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Grace was quiet the next morning, I didn't know if she had stayed holding me that night because when I woke up I was cuddling some pillows that was where she once was. She was picking me out some new clothes and getting some hair products out and I laid there watching her. Hoping she would see me before I had to pretend to see her.

My wish was granted and the blonde shot a smile my way, a normal one that she had perfected. Who knew if it was real? "I have a bath ran for you."

"Thank you." Was all I could muster out. My aching body from sleeping so hard talk it's time as I got up and went to the bathroom where I stared down at the bubbles.

"I found the cutest white overalls I want you to try today. I know you'll just get them dirty from chores but it will be so pleasing I think." Grace came into the bathroom with me and checked the water. Her posture paused as she bent down and looked up at me. She didn't seem to know what to say so she dried her hand and began to undo my shirt. "Nina made you the most magical of breakfast this morning. I had her even put some more apple slices seeing how much you loved those."

When I was bare in front of her I looked up at her eyes that refused to look down. I wondered if she did that out of respect. "Why have you been so nice to me?"

She scoffed and let the left side of her lips turn upwards. "Why wouldn't I be?"

Her answer made me feel silly. Not everyone had to be a bad guy, and she wasn't a hero. She was just simply doing her job. And her job was being nice to me.

After helping me into the tub she left the room and began talking about the weather that day. It was supposed to rain and apparently, that kind of weather wasn't out of the ordinary for our location. "The roads get filthy muddy after thunderstorms so we will probably be stuck here for a few days. Ms. Winslet will probably have gravel sent to be laid down in the coming weeks." I washed myself as I listened. "Which probably means she's stuck here for a few days as well."

Grace finished her sentence by coming in to check on me. Her eyes shifted down for a second before looking up at the cabinet where my bathroom products were. "Moisturizer!" She snapped her fingers leaving the room once more so I used that time to rinse and get out of the tub. Covering myself before she could get back. I was certainly pampered after that. The TV on my wall turned on for me as she combed and styled my hair, filed down my nails, and helped me put on my clothes.

When she was done we both looked at myself in the mirror and she simply shook her head. "You're a doll." My collar was added as a final touch and we went down to the kitchen together where I was surprised to see Ms. Winslet sipping on some tea and reading the morning paper. It was interesting to me that I had never seen her without something in her hands to read before. Beside her was a tablet where the stocks read across the screen like a television show. She was just invested in that as she took a bite of her bagel.

"Good Morning everyone. It's a lovely day isn't it!" Grace made sure to greet everyone as she went to the cook in the kitchen leaving me standing by the breakfast table. There were only three seats but I wasn't sure if the one in the middle was where I was supposed to sit so I stood and looked at the stocks like I knew what they were saying.

"You can sit darling. The chair won't hurt you." Ms. Winslet took another sip of her tea before turning her paper.

Taking the large wooden chair out and pushing myself back in I felt awfully small so I sat straighter and glanced over at the stocks once more. Ms. Winslet seemed to notice and looked at it with me seeing if there was something interesting there. I was sure she was going to make me feel dumb about my complete lack of knowledge but she didn't, she only tsked her tongue. "All these new cryptocurrencies are more bipolar than my mother."  Using her spoon she stirred her tea around. "I can't believe anyone would invest using a hot wallet. It's a bloody scam I tell you." She cleared her throat once more and I wondered if that interaction was real.

It felt real. It sounded rough like only her voice was but somehow I could only hear her moans from last night. That made her seem more...human to me.

"The most beautiful English breakfast and a cup of coffee on the side for me and an American breakfast with a cup of milk for Ivy." Grace sat herself down at the other end of the table leaving me in the middle and Nina placed my food down in front of me. A smiley face looking at me made out of berries.

"Thank you," I said clearly smiling at the cook who put the rest of the condiments down before bowing and leaving the room. I wondered why she would do that but when I noticed the dot between her eyes I figured it was probably just her custom.

"Take the syrup away that's too much sugar. She'll be bouncing up the walls." Ms. Winslet shook her head and Grace only rolled her eyes at the request.

"It's not going to kill her Amelia." She pointed at the cup in front of me. "Take your pills."

"It's not going to help her either, is it? Take it away."

Grace whispered a sorry as she pulled it aside but I didn't mind as I was already halfway done with my eggs. Nina had the skills of a god.

"Could you please turn that off during breakfast?" Grace blew on her brew softly hoping it would help it cool as Ms. Winslet put her paper down. "It's distracting."

"Distracting from what? I have money on the line how could that be distracting?" They flared at each other and I looked back in forth between them hoping their attention wouldn't come to me but it did so I sipped my milk slowly. "Hot or cold wallet Ivy?"

"Cold," I said confidently glancing over at Grace, her head tilting and her eyebrows raising with humor at my answer.

"See it's not distracting if she's learning." Ms. Winslet, or Amelia as Grace called her, was done before us and folded her paper up carefully like it was a priceless piece of art. "The lads and I were going to shoot next week and I need practice."

"Then get practice," Grace said finishing her beans by scooping them up with her spoon.

"I want Ivy to come." Amelia stood and pulled up her dress pants slightly, they were high-waisted with a designer belt holding them up while her white blouse seemed to be barely holding in what was up top. I put my now-empty glass down and looked over at Grace who seemed just as confused.

"She's not ready to be off-leash."

"Fucking hell. You can know what end of the bow to stay away from then don't ya?"

Seeing that the question was directed towards me I nodded leaving her to nod her head knowing she was right. "You can come to princess."

"All the chores-"

"Can wait." Putting her hat on and tucking her reading glasses into the crevice of her shirt she felt her pockets and looked around. "I'll be at my cart just bring my rain jacket when you come."

Grace seemed peeved at first but adjusted to the plans by picking up all three of our plates. "Go to the front closet and fetch the jackets. Yours is green." I did so slightly excited for the task without someone hanging onto me by the neck. I even found myself smiling as I went out the front door to the sound of a strangely British horn. Grace stood to the side and I just knew she was rolling her eyes underneath her glasses. "Put them in the back and get in then." She said ushering me to get in first.

I sat in the middle of the two women, their aromas mixing to create a comforting feeling. The sweetness and floral perfume of Grace complimented the spice-filled shampoo that Amelia seemed to wash her hair with. Either way, I smiled hearing the brunette rev the small engine of the golf cart. She lived the get under the blonde's skin. "Why don't we see how fast this baby can go from 0 to 5?"

"I swear if you crash this cart I will call up the insurance myself and beg them to fine you." Grace held onto my leg as we went forward. I couldn't help but giggle as we passed by the chicken coop and down to the pond where Amelia picked up speed. Her confidence flew as her arm went behind my head to cushion me as we went around some rocks. It was bumpy and it was fun enough to make Grace yell at the driver in a playfully loud manner.

When we got to our destination my smile was from one side of my face to the other. The sounds of Grace complaining filled my ears as she explained that that was the reason for the professional driver to escort us everywhere.

"It's all in good fun princess." She said taking out her gloves and bow. Her spot was already broken in as she went to her place and pointed her bow toward one of the dozens of targets.

The clouds were rolling quickly but that didn't stop Ms. Winslet. She eyed down her arrow and cursed under her breath every time she missed. Every time her shot was good she looked over at us and winked. And every time Grace, who still sat with me in the cart, rolled her eyes but applauded like she was an audience. I even added my applause to make her bow down dramatically every once in a while. "It's going to rain soon," Grace added after her arrows started to run out. "The clouds are quite dark today."

I was leaning into her after a while her arm holding me close like a blanket as I enjoyed the cool weather that was blowing in.

"Does Ivy want to take a crack at it?"

Opening my eyes at the sound of the name, Grace let her nails run along my neck to help wake me. "Do you want to try and shoot the bow sweetie?"

Becoming nervous I agreed and walked out to the field where Ms.Winslet was. She was such a mighty structure that my hands shook as I reached out to grab the bow she handed me. Her lips curling as she stepped to the side. "Go for whichever one you fancy." Her arms crossed and she watched the field as I fumbled with the arrow. My inexperience came through as I finally clipped it to the string. I looked back at Grace who gave me a thumbs up and I tried stretching the bow to reach my cheek like she had. It was no use however as my strength was nowhere near the woman who towered over me.

"We will have to order one for your size won't we?" Ms. Winslet stepped behind me and bent down to my level, her hand conversing mine as she helped me pull back all the way. "Turn a little." She whispered using my waist to control where I stood. "Close your left eye." The sky thundered and I jumped only high enough for her to grasp onto me. "Don't let it distract you. Just concentrate kitten." She let go of my hand and helped me balance by holding my elbow. My breath halted as I let the arrow go.

A single drop of blood ran down my cheek where I had the feather of the arrow graze too closely but I hadn't even noticed as my eyes grew wide. Although it wasn't a bullseye my arrow met the end of the big blue. I hadn't ever done anything like that and I had hit the target my first time! Proud was an understatement as I looked over at Ms. Winslet who clapped her hands like I had done for her. "A natural I tell you." She smiled at me and I returned the favor hoping Grace was just as proud.

She was, her fingers coming to her mouth to whistle as she waved me over. "Is there anything you could have had her do that didn't involve her bleeding?" She used napkins that had been in her pocket to clean me up as she sat me back down in the middle. The rain paused our game as Amelia came and joined us by starting up the cart.

She seemed to ignore the question at first but as she started driving she finally answer. "I don't think so." The rain was peaceful at first. The thunder stayed far away as Grace grabbed my jacket from the back. She covered me quickly not caring about her or Amelia getting wet and I enjoyed the warmth underneath it. Although I missed home I found myself going an entire morning without thinking about it or my parents.


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