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February 3, 2024

NOTE: This is one of those chapters where a TON of stuff is revealed about quite a few mysteries that have been on-going, so I hope you enjoy!


<< Chapter 142 | Ch 1 (Book 1) | Ch 16 (Book 2) | Ch 31 (Book 3) | Ch 46 (Book 4) | Ch 61 (Book 5) | Ch 76 (Book 6) | Ch 91 (Book 7) | Ch 106 (Book 8) | Ch 121 (Book 9)


- CHAPTER 143 -

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FEEDBACK: Thoughts? A lot of details were introduce in this chapter, including information about people you're hearing about for the first time.

1. Main question: Has your overall opinion of Roland changed and/or improved?

I know a lot of you were upset about Dante, but really, Roland is the 'dante-like guy' who both Kai needs on his side, and also the 'dante-like guy' who deserves Kai's generosity. (Dante really has done nothing to deserve Kai's respect or loyalty, other than having a bit of a heart when it came to one person, Rosa. But deep down, he's a ruthless killer.)


2. Thoughts about Kelsey, or info shared about Rachel, or anything else shared about new characters? (Micah, Antonio, Elaine, etc.)

3. Thoughts about...THE CLONE?


Chapter 144 >>





I don’t know if this is already addressed by now given the release schedule. But please don’t abandon Kelsey. To have her created specifically for him to be his mate (and unlike Rachel to know she was created specifically for him her entire life) and then have her be discarded by him would be so crushingly cruel I’m not sure I would be able to still view him in a positive light again after that.


I don't plan on abandoning her, but I currently don't know 'who she is' as a person, and so she will have to wait a little to come into the story. To clarify, obviously all of these characters are ones I created (I don't base my characters off people I know in real life, but instead create them in my head). Because of that, some characters sort of 'come alive' for me, while other characters remain indistinct in my mind (and some characters who I 'thought I knew' end up making decisions I wasn't expecting, lol). Kelsey obviously needs to have a unique personality from the other blondes to stand out, and right now, I don't fully 100% know what that personality is like. When I do eventually introduce her, I don't want people to feel like she's a different character with a new name (for example, someone might think "Oh, she's basically Gabriella, just with a different name"). I've read 'novice writers' works before ('novice' as in, they have only written 1 book or less), and that's always been my main complaint -- that they will have characters in them that don't feel unique. Same personality, same things they say, some attitude and way they approach things, to the point that if you swapped out their name for the other person, no one would know the difference. If I swapped out Natalie's name for Michelle's name, you'd immediately realize something was off (or even if I swapped Natalie's name out for Avery's name, you'd know). Or if I swapped out Miriam's name for Gabriella's name, you'd suspect that I was using the wrong name, just based on things they say, how they talk, mannerisms, etc. So yeah, I need to discover 'who Kelsey is' before I introduce her.

David Fletcher

A refresh of an old chapter? Just ask for to make sure I didn’t miss something.


This is how I update everyone that new chapters are available. If you are in the highest tier, then you get an update for the newest chapter, but no one else gets that update. Thus, I make an update like this for the lowest tier chapter, so that everyone knows a new chapter is available to read.

Creative Amoeba

I get his wives including Gwen, Serenity, and Mirriam. I can even see Natalie fitting in. She is very loyal, and there have been sex scenes with her. I am kind of surprised at Gabriella and Avery. Has he even had sex with Avery? Gabriella was a focus in one chapter, but she has largely disappeared. As a reader, I am not seeing many words devoted to a deep connection (beyond friendship) with these two as compared to Gwen, Serenity, and Mirriam in particular. To answer questions. Roland is cool. Dante's demise was a surprise, but I am fine with it. I honestly hardly remember Kelsey but agree that she should be shown care and respect by Kai. The clone has interesting potential. The new characters - I don't really have an opinion of as I don't know them. They certainly provide story hooks to expound upon.


Gabriella was a big part of book 1 and 2 (the first 30 chapters). She has since become more of a side character, but I plan on pulling her back more into the 'main focus' of the story. Gabriella and Avery are both two of the most popular characters, which is also why Kai perceives them as in his top 6 (I've run polls in the past, to gauge who everyone likes most, as well as to see if that opinion has changed over time). One of the interesting things was the introduction of Natalie. Serenity was always number 1 and Gabriella/Avery were often tied for 2nd place, but when I introduced Natalie, she quickly skyrocketed to number 1.