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The smell of the brothels were something detestable to the average nose, it was hot and humid compared to the cool winds that blew outside. Spring was coming but inside the whore house where dozens of girls strutted around naked and poor it felt like mid-August. They begged for men to get drunk and spend what little money they had on a five-minute session in a not-so-private room. And the strong scent of alcohol left everyone's mouth.

Nikolai breathed in that desperate smell with a grin. to him the sweaty and poor smell let all his senses go. He didn't feel tense or stressed like he did inside his own home in the castle. At the brothels, he felt like the king he would soon become, not a boy whose mother everyone wanted to live forever.

Thrusting harder he used the sleeve of his long white shirt to wipe the sweat that stuck his blonde hair to his forehead. Before reaching down and holding the girl's hair, he closed his eyes to finish the feeling of ecstasy. Every worry or trouble washed away with him as he grunted. His last rough thrust was the end of his session with the one and only Colette. She was not of royal beauty but she was the one all the men wanted to fuck so badly. Her red bright hair pulled them in like a siren singing in the night and her body was full and squeezable. He liked that in a woman, big breasts and an ass to match.

Sitting at the edge of the pillows Nikolai looked down at his boots and pants, he wondered how they looked so worn when he rarely did anything useful in them.

"We didn't expect you to be back so soon." She spoke still laying on her side. Colette never bothered to cover herself, she was as shy as the brightest star, No cloud could cover her.

Nikolai let his frown turn as he pulled his pants up and flipped his locks back to show his face. He knew his looks were incomparable to most, girls of all status never failed to show him that they thought so too. "How could I stay away from you?"

"We both know you don't have a preference for what you stick it into so don't use that as an excuse," Colette said running her fingers through her hair, she took her time getting up knowing there more clients after him. "Word is that Prince Nikolai is to be married."

"You knew that to be soon."

"Have you met her before?"

Crawling up the bed to lie down facing the older woman he shook his head. He hadn't thought much more about who he was to wed, there was no reason to since he had no say but he did wonder what she was like. Nikolai couldn't imagine a woman like Colette being royal even though he wished it so, she was sarcastic and unafraid of trouble. This came to be harmful for her, he saw the bruises she didn't care to hide. "We are supposed to wed as soon as possible, then I must give her a baby."

The red-headed woman let her hand go under his shirt, "That means you won't be visiting for a while."

"Not long though."

She started undoing the belt he struggled so hard to put back on. "We will miss you in your absence Prince Nikolai."

He laughed seeing two other girls come in without any clothes, their hands went to work feeling his skin and their mouths hummed finding his member and putting it into their mouth. The feeling of their lips puckered around him was the best, he didn't even moan like he used to when he first started coming but the feeling was still the same. It felt like control and service.

His mother wasn't in charge, Imil wasn't yelling at him, and his friend Lenal wasn't outdoing him in everything. He was the one commanding the situation, he made sure to show it by guiding their heads to stay where he wanted them to. It came to his mind that he had only ever fucked whores before, Nikolai couldn't ever recall a moment where he wholeheartedly showed any attention to a real girl that wasn't getting paid. Would his new princess serve him the way these girls did?

Making their head move away he pulled Colette to sit on top of him and moved her hips to show her what to do. He didn't have to tell her any more than that, she knew the drill and played her part like the professional she was, his toes curled and his body tensed feeling everything let go inside of her again. That's exactly what his mother wanted him not to do so he had to make sure she stayed put on top of him until he felt completely done.

Then it was over and they were gone. Headed to the next man who wasn't laying tired and empty. Colette was the worst when it came to paying time, she dug through his pants pockets and threw them back on the floor as she counted the coins in her hands. Never looking back as the curtain fell behind her.

It wasn't guilt that he felt after every visit to the brothel house but he couldn't pinpoint what exactly he did feel, in the grand scheme Nikolai imagined it didn't really matter. He went out the front door and looked over at his guard who only gave him a quick glance before going back to his stoic pose.

He rushed through the town, his guard following him until he got back to the castle. Taking his time going through the halls, he kept his head down knowing the few people coming towards him with full arms were looking for him. They bombarded him with a list of things that needed to be done for the arrival of his bride and he only nodded not caring to listen.

"You must wear this prince." She said

"I'll try it on later."

"No, now my lord." The woman held out the clean clothes. "The Marquess is here."

He bolted his head to look at the old woman who cowered ever so slightly, "She's here?" Seeing them nod he grabbed the clothes. "Where is Mother?"

"In the garden my lord."

Stumbling through the remainder of the hall as he stripped his old smelly clothes he slid on the white cotton shirt and bright leather boots dropping what was used. The women ran behind him picking up and commenting on his hair that needed to be brushed back with his fingers. He did so as he ran down the stone stairs to the garden, his mother standing at the end with her back to the castle, her tall still demeanor looking down at the city.

"Mother." He stopped a few feet away and put his hands behind his back like he was taught to do something he shouldn't. "Is she here?"

The Queen didn't bother turning around as she watched the Carriage ride through the middle of Wellbourne, the people came out to see what they could and they waved hoping whoever was inside would get out to greet them. It came as a great surprise not only to the Queen but to the common people that a petite hand stuck out and waved.

"Is that her?" Nikolai smiled leaning over the railing like he had dreamed of her for years. "I bet she is a beautiful mother." He bit the bottom of his lip with excitement watching the walls of the castle open for the carriage. He wasn't very moved before about the arrangement but now that it was time and she was so close his heart speed up, "Where is she from?"

Queen Alura let her hands slide off of the railing as she turned to walk back inside. "Westile." She could hear his boots click against the floor behind her as she glided across the floor herself, her lighter gown better than the dresses she usually had to wear. It was more with gold designs, matching the crown on her long pale hair perfectly. It was also tighter, accentuating her women-like body while all the other women around her seemed to wear boxed dresses with no color at all.

Going to the throne room she cast a kind look at Nible who waited by her seat. "I saw her my Majesty." The woman with bouncy black hair straightened the Queen's gown around her shoulders. "Your son will be overjoyed by his luck."

"Beauty means nothing in this world." The blonde women scanned the guards around the room to make sure nothing looked out of the ordinary. "A Marquees even at their ugliest is better than a whore." She paused waiting for her help to dust her seat off. "Is Conroy with the girl?"

"Not that I saw my Lady."

Doing as she did a million times the Queen sat on her thrown and crossed her legs ready to get the greetings over with. She didn't like her son, sitting next to her in his seat, nervous enough to rub his hands together. Soon she would have to teach him the ways of acting calm and collected. No matter the trial or instance the one in power needed to be the most undisturbed. She manifested that thought by leaning back and running her nails along her own lips.

"What if I don't like her mother?"

Closing her eyes the Queen tried keeping her cool. "Then you blow out the candles Nikolai."

He said nothing more as Imil Shanbert came through the door with his hand on the long sword looped through his belt. "My Queen, Prince Nikolai. I present:" Stepping out of the way for the door to open he drew his sword. "Antonella Maddox, second of her name, Marquees to the land of Westile."

With that, the echo of the door filled the air.



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