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A couple of things.


First, Book 3 of Innocent Devil's Harem is now available on Amazon, in the event you prefer kindle versions of books (see down below about upcoming free versions). It covers up to Ch 45.


Also, please leave a rating on "Book 1" if you haven't done so already. Book 1 recently got hit by some review bombers. And the first book of any series is the most important, so even if you don't leave a rating on any of the others, please leave one on book 1.

You don't have to buy it to leave a review, you can just say you read it on Patreon, and if you do buy it for $0.99, then you can just leave a rating if you want.

(In case you didn't know, Amazon views a 3-star as a bad review. That's literally how they classify it, with 4 and 5 stars being positive reviews, and 3 stars and below being 'critical' reviews. Best thing to consider is that if you would be hesitant to buy this book if it had a 3-star average, but were not hesitant to buy this particular book, then you wouldn't want to rate it that way. On Amazon, a 3-star average equals trash. Same with 4-star average. If you'd be hesitant to buy something sitting at a 4.0 average, but enjoyed a product, then you wouldn't want to rate that way. Unfortunately, that's just how Amazon does their ratings, so you have to work within their framework. A 3-star doesn't mean average, it means trash on Amazon. A 4-star is more like average, essentially saying 'it was okay' but 'you wouldn't read more,' and a 5-star basically means you want to see more from a particular author, or that you would buy the product again, etc. Obviously, you're free to rate however you want, and I appreciate all the ratings I can get, but I'm just letting you know how Amazon perceives those ratings, and you can click on the details of all reviews to see that 3-star counts as a bad/critical rating.)


Second, I just wanted everyone to know that I plan on getting book 3 and book 4 uploaded to Gumroad in the upcoming weeks, so that you have access to a free copy. Be on the lookout for that announcement if that's something that interests you (UPDATE: Here's a link to access the free ebook codes for Book 3 and 4).


If you have any questions, please let me know.


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