my heart beating so quickly? They were good parents. They just wanted the best. I moved the covers off of me and looked around the dark room. There was no more light leaking into the room. I had slept all afternoon. The door opened and Grace rushed in. She must have been getting ready for bed because her robe wasn't tied and the lotion on her hands hadn't soaked in. She undid the opening to my bed and crawled in so she could get a hold of me. I must have looked worse because she felt my chest and wiped my sweat away. "What's wrong baby? What happened?"

"Just a dream," I whispered. The warmth of her front warmed my back as she held me to her. "It wasn't bad it was just home." Her hands that had been trying to comfort me paused but continued when I tried to move away. She shushed me and moved me back to her. Her arms wrapped around me to keep me still as she put the blankets back over us. Honestly, I didn't want to be in her arms. For some reason, I was aggravated that she kept being so kind and touchy when she refused to do anything else. I understood the reason, I knew why...but I wanted it. And so did she.

"You have nothing to worry about Ivy. This is your home. I'll keep you safe." Her hands kept wandering. "Do you feel better?"

I didn't want to answer that but I couldn't lie, I laid my head back into her chest and nodded.

"Just relax baby. I'll take care of you." She hummed for a few seconds while her hands massaged my arms and stomach. They reached down to my thighs and I opened my eyes to look up at her. Her blue eyes were focused on her hands she didn't even blink as she Inched closer to my pulsating center. "I'll make you mine." She said it was so quiet that I barely heard. Her hand grasped my pussy and rubbed as her other arm tightened around me. My mouth dropped, I was surprised but it felt so good. I was scared if I said anything she would stop.

My panties were moved over as she let her fingertips slide inside and feel me. Her sigh matched my moan as she rested her lips on my ear. "God your so wet." Behind me, I felt something harden. I knew she was like Amelia but this was the closest o had come to feeling hers. I didn't feel it long however as two fingers pushed inside of me. "You are such a good girl." She moaned into my ear as she pulled out and rubbed her wet fingers around my center. "So beautiful, so obedient." When she went back Inside of me our eyes finally met. Her lips met mine and I moaned into her mouth as she started pumping. Her thumb rubbed my sweet spot enough to make everything build.

"I want to claim you." She growled. Her fingers left to grab me under my arms and turn me to face her like I was a doll easy to move. She massaged my boobs and tore my panties when she tired of moving them out of the way. I sat on her lap and breathed hard feeling her reach between us and pull out her member. She didn't hesitate. Her bulging dick found me and penetrated so quickly that I almost screamed. Her hands quit me just in time as she pushed all the way in. My body could barely adjust as she stayed still. Her interest was keener on my face she kissed me before she began moving inside of me. She was thicker than Amelia was. It was pulling my skin apart and I felt it with every thrust.

We were so close together that I felt like we were forming into one. Our moans formed a song as I began to bounce up and down on her as she held onto my hips and watched herself come in and out of me. I could tell she was getting close I felt her swell inside of me as I kept going. My head was thrown back and her own hands massaging her own boobs. "Fuck Ivy, I don't want to come yet."

I looked into her dark blue eyes "I can't stop Mommy."

Who knew that was her trigger? She grabbed me by the hair and squeezed me to her. Making me slam into her harder than I was before. "Say it again." She wasn't whispering.

"Mommy," I spoke trying to hold on to my tears. It didn't hurt I didn't know why I was crying but it was overwhelming especially when I felt my own climax building. "Mommy don't stop."

"Say it again." Grace gasped for air as she began cumming. My constant call to her mommy was what sold her in the end as she came Inside of me. She spasmed after I felt her cum hit me and try to leak out. She wouldn't let it move, she didn't pull out. "What's my name?" She was still hungry even though I felt limp and weak.

I could barely muster any sound. "Mommy."

She laid me down on my back and laid on top of me. Her dick was still inside of me slowly sliding out. "You don't tell anyone about this do you understand me?" She was serious, I had never seen her eyes so sure. I nodded as an answer and even though she would have preferred more she accepted the answer. There was a feeling of relief as she finally slid out of me a gasp left both of us and I wondered what she would do next as she grabbed herself and rubbed. "Are you sore?"

I couldn't lie. "Yes, mommy."

"That's ok, come here." She had planned on going again. Even though that excited me I knew I couldn't do it. I was happy when she picked me up and held me in her arms. "You can sleep with me, baby. Only if you promise me Amelia will never know about this."

"I promise."

"Good girl." She wrapped me around her and left my room. my head laying on her shoulder as she took me away both of us smiling even though the dark hid it.


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