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I had a good view of the rain that poured, the kitchen chair faced the window for me while a steaming cup of tea was placed beside me by the cook. I tried to muster out a thank you but she had already left. Again I was alone with nothing but a towel laid over my head and back to keep me warm. It was comforting, however, enough to keep me content while I watched the raindrops fight to make it to the ground first. A race that only the growing weeds found important. Heels clicked behind me, making my once dedicated eyes glance over my shoulder to Amelia who fixed her watch. Her eyes caught mine and she smirked.

"There must be a lot going on in that head for you to be so quiet."

My nerves still fried whenever she was around me without Grace so I looked back at my tea hoping I wouldn't have to respond.

Almost summoned by my thoughts, the blonde stood at the doorway, her hands holding my harness and leash but her attention towards Ms. Winslet. "You have three missed calls from the office."

There was silence for a moment, I imagined I missed the conversation they had with their eyes as the heels clicked out and a soft hand met my back. Grace played with the ends of my hair for a moment, her mind off on its own like mine so often did. "Did you enjoy your morning?"

"Yes." That was all I said until I felt a tap. A reminder from the older woman made me correct myself. "Yes, Ma'am."

When she heard the correct phrase leave my lips she dusted the crumbs that were missed from breakfast onto the floor and then bent down so she was at my level. "Ms. Winslet isn't that bad is she?" I shook my head and Grace smiled. "The more you behave and show us we can trust you the more we can do. The program that brought you to us has so many fun activities that we can join." She noticed a piece of my hair out of order and stood up to fix it. "You know Ivy, I was really blown away at how beautiful you looked out by the grass." When she was done she stood back and looked me over. "Nature is your color."

Cussing from the other room stopped her from saying any more. She sighed and I was able to hide the flattery I actually felt from that compliment. The tea calmed my butterflies as she stepped closer to me again, this time to put down my collar. "I'll be back in a jiffy. No telling what she has tangled herself in." Grace left me alone in the kitchen and I sat like I was supposed to for a couple of minutes. There were only so much that raindrops I could watch before my curiosity set in. I had never really had the chance to look around the beautiful house I was living in. I had a short tour on the first day but nothing more than that.

Even when I passed through the house behind Grace I never had the chance to study the detailing, such as the kitchen's stained brick, and the pizza oven that was off to the corner. Pots and pans hung from the ceiling above the island and the arched doorway that led to the sitting room had a beautiful open view of the large wooden post that held up the house. It went well with the wooden tables and puffed couches. It did have a feeling of home. Everything from the scented candles flickering from the ceiling fan to the pillows that were sat in contributed nicely.

Walking down the hall, following the voices of the two women who actually made the home feel a little less empty I stopped to peek in from as far away as I could. The door was opened enough so that I could see Ms. Winslet pacing around with her phone up to her ear. Grace seemed more annoyed and less anxious but her arms that stayed crossed seemed a little off-putting from how I usually saw her. I decided it was probably best for me to slip away before I got caught but I couldn't help and notice the TV that was on in the background.

Although the volume was low, I read the subtitles as the words of missing persons scanned across the bottom. I pitied whoever's picture it showed until I remembered what situation I was in. It was a slap in the face to see my smile with the backdrop of a news anchor telling the story of the day I wasn't supposed to have. The towel that was once around my shoulders dropped to the ground and my eyes widened as my parents came on the screen next. Their red eyes shone as they read off of notes in their hands. Their pleas to whoever took their daughter did not fazing the two women who were now arguing over something.

I was beginning to like them.

Trust them.

Be comfortable with them.

They were the ones who stole me away from my life and I let them take a piece of me even after all that. How could I have ever been so stupid? Not caring about the noise I made I sprinted towards the door and past the collar and harness that still sat for me to be put on. The large entrance that was supposed to keep me detained was foolishly left open and I spilled out into the rain.

They had heard me leave because I began to hear shouting. I didn't care, I wasn't coming back. I was going home even if I had to run the entire way there. Even though my feet weren't callused enough to be immune to the rocks on the ground and even though at times the puddles made it to my knees I kept running. A smile even came to my face as I saw the boundaries of the property.

I was going to be free.

I was going to go home.

Until I felt a shock start at my ankle and run its way into my nerves. I fell forward down the small hill at the foot of the property's boundaries, the fence stopping me as I lay in the overgrown wet grass. The shock coming from my ankle bracelet was so strong that I could hardly open my eyes again until Amelia and Grace were in sight even the cook behind them with her apron now soaked from the rain.

Ms. Winslet was angry. I couldn't even hear all the curse words that were directed towards me but even Grace seemed pissed through her worries about my well-being. Her wet hands checked me as I lay there shaking from the cold and the pain, blood rushing from my knee and the cheek she just doctored up.

"Why would you do that?" I heard her ask. She knew she wouldn't get a response. I only tried shoving her away which led to her taking out the needle I despised so deeply. To the best of my abilities, I tried to get away. I told her at the top of my lungs that I didn't want to go to sleep but her calm nature still stayed. She got a hold of me with her arm and held me close as I felt a warm liquid feel my veins. My face fell onto her chest as she dropped the shot and held me close. Grace whispered in my ear again. "Why would you do that Ivy?"

I fell asleep after that. I don't remember the golf cart pulling up or Amelia's rant about god knows what. I do remember the rain finally being cherished by the shade of the cart and the dripping of water from Grace's hair onto my eyelashes. When I awoke I was cleaned. My hair was still slightly damp but the way I felt cleaned warmed me it wasn't from the rain. I was in my pajamas and saw it was dark outside but I wasn't in my room I was in Ms. Winslet's. She was by her fireplace reading a book and snacking on some candies that were in a small bowl and I was in her bed under the massive black duvet.

"Finally awake are you?" She flipped the page of her book and I felt a pain in my knee from my fall. "Your ankle bracelet won't let you leave and even if you found a way to get that off the people that I bought you from would get you." Her eyes look up over her glasses. "You are insured. All my big purchases are."

Trying to get up I noticed my harness back on and its connection to the bed frame. She noticed it too.

"All your collars, leashes, harnesses, basically anything we have for you to keep you safe is only opened by fingerprint and you still have the guts to try and run away?" Her book closed. "Were we too kind? Too patient with the new pet?"

She stood up and I brought my legs up to my chest.

"Tell me, Ivy, because this is my hypothesis," she took off her glasses and began walking over to the bed. "Grace and I put everything we are into giving the sweet quiet girl a fair shot at being trained with a little more humanity than we should have. We have been treating you like you are a broken heart when in reality you are our pet. I bought you so I could have something here to do what I say when I say it." She smiled as she took the covers off of me. "That's my fault I suppose for wanting to be patient with you. I can assure you no more."

She took my leash off and stepped back. "Get down."

I did as I was told even though I limped at the contact with the hardwood floor. My heart thumping not knowing what was to happen next with the woman who stared down at me.

"When you are next to me you are to sit at my side until instructed otherwise. Sit." I slowly got down into the floor and crawled over to her side, I rested myself on my knee and tried to balance on the one that didn't have a bandage on it. I looked up at her and she put my leash back on. "No more nice baby." She bent down to be at my level and put her book down beside me. "Do you know what that means?" When I said no she grabbed my face. "That means I use you like the bitch you are. Open your mouth." She squeezed until I obeyed. Once I did she stood back up and began unbuttoning her pants.

I remembered the first time I saw what she had hidden but this time it still shocked me. Her hand helped it grow before I felt it enter my mouth. A moan left her as soon it the tip was inside but this time she made it go further in. Almost immediately I gagged but she only pulled out for a second before she forced it back inside of my mouth. Her hands grabbed my hair and bunched it up as she pushed herself in as far as she could go. My own hands tried to push her away as I gagged some more.

When she let me go I fell forward gasping for breath as she stepped back and studied me, her breathing just as heavy as she watched me struggle. "You can't even take it for more than three minutes? Get up." When I took too long she grabbed my arms and pushed me towards the bed. Still breathing with everything I had I felt her pull me towards her. "You better get ready for some intensive training because this shit isn't going to fly Ivy." Grabbing my neck she brought me close to her lips. "Next time I put my cock in your mouth you better be able to take it."

I nodded grabbing onto her hand. Its grip tightened as she closed her eyes and pushed me against the bed. Her other hand pleased herself since I failed to do it for her. Her speed accelerated as she opened her eyes to see me staring back at her. A smirk danced across her lips as she moaned so quietly that I barely heard it. The warm white liquid that left her falling onto my thighs that were exposed from my pajama shorts.

"I hope for your sake you become a better pet, Ivy. Or my insurance policy will cover a refund and your replacement." She let me go and shook out whatever was left. Her sniffle came before a laugh as she buttoned her pants back up. "I would hate to know who you would end up with. Maybe that creepy old man who likes his pets to wear cat ears and piss on him."

Knowing her jokes weren't very far off from reality I nodded. "I'll do better Ms. Winslet."

Surprised to finally hear my voice Amelia wiped her forehead with the back of her hand. "Tell Grace you need another bath."


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