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November 13, 2021

NOTE: Book 3 is available on Amazon (covers up to Ch 45).

Please leave a rating on Book 1, if you haven't already (people use book 1 to decide if they will even try a series, so those ratings matter most).


In case you missed it, I had a recent announcement about connecting outside of Patreon (me following you on Twitter, or liking my Page on Facebook, etc).


NOTE: This chapter may feel like it goes really fast, but it's 9,000 words (which is almost double my minimum word count of 5k words).

So, I hope you enjoy!


<< Chapter 63 | Ch 1 (Book1) | Ch 16 (Book 2) | Ch 31 (Book 3) | Ch 46 (Book 4) | Ch 61 (Book 5)


- CHAPTER 64: Dominance -


Something bit you?!” I repeated in shock.

Gwen and I had just been in the middle of fucking when I grabbed her left arm, only for her to cry out in sincere pain from the touch. And then, now that we were both standing up -- with me completely naked while she was mostly clothed in her leather outfit -- we saw that under her leather jacket she had nasty bruising all over the back of her arm.

In response to her comment about thinking she’d been bitten, I focused on the darkest section, realizing she’d noticed it due to that spot being a little raised, a very visible singular puncture wound, as if she’d been bitten by a mosquito from hell.

“Bitten by what?” I continued. “And when?!”

She finally met my gaze, her slitted crimson eyes serious now. “Hurry and dress, master. We need to show this to my mistress.”


I immediately did as she asked without question, tugging on my shorts and shirt, while she buttoned her tight leather pants, holding her leather jacket now in her right arm as she looked at the back of her arm again by raising her elbow and looking over her shoulder.

Then, once it was obvious I was ready to go, she gave me a nod and led me back out of the room, down the hall into the furnished basement, and then up the stairs, not running by any means, but moving at a quick pace.

A handful of seconds later, when we entered the dining hall, it appeared everyone was standing up now, as if they were in the process of moving to the East Drawing Room and had just gotten stuck socializing.

However, the moment we barged in, we instantly had everyone’s attention.

Miriam was the first to speak, looking from me to her maid. “What’s wrong?!” she asked seriously, easily picking up that something horrible was up.

“Mistress,” Gwen replied. “I believe something may have bitten me.”

Instantly, Miriam’s horrified expression turned into a death glare at Natalie, to the point that if looks could kill, then I was sure the blue-haired chick would be dropping dead on the spot.

Natalie was immediately defensive, taking a step back with her hands out.

“I swear I didn’t! I would never!” she exclaimed.

Gwen spoke up. “Mistress, it wasn’t her. I was aware the whole time I was watching her, and I haven’t taken my jacket off.”

Miriam’s obvious anger transitioned to full blown concern. “Let me see,” she demanded, moving closer as Gwen turned a little, so the back of her arm was more visible. Her expression then instantly turned to one of devastation, as if she felt like the biggest failure in all the universe. “W-When did you notice?”

“Just now,” Gwen replied. “Mistress, it’s not your fault.”

The short redhead didn’t acknowledge that comment. “But nothing has bitten you today, correct?”

“Not that I’m aware, mistress. And I haven’t noticed any pain all day, but the only time it could have happened…” Her voice trailed off.

Miriam gritted her teeth. “Fuck.”

“When?” I asked seriously.

“Last night,” the redhead minx replied. “While she was asleep.”

Fuck!” I hissed.

Serenity spoke up. “What does that mean? Did something get inside your house?”

Miriam shook her head. “No, it means something never left my house. It means that something came through the gate yesterday and might still be in my mansion.”

Instantly, without warning, all my skin shifted gray and I grew half a foot.

“Son of a bitch,” I snarled, my body threatening to grow larger. “Son of a bitch! I’ll find whatever the hell did this and kill it!”

“Kai, calm down,” Miriam said firmly, the top of her head barely even coming up to my chest at this point. “I know you’re pissed. I’m pissed too. But clearly whatever is lurking around isn’t easy to find. And, something like this is probably not going to attack in broad daylight. No one is in any danger right now. But we obviously do need to find whatever did this.”

That wasn’t enough for me.

I’d left both Miriam and Gwen alone here last night, assuming that they would be perfectly safe, especially since Gwen had searched the whole place, and here some kind of creature was lurking around in the shadows, and had gotten fucking close enough to MY Gwen that it was actually able to bite her!

I gritted my teeth. “Yeah, but--”

Gwen cut me off. “Master, my blood is dangerous to most who would want to drink it.”

That drew me up short. “What?”

“Not all imps,” Miriam clarified with a nod. “But yes, if something drank her blood, and if it is the type to be sensitive to sunlight, then it’s likely it lost half its face in the process.”

What?” I repeated in disbelief, my body finally beginning to shrink down to my normal height.

Miriam continued. “Most blood drinkers, like what you’d imagine a vampire to be, though usually not intelligent, are harmed by the sun as a tradeoff for their rapid healing. And inferno imps have a strong connection with the sun. It can be a source of magic for them during the daytime, and even at night during the full moon. And its power flows through their veins. In particular, their blood has been known to cause similar damage as sunlight to those who might otherwise prey on them.”

“Damn,” I said in disbelief.

Gabriella chimed in, taking a deep breath, her hand on her chest like she was physically trying to settle her heart. “Wow, Gwen. That’s actually pretty badass.”

The maid only shrugged her right shoulder. “It’s just how I was born,” she said simply, not seeming to feel that it merited praise.

And I knew Gabriella was trying to calm me down by changing the subject slightly, with me only now realizing that Serenity had moved closer to place her hand on my arm, but I wanted this dealt with. Now.

“So what are we potentially dealing with?” I asked seriously, still very focused on finding whatever did this, but making an effort to place my palm over Serenity’s hand to acknowledge the gesture.

Miriam shrugged, focusing intently on Gwen’s arm again. “It might be something akin to a bat,” she replied. “Or maybe something larger, but still only an animal. More of a nuisance than anything. A pest that needs to be eliminated.”

I was surprised by that answer. “Okay, so then it’s not the intelligent being who actually opened the gate? Or a monster like what originally came through?”

She shook her head. “Doubtful. While this creature is probably from the gate, it was likely only a hitchhiker that was lucky enough to get tugged along. Very unlikely that the true source of that breech is still around, and also unlikely that they would ever return, since they would risk getting thrown back through the portal.” She focused more intently on me. “To be clear, my property is heavily protected with wards and barriers to keep mostly nonhuman enemies out. And even for humans, locating my actual mansion is nearly impossible for those not invited. Which means, if the intelligent individual left, then they couldn’t easily come back, even if they wanted to.”

I took a deep breath. “Okay, that makes me feel a little bit better. I assumed at least some kind of monster did this to her.”

“No, that was my fault, Kai,” Miriam said affectionately. “I’m sorry for not being more careful with my words. Although, I will admit that most humans would probably classify such a creature as a monster.”

I shook my head. “It’s fine. But then, what do you mean about someone being invited? Does that mean I’d have trouble finding this place if you decided to uninvite me?”

She frowned slightly at that. “Umm, well, yes. It’s how I keep people away, in general. But Kai, I would never uninvite you.”

I sighed heavily, deciding to change the subject. “Is there some way you can get rid of this eavesdropping spell?” I asked seriously. “I didn’t want to say anything before, but it makes me really uncomfortable having that sense muted so much while I’m here, and honestly I might have been able to locate this creature if I could just hear it.”

Miriam’s expression was apologetic. “I’m really sorry, Kai. I didn’t realize it distressed you so much.”

I shrugged, still waiting for an answer.

She sighed heavily, glancing at Gabriella and Serenity, before meeting my gaze again. “Technically, yes.” She sighed again. “Kai, the eavesdropping spell doesn’t affect me. I can hear normally in my own home.”

My eyes widened in surprise. “Oh. So then?”

“I would essentially need to make you joint owner,” she elaborated.

“Oh,” I repeated, unsure of what else to say. “Umm, is that hard for you to do?”

Her thin red eyebrows raised slightly. “Hard for me to share something I’ve solely owned for hundreds upon hundreds of years? A space to keep me and the gate safe, that I’ve spent thousands of hours warding by myself? Yeah, Kai, it didn’t exactly jump to the forefront of my thoughts, even after the promises we’ve exchanged, and not because I’m not committed to those promises. Rather, for me, it would be like someone asking you if they could jointly have possession of your own arm.”

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you,” I said seriously.

She shook her head. “You didn’t offend me, Kai. And I’ll consider that request.” She sighed. “I mean, superficially, it’s a logical decision, if you’re going to help me with my responsibilities regarding the gate. But that’s a very big decision for me to make. I’m not sure if you can fully appreciate the scope.”

“No, I get it,” I replied. “I mean, probably a better example would be the money I have. Or the money you have. I wouldn’t expect you to share half of that money with me, just because we were in a relationship. I would still view your money as yours. And likewise, I would find it weird if you suddenly felt like you owned half of what I had in my bank account.”

She gave me a warm smile. “Thank you for understanding.”

I frowned then. “Can you do it temporarily though? Or at least somehow give me the ability to hear normally? Miriam, I just want to find this thing and get rid of it. And if you can make me an owner temporarily, I’ll give it back to you. I promise I will.”

Gwen spoke up, her tone hesitant. “If this creature was harmed by my blood, then it might already be dead, depending on size. We might need to just look for it.”

I focused on her. “Would it have left evidence of it being hurt? Like, would it bleed or something?”

Miriam shook her head. “I’m sure we would have noticed a trail of blood. Although, Gwen is correct. It might already be dead. Might be a good idea if we go searching for it.” She then sighed, answering the question Gwen had shifted the topic away from. “I’ll think about it, Kai. Give me some time though. Even doing it temporarily is a big deal, because it does require a lot of trust. If you decided not to give your ownership back, then I couldn’t take it from you. It’s…it’s a lot to ask of me.”

I shook my head again. “Miriam, I understand. Really, I do. Just ask Serenity here,” I added, patting her hand still on my arm. “I have major trust issues.”

“Yep,” Gabriella agreed cheerfully. “It’s a miracle he let me get close enough to seduce him. He’s as friendless as I was.”

I scoffed, knowing she was teasing me in a way she knew shouldn’t bother me since she likewise didn’t really have any friends, aside from Serenity, again trying to lighten the mood some. “Don’t need any friends when I have all of you,” I retorted.

“Love you, baby,” Gabriella said warmly.

“Love you too,” I replied sincerely, only to sigh, focusing again on Miriam. “Okay, so what do you want to do? This is your house, so it’s your lead. I’ll do whatever you want.”

Miriam gave me a small smile. “Well, this surprise has kind of thrown a wrench into my original plans.” She focused on Natalie. “Maybe, can I please have some more of your blood?”

The blue-haired magazine model was taken off guard, having been silent until now. “O-Oh, umm, I…I guess. F-For what?”

“Because I’m going to request that Kai become your alpha now.”

“Wait, seriously?” I said in surprise.

The short redhead nodded, her expression very patient as she focused up at me. “Yes. For both spells I might use, I only need fresh blood. Even if you become her alpha, the blood I’ve already drawn will be unaffected by that change. Meaning, it’ll still work to locate the person who bit her, even if she becomes subservient to a new alpha.”

“And you’re sure?” I asked seriously. “I don’t want to risk not being able to find this guy.”

“Kai, I’m a very cautious person by nature. The only reason I would have waited would be to have a fallback plan to the fallback plan, but it’s not necessary. If these spells don’t work for some reason, then no amount of her blood would help. But they will work, Kai. There’s no reason why they won’t.”

“Okay, but why become her alpha now? Shouldn’t we be looking for this creature?”

She frowned, glancing at Natalie again. “Because Kai, while I’ve come to believe that the cursed girl you’ve brought into my home doesn’t mean any harm, I’m not going to allow her to run around unsupervised while she’s not under your control.” The short redhead returned her gaze to mine. “As I said, I’m a cautious person by nature. So, become her alpha, and then we can all go searching for this thing, without me feeling like Gwen and I have to keep an eye on her at all times.”

I took a deep breath, understanding her logic. I then tightened my grip on Serenity’s hand slightly, glancing at her, before focusing on Natalie.

The blue-haired Rockstar chick met my gaze just briefly and then quickly averted it.

“Natalie,” I said firmly, prompting her to focus on me again. “What I told you before still stands. So, you need to make a decision now.”

Her light brown eyes widened in sincere surprise, likely recalling that I’d told her that I had no interest in having sex with someone who wasn’t fully committed to doing it. Thus, either she needed to decide she wanted me as her alpha, or suffer the consequences of not having one, including possibly being reclaimed by the guy who kidnapped and tormented her over the course of the last year.

“O-Okay,” she stammered, visibly gulping. “I’m…I’m ready.”

I nodded, looking at Miriam again. “Where should I take her?”

She shrugged. “Remember the guest bedroom I took you to yesterday? On the second floor?”

“Of course,” I nodded. “Want me to take her there?”

“Depends on how far you and Gwen got in bed, and whether or not Natalie here would appreciate you showering first, so that you’re fresh for her.”

My eyes widened at that. “Oh, umm…” I glanced at Natalie, whose face was flushed now.

“Umm, y-yeah,” she stammered. “I’d p-prefer that.”

Of course, I realized that was probably a good idea either way, since my cock had just been in Gwen’s ass, but hadn’t been sure what exactly to say.

Miriam only nodded, clearly having used her natural intuition to know what others found most desirable sexually. Except, in this case, she’d determined that after-shower sex was preferable to Natalie, or at least that I hadn’t just fucked someone else prior to fucking her.

“Then,” Miriam continued. “If you go just a little down the main hall, there will be another hall on your right.”

“Like, where there are stairs on the first floor to the main basement?”

“Yes, precisely. Except, on the second floor the first room on the right, just before that hall, is a room with a bathroom. And, the two additional guest bedrooms down that hall have a shared bathroom and shower as well. You can use either one.”

“Okay, then how about I go take a shower now, while you get some more of her blood. And then maybe Gwen can bring her to the room?”

“Yes, that’s acceptable,” Miriam agreed.

I glanced at Serenity again when she gave my arm a reassuring squeeze, and then let go entirely.

I sighed. “Okay, well, I have my phone on me,” I said, directing my words more to Gabriella and Serenity. “So seriously, give me a call if something is up.”

“We’ll be fine,” Miriam said reassuringly. “We’re going to move to the East Drawing Room, so we’ll practically be just below you.”

“Yeah, except I won’t be able to hear you if something is wrong.”

She shook her head, her red hair still looking damp due to her leaving in the twin French braids during our shower. “It’s an eavesdropping spell, not a complete block to all sound. If someone yelled or screamed, you should be able to hear it.”

“Oh,” I said in sincere surprise. “Okay, that makes me feel better.”

She gave me a warm smile. “Sorry again for not clarifying. I now fully understand why you were so anxious. You thought someone could get killed in the next room over and you’d never hear it.”

I shrugged. “I mean, yeah. It was making me really uncomfortable.”

She smirked. “Once I head upstairs, I’ll scream for you, okay?”

I couldn’t help but grin, knowing she was trying to lighten the mood.

She giggled. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”

“I mean, not the scared scream, but screaming my name…”

She giggled again. “Anyway, if you hear me yell, then go take your shower. And obviously if you don’t hear me yell, then there’s a problem.”

“Okay. I’ll wait in the hallway upstairs.”

She nodded, prompting me to give everyone one last smile before heading out of the dining hall. And sure enough, just as I climbed the nearest twin staircase, and I got to the top, I heard her yell.


Except, it sounded like she was all the way on the other side of the house, instead of just down below in the dining hall. Still, I suspected even a normal person could probably hear her.

I decided to respond simply.


There was no response, but I felt a lot better now.

Thus, I headed down the hallway, only to take the first door on my right, prior to that hall Miriam spoke of. Sure enough, after flipping on the light, I saw that it was a guest bedroom with a pretty tall bed. Except, the overall space was much larger than I was expecting, as if it was two rooms that were separated by a wall that didn’t quite split the area into two distinct sections. And the bathroom entrance appeared to be on the right, between those sections, where I could similarly walk into the other ‘section’ of the bedroom.

Honestly, it was kind of set up like a fancy dorm room, with two people essentially being in the same overall room but having distinct living quarters. Or maybe the first ‘room’ could even be a living room area, while the second area could be the actual bedroom for one person.

Leaving the door cracked open so that Gwen would know which room I was in, I went ahead and got in the shower, making sure I cleaned off thoroughly in preparation for what Natalie and I were about to do.

A handful of minutes later, and I had just gotten soaped up, in the middle of scrubbing my groin area, when there was a knock on the door, followed by Gwen stepping right in.

“Hi, master,” she said warmly. “I brought Natalie.”

“Oh, thanks,” I replied, surprised that I felt a little embarrassed to just be standing here completely naked, since the sliding glass door was transparent, when Gwen was fully clothed. Kind of weird considering I’d been naked previously when we’d just started going at it, but it just felt different in this situation.

“May I come in?” she wondered.

“The shower?”

She shook her head. “The bathroom.”

“Oh, of course,” I agreed, realizing she hadn’t gone further than her initial step.

Her crimson eyes were affectionate and warm as her hooves clacked up to the shower door, opening it right up.

Figuring she wanted a peck on the lips or something, I moved closer, surprised when she grabbed my face in her firm grasp and planted an extremely passionate and wet kiss on my mouth, her shockingly long tongue slipping almost to the back of my throat. I slipped my tongue under hers in response, before she finally pulled away, a tender smile touching her full purple lips.

“Thank you for cumming in my ass, master. The inside of my pants is really sticky now, and I love it. My body feels so warm inside.”

“Oh.” I laughed. “It was my pleasure.”

She smirked at that. “Yes, it very much was your pleasure, master. And mine too. I’m glad you cummed before we discovered the bruise.”

I gave her an apologetic expression, realizing our time really had been cut pretty short. “I’ll make it up to you, Gwen. We’ll do it again soon, okay?”

She nodded. “Thank you, master. I’m looking forward to it.”

“Me too,” I agreed warmly, only to frown, recalling her bruise again. “Oh, and umm. Do you want me to try to heal your arm?” I asked hesitantly, trying to remember the spell I’d used the previous day, wondering why it was so easy to evoke before, but now felt hazy in my mind.

She shook her head. “I am alright, master. I have my own way of dealing with wounds, and I must return to my mistress now. I’ll close the door behind me. Natalie is waiting for you.”

I was surprised by her abrupt goodbye, but knew there were things we both had to get done.

“Sure. Love you,” I replied.

She gave me another kiss, her heated purple lips pressed firmly against mine. “Love you, master,” she replied, letting go and turning around to walk out of the room.

Damn, she wasn’t kidding about it being messy in her pants now. Of course, since it was leather, it wasn’t soaking through, but I realized I could hear it as she moved. Which was actually pretty hot, knowing it was my cum, although it did get me wondering strange thoughts about Miriam.

Because my cum hadn’t leaked back out after unloading in her ass…or her pussy for that matter.

Shit, and here I’d actually cummed directly into her womb, hadn’t I?

Was she able to hold it in?

And it was the same with her ass too. When I pulled out, it was like she clamped her asshole completely shut, not even a little leaking, leaving her outside mostly dry afterward, aside from the wetness that came from her during sex. Damn, what a weird thought to consider. Was Miriam really walking around right now with both her ass and womb full of my cum?

I mean, I supposed she probably was, just like Gwen undoubtedly probably had some still in her ass that hadn’t leaked out.

Needless to say, the idea apparently was enough to get me hard again, because my cock was sticking straight out by the time I was thoroughly clean. Problem was, I didn’t want to intimidate Natalie by walking out rock hard, wanting to give her a few minutes to work up to it, so I wrapped a towel I’d found in a closet around my waist, and then poked my head out of the doorway.

I barely got a word out before my voice got caught. “Hey…” My eyes widened in surprise.

Natalie was standing next to the bed in the first part of the room, looking nervous, giving me her attention when I spoke.

However, that wasn’t why I suddenly couldn’t speak.

She’d taken off her leather jacket, and set it on a chair, letting me finally see her in only the sheer black dress that barely went past her ass, which did nothing to hide what she was wearing underneath. Of course, I knew she had a vinyl thong on, but that was pretty much it.

Like, if not for the vinyl thong and matching bikini-like top, that did little to hide her perky tits, she’d look completely naked.

Well, so much for getting my cock to cool off a little.

“W-What is it?” she stammered.

I cleared my throat. “Sorry,” I said simply, trying to focus on her vulnerable light brown eyes, framed by that tasteful cosmetic tattoo.

“Is…Is this okay?” she finally asked.

My eyebrows rose in surprise. “Oh, umm. Yeah, of course. I just…” I sighed heavily. “Well, I figured we’d spent some time at least talking or something, before we get going, but umm...” I paused. “Well, I’m already hard, and didn’t want to freak you out.”

She cleared her throat, looking like she was trying to be brave. “That’s…kind of what we need. So…” She then laughed, a really uncomfortable sound. “Would kind of be a big problem if I couldn’t get you to pop a tent for me. Glad I don’t need to work at it.”

“Nah, you’re drop dead gorgeous.”

She abruptly looked away, her face flushed. “T-Think so?” she stammered.

“No way that surprises you.”

Her face flushed even more. “W-Well, compared to the other women here right now, I’m not exactly at the top of the list of hotness.”

I frowned at that, just kind of surprised that she was actually kind of humble about her appearance. Granted, there wasn’t a person alive who could probably compete with Miriam’s level of sexual appeal, and not just because she was a succubus. Miriam was just hot as fuck, period. Her body was perfect in every way.

Her face was perfect in every way.

But as far as everyone else? I mean, I was sure everyone might rank them slightly different on level of physical attractiveness, much like beauty pageant contestants might get ranked, but at the end of the day they were all still beauty pageant contestants.

Fuck, they could all be models. They could all be pornstars!

Serenity included.

Miriam was just in a league of her own, but everyone else was far above normal, and I felt confident that there were people out there that would rank Natalie at the top of their personal list, if they were going solely off of looks.

“So, who’s the hottest then?” I wondered out of curiosity.

Her face flushed even more, glancing at me from the corner of her eye. “Everyone? W-What kind of question is that?”

I shrugged, deciding to step out from behind the bathroom door since our conversation had actually caused my cock to soften just a little. Sure, it was still very noticeable that I was hard, but I wasn’t sticking straight out now at least.

Her gaze immediately fell from my chest to my waist, only for her to look away again. “A-Are we doing it now?” she stammered.

“What? No, we need to discuss it first anyway.”

“L-Like what?”

“I mean, Miriam told me that it wouldn’t be like normal sex. That you’d be dry and that we’d get locked in place. Does that all sound correct to you?”

Surprisingly, my bluntness actually sobered her up. “Umm, yeah. That’s correct.”

“Okay, and what kind of position do you want to do?”

“Has to be from behind,” she whispered, looking away now, her expression having completely dropped.

“You don’t seem too thrilled about that.”

She gritted her teeth. “Bad memories.”

I frowned at that. “Okay, well what if you lay on your side?”

She looked up at me in surprise, only to glance away as she thought about that. “Like, still from behind, but while I’m on my side?” she clarified.

I nodded, prompting her to meet my gaze again. “Yeah, and we can take it slow. You’ll be able to see me, and I’ll listen to whatever you say. If you tell me to stop, I’ll stop.”

Holy fuck, the vulnerable look she gave me was intense.

Her entire expression was immediately emotional as she averted her gaze and tried to clear her throat. “I’m…I’m not sure if you can become my alpha with that attitude,” she whispered.

I shrugged, grabbing her attention again. “We’ll see. Let’s just start off slow, and cross that bridge when we get to it. If I have to be rougher, then we’ll only go that direction once you’ve told me you’re ready. Okay? Is that fair?”

She sighed heavily, only to nod. “Yeah, that’s more than fair.”

“Okay, then, when you’re ready, go ahead and slip off your thong and lay on the bed on your side. The bed is pretty high, so I’ll stay off it for now.”

She looked at me in surprise, only to glance at the bed as if to confirm that it was basically elevated to the point of being waist level, before nodding slowly. “O-Okay. W-What about the rest of my clothes?”

I shrugged. “Keep them on, if you want. You’re hot with, or without. Not like that dress is hiding much anyway.”

She nodded. “Okay.” She then took a deep breath, only to reach down and hike her sheer dress up a little, grab her thong, and then take it off by simply lowering it a bit, followed by pulling up one leg at a time to her chest.

Her pussy was completely bare.

She then discarded it on the chair with her jacket, took another deep breath, and slowly climbed into bed, grabbing a pillow and getting it underneath her armpit as she laid on her side, bringing her knees up so that her bare ass was exposed now.

She then looked at me expectantly.

“When you’re ready,” I said simply.

Her light brown eyes widened in surprise. “Oh, umm.” She took another deep breath. “Okay, I’m ready.”

I nodded, moving around the edge of the bed and standing behind her ass, her gaze having followed me the whole way. Deciding to go ahead and drop the towel, she immediately focus down at my cock. She didn’t really respond to it, not seeming overly surprised or anything, but she did visibly gulp, her expression otherwise neutral.

I then took a step closer, her body tensing slightly.

And then I took another, the tip of my cock now just barely an inch away from her bare snatch.

Natalie immediately closed her eyes.

“We’re taking this slow,” I reminded her, causing her light brown eyes to pop open and focus on me again. “When you’re ready, I’m going to touch your pussy with my cock, but I’m not going to just jam it in.”

She took another deep breath, closing her eyes again, the cosmetic tattoo on her eyelids even looking perfect with them closed. “Okay, ready,” she finally said.

Since she couldn’t see me right now, I went ahead and inched forward, until my cock was gently touching her pussy lips, surprised by how warm they felt. Like, it wasn’t as hot as Gwen by any means, but she definitely felt warmer than a normal person. Pressing forward just a little more, the very tip of my cock sank in just the tiniest bit, Natalie not reacting at all, though her body was rigid.

Stopping there, I reached up and gently rested my palm on her thigh, feeling her smooth skin. She opened her eyes again, but I ignored her, examining her legs in this position, gently running my hand up and down her skin.

When she started shivering, I glanced at her. “That alright?” I wondered.

“Yes,” she whispered.

I simply nodded, resuming what I was doing, feeling her soft skin while my cock just barely rested against her pussy, the tip just barely engulfed by her slowly swelling lips -- a sure sign that she was actually getting aroused, even though I knew that alone from her scent and aura.

The affection was working on her.

She cleared her throat after a bit. “I’m…umm, I’m ready,” she said quietly.

I nodded, causing her eyes to widen, clearly assuming that I was specifically waiting on her to give me permission. Which, I sort of wasn’t, just enjoying the feeling of her smooth skin, but I probably would have asked before advancing further anyway.

However, once I started really beginning to press, aiming to just get the head of my cock fully in her snatch, I did end up meeting more resistance than I was expecting.

I frowned at that, meeting her gaze to see that she was focused intently on me.

I cleared my throat. “Okay, so just to clarify. You’re not going to get wet, correct?”

Her face flushed, seemingly in embarrassment now, but she held my gaze. “N-No,” she stammered.

“And that’s preferable that you’re really dry, right?” I added.

“Yes,” she whispered.

“And it doesn’t hurt, correct?”

Her expression dropped and she looked away.

“Natalie,” I said quietly. “I need to know this stuff. Is it going to hurt you, or not?”

Her voice was quiet. “It never hurts,” she whispered.

Well, shit. That was surprising to hear, assuming she was being honest.

“Never,” I repeated slowly. “As in, it has never hurt for you? Not once?”

She shook her head, almost looking ashamed now. “No.” She then glanced at me, her light brown eyes filling with tears. “It did hurt a little the one time I did it as a normal person, but not since then.”

“Why are you crying?” I whispered, sincerely concerned.

She unexpectedly scoffed, her expression bitter. Her volume immediately when from soft to very loud. “Because I never wanted it to feel good!” she retorted. “I would have preferred if it hurt!”

Well, fuck.

Didn’t mean to hit a sore spot.

I sighed heavily, not wanting to dwell on that right now while we were trying to fuck. Sure, in any other situation, I’d be fine with talking about this, and helping her process everything, but not now. Thus, I decided that I’d instead test her claim out, to see if she was really telling the truth.

Without thinking, I grabbed her thigh with one hand and began pushing much harder into her, to the point I felt confident it would hurt a normal woman, and only then I began to advance a little.

Thus, I tensed my hips even more and pressed even harder, beginning to really sink in, purely from the ridiculous amount of pressure.

Natalie unexpectedly gasped, only to turn her head away and moan, which immediately turned into a whimper when she tried to stop moaning.

For half a second, I thought about pulling out to pull some wetness out with my cock, basically a reflexive assumption that she’d be a bit more wet on the second attempt to thrust, only to recall that wasn’t going to happen.

Thus, I abruptly reached up with my other hand to grab her wrist, causing her to gasp again as I tugged roughly, while still holding onto her tight, beginning to force myself even deeper until I finally hit bottom.

Uhhhhhhhh!” she groaned in obvious pleasure. “Fuuuuck.”

She was struggling now, her arms and legs tensing, almost as an attempt to get away, while her head began shaking back in forth like it was spinning in ecstasy. At the very least, I knew from her scent and aura that she was highly aroused now.

I was about to ask where we should go from here, only to be surprised when the resistance against my cock began to dissipate, allowing me to begin advancing even deeper, with even greater pressure. Of course, thanks to my experience with Miriam, I was able to guess what that meant.

As weird as it was, her cervix was opening up, likely getting ready to grab me like a boa constrictor once I was deep enough.

Ohhh, fuuuuuuck!” she moaned, tugging against me even more, definitely trying to pull away now, with her twisting her wrist every which way as she tried to free her hand. “Fuuuuck! Uhhh!” she exclaimed, closing her mouth as she started whimpering again. “Mmmmmm!”

The pressure increased even more, but I pressed even deeper, finally feeling that vice grip beginning to tighten around my head. The sensation was causing my cock to really begin to throb now, but I wasn’t sure where to go from here, because I didn’t feel like her hold on me was strong enough to prevent me from fully pulling back out.

Thus, I just waited for a few seconds, hoping she’d start collecting herself.

She continued to whimper and struggle, trying almost desperately to free her wrist from my grip, but finally she tried to look at me, her eyes visibly moving like she truly was dizzy.

“W-Why did you s-stop?” she stammered. “Y-You’re supposed to f-fuck me.”

I assumed she meant, I was supposed to try to pull out. “Will I be able to become your alpha if we aren’t locked together?” I asked seriously.

She finally really tried to look at me, lifting her head, only for it to drop again. “Fuck,” she hissed, deciding to just keep her head down. “Umm, t-they said…” Her voice caught in her throat.

My brow furrowed. “Who said what?” I wondered.

She tried to collect her thoughts. “S-Serenity, Gabriella, and all them said that your cock gets bigger when you get taller.”

“Oh, yeah that’s true. Why?” I wondered, suspecting I knew the answer based on what Miriam had told me, but wanting to verify.

She finally took a deep breath, managing to focus on me. “You don’t have a werewolf cock, and I’m really glad you don’t, but I think you’re going to need to get bigger. Should be able to do it at your current size, but it’s going to be harder…” Her voice trailed off. “You’d have to be rougher,” she clarified.

Ah, that made more sense.

After all, it was supposed to be an aggressive and dominating act, so it was either fuck her really rough with a looser physical connection between us, which I was hesitant to do given her past, or else have a stronger physical connection that could only be released by my own cum lessening the friction holding us together.

“Sure,” I replied simply, my bones already popping quietly as I began growing another foot, just before my horns were fully grown -- a habit I’d gotten into, in order to avoid the others transforming. At the same time, my cock rapidly became thicker, causing her to abruptly duck her head again with a hiss when I began really stretching her out to the fullest.

“That okay?” I wondered, my voice deeper now.

“Yes,” she whimpered, sounding like she was about to cry.

“I need you to be honest with me,” I said seriously.

“Fuck, it feels good, okay?” she unexpectedly snapped, still not looking at me. “Fucking amazing. Okay? Happy now?”

I scoffed. “I mean, that’s a good thing, right?”

She sniffled then, her tone immediately apologetic. “Y-Yeah. It’s a good thing. Sorry.”

“It’s fine. But I think it’s time. Are you ready?”

She whimpered again, this time out of pure arousal and anticipation, only nodding once.

I didn’t respond.

Because it really was time.

I could feel it now, a sort of bond beginning to form between us, much like I’d felt with Gwen, Serenity, Gabriella, Avery, and Michelle. Except, a bit different. It wasn’t the same kind of bond as the rest of them, still very much a matter of loyalty, but without the need for commitment or anything similar.

Only obedience.

That was the fundamental nature of this bond, and I immediately understood the basis for solidifying it.

I now understood how to become her alpha.

I would dominate.

She would obey.

Forgetting to be careful with my own transformation, my horns finished growing and I erupted beyond my seven feet, no doubt causing all the others to abruptly transform, grabbing Natalie’s hips with my much larger hands and twisting her on my shaft while jerking my hips forward, shoving her more on the bed.

Her arousal exploded, coupled with complete confusion, as she screamed in ecstasy.

AHHHH!” she exclaimed, only to try to speak to me. “W-What--” she tried.

“Quiet,” I demanded, grabbing at her dress and roughly tugging it up over her head, leaving her only in her black vinyl bikini top. I then climbed on top of her with my large cock buried deep, causing her to squeal again as I forced her forward and more onto her stomach, hovering over her until I was pressing my chest into her mostly bare back, the whole bed creaking underneath our weight.

I then tugged my hips back as I spread my legs more, like I was going to pull my cock out, instead tugging her whole body with me, because we were truly locked now.

Uhhh!” she exclaimed, only for the sound to get cut off when I shoved forward again, sliding her whole body underneath me. Suddenly she was gasping for breath, her arousal having shot through the roof, her hands going wild as she grasped at anything, finally grabbing at my enlarged wrists, holding on tightly like her life depended on it.

I pulled back, and thrust forward again, beginning to pick up the pace like I was fucking normally, with her continuing to attempt to keep herself in the same spot by holding my wrists, only to get tugged back and forth all over again.

Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh,” she involuntarily exclaimed with each thrust, my movements growing rougher, her own uncontrollable gasps growing louder. “Uh, uh! Uh! Uh! Uh! Uh! Uh! Uh! Uh! Oh fuck! Oh fuuuuuuckkkk!”

She screamed, obviously cumming, grabbing my wrists even tighter as she tried to hold herself still.

But I kept pounding, thrusting harder and harder, her throbbing pussy finally beginning to work me up to my own climax, the pressure on my head beyond intense.

UH! UH! UH! UH! UH! UH! UH! UH!” she continued, clearly preferring that she could have a moment to recover after getting there once. But it was the lack of recovery that was stimulating me, her pussy throbbing even harder. “OH FUCK! OH FUUUUUCK!”

She cummed again.

And there was no sensation of increased wetness.

However, I felt the bond begin solidifying when I didn’t stop pounding, her submissiveness escalating, the pressure in her pussy feeling like I was sticking my cock in the world’s tightest asshole, except it wasn’t her ass. Her snatch was squeezing and throbbing like a reflexive desperation to milk my cock to orgasm.

And I knew it was important to let her milk me to cumming, rather than stimulating it with my own energy, sensing that me getting off purely via her body was vitally important this very first time. Because I was her alpha.

And she’d please me one hundred percent through her own efforts.

I finally grunted, feeling my peak hit its high…

Only to remain there, building and building. And building.

“Oh please!” she unexpectedly begged, sensing it too, starting to rock her body with mine, instead of fighting against me, her bare back rubbing against my chest. “Oh please, yes! Oh fuck, YES! OH, FUCK YES! OH, FUUUUUUUUCK!”

She cummed again.

And as I got there, I gritted my teeth by the intensity of my own eruption, truly the most powerful pulse of cum I’d felt thus far, possibly because I’d never gotten off while my body was this large. Still, that was saying something, my load shooting powerfully deep within her while she flopped and twitched and struggled, clearly in the middle of cumming herself for the third time.

But we weren’t quite done.

I was now completely her alpha, she was now completely submissive, but our fucking wasn’t quite done. We were still pretty tightly connected.

Thus, I continued pounding, each thrust beginning to shove her body a little less underneath me, my cock slowly advancing a little out each time, until I was starting to fuck her like normal -- like I was used to.

“Uh! Uh! Uh! Uh! Uh! Uh! Uh!” she groaned repeatedly, now mostly from my hips slapping her ass as I thrust in and out of her snatch.

For a brief second, I began to wonder if she was going to eventually ask me to stop, but then immediately knew the answer to that. Because I was her alpha now, and I could feel the absolute submission coursing through our new bond, truly being unlike anything else I had experienced before…

She was literally a fuck doll beneath me at this point.

Physically, yes.

But also, in every other way that counted…

She was no longer her own person.

No longer an individual with autonomy…

No longer, the Natalie I’d met earlier that day…

What the fuck?

This was more than just being her leader.

It was like she was an extension of my own body now. Just like my arm or leg. As if the person I’d just been speaking with had died.

As if she’d fucking died!

This unique, distinct, sort of charming individual, with her own special personality, was now suddenly just a part of me, and nothing more.

The girl that was Natalie, was gone…

It felt like only a shell was left…

After that last orgasm, now there was only a shell!


I finally slowed down my thrusting, not wanting to stop too abruptly, only to finally pull out.

Natalie just laid there on her stomach for a few long seconds, breathing heavily, before beginning to sit up when I thought about her doing so.

When I fucking thought about her doing so!


I didn’t want this.

Shit, I didn’t fucking want this!

It would be better to wrestle her werewolf form to the ground and hold her still all night than to exert this level of control over another person. She was fucking dead right now! The girl before me was literally just a fucking puppet!



Unexpectedly, a commotion was at the door as it slammed open, Serenity and Gabriella both rushing through, both of them fully transformed, with Gwen and Miriam hot on their heels.

Serenity spoke up first, her voice full of concern. “Kai, what’s wrong?!” she pleaded urgently. “Baby, what’s wrong?!”

“Just look at her!” I roared, confused as to why I was struggling to see them clearly. “This is fucking messed up!”

Miriam abruptly slipped passed them, and climbed right onto the bed, forcing herself in front of me even when I tried to push her away, my attempt weak out of a fear of hurting her, as her hands reached up to grasp my gray face.

Shhh,” she unexpectedly whispered, a simple sound filled with power, everything about the room around me shifting dramatically.

Her intense erotic presence suddenly became something else entirely, like an ocean of motherly love that I found myself drowning in. I began choking, unable to comprehend what was happening to me, until the choking finally erupted into a sob.

“I fucking killed her,” I whimpered, suddenly feeling Serenity’s warm embrace wrapping around my shoulders on my left, followed by Gabriella’s on my right.

Shhh,” Miriam repeated, another wave of her tender love hitting me like a freight truck. “Just take a deep breath, baby.”

I gritted my teeth. “But I--”

“Listen to me, Kai,” she said firmly. “Take a deep breath. Feel us holding you.”

I felt like I was choking again as I tried to do so, feeling my muscles beginning to tremble as the three of them held me tightly.

“Now,” Miriam continued softly. “You need to relax your hold on her, okay? Natalie isn’t dead. She’s still there. But you went too far. So just relax.”

I shook my head. “What are you even talking about? How do you even--”

“Master,” Gwen interrupted, causing me to try to focus on her through my teary gaze, seeing her standing by the bed only wearing the glossy leather vest, her pale shoulders bare. “She knows because I know. Master, your mind is very powerful. You can still be her alpha while allowing her to be separate from you. Picture her like a ring on your finger.”


“Master, please do as I say. Picture her like a ring on your finger.”

I tried to do so, struggling a little since I didn’t wear rings. But I knew I might one day.

“Now,” Gwen said after a second, her tone reassuring. “Master, I want you to take off the ring. Place it in your pocket. Please. Trust me, master.”

Of course, I was completely naked, but I knew this was purely a psychological thing she was expecting me to do.

I took a deep breath, and did as she asked, placing ‘Natalie’ in my pocket, instead of keeping her on my finger. But really, it felt more like cutting off my finger and putting that in my pocket. Doable, but kind of…difficult…to allow my finger to remain detached from me. Because it was a part of me, and it was meant to be on my hand.

A familiar voice unexpectedly spoke up. “Shit. This is awkward.”

I immediately turned my head to look at her in surprise, just in time to watch the blue-haired girl grab one of the pillows to hide her exposed waist. It was really her.

“I’m so sorry,” I said sincerely, afraid she was going to hate me for what I’d just done to her.

Instead, she only shrugged, glancing away. “Kind of used to it. Not the first time I lost the ability to make my own decisions.”

“Fuck,” I hissed.

She looked at me then, her light brown eyes seeming surprised and concerned, only for her to focus on Miriam, Serenity, and Gabriella all showing me various levels of physical comfort. “H-Hey,” she then said, meeting my gaze again. “I’m…I’m okay.”

I just shook my head, feeling uncertain that I could even trust those words at this point.

Gwen spoke up again, but not speaking to me this time. “Natalie, you need to share that with him. It’s important.”

The blue-haired vixen looked at Gwen in shock, only to focus on me hesitantly. “Umm…hey, look…” Her voice trailed off.

Miriam finally chimed in. “Just spit it out please. Now isn’t a time for hesitation.”

“S-Sorry,” Natalie stammered, only to focus on me again. “Look, I hated being that other guy’s bitch. It was horrible. Absolutely horrible. But…this isn’t so bad.” She paused, her light brown eyes looking vulnerable again. “I feel like I’m going to be okay with this,” she added quietly.

I sighed heavily, trying to gather myself now, feeling a little embarrassed by my mental breakdown just now. “I really am sorry,” I repeated.

She sighed again, finally looking at me fully, loosening the grip on her pillow. Her tone was firm, almost sounding annoyed. “Okay, seriously man. I’m cool with you, okay? You’re obviously a halfway decent guy, and I’m still really hoping that you’ll share your miracle blood with me, so I’m more than happy to put up with being your puppet. Okay? Like, anything is better than being that other bastard’s bitch.” Her voice abruptly dropped, her expression starting to look vulnerable again. “Except, that you’re a lot better than ‘anything.’ Kind of like, at the top of my picks, if given the choice.” Her voice dropped even more, to the point that it was barely above a whisper. “Best I could have hoped for.”

“See?” Miriam finally said affectionately to me, urging me to meet her emerald gaze. “It’s okay. She’s okay. Everyone’s okay.” She paused. “Okay?”

I reached out and carefully wrapped my arms around her torso, pulling her in closer. “Thank you,” I whispered. “All of you. Thank you, Serenity. Thank you, Gabriella. Thank you, Gwen.” I squeezed Miriam a little tighter, lowering my voice. “And thank you, Miriam.” I sighed. “Sorry for freaking out.”

Miriam turned her face and gently kissed me on the cheek. “It’s just because you’re a good guy,” she said softly. “You’re good, Kai. And that’s why I love you.”

“Don’t ever stop being good, Kai,” Serenity unexpectedly whispered, an affectionate phrase she’d said to me frequently growing up whenever I did something that surprised her.

Looking up at her, seeing the tenderness in her now brown eyes, I moved my left arm back and got her in my embrace too, pulling her against me tightly. “Love you, Ren. So much.”

“Love you too, baby. More than anything.”

“Still awkward,” Natalie retorted. “I’m naked.”

“Oh, don’t worry,” Miriam replied playfully, pulling away a little to focus on her. “I won’t touch you while you’ve got cursed blood.” She paused, being intentional about looking her up and down. “Although, after Kai gives you a little bit of his blood. Mmm, mmm. I might just have to try you out, cutie.”

Natalie’s face was instantly beet red.

And I couldn’t help but laugh, knowing from Miriam’s abrupt grin at me that she was only teasing to help ease the lingering tension.

Well, sort of.


NOTE: Be sure to check out Combat Healer (formerly My Girlfriend's an Oni Demon). It's 65,000 words of goodness to read so far.


FEEDBACK: Did Kai's emotional transition (to becoming upset about the situation) flow well and feel natural? Could you feel his reaction, or did it not translate well?

This chapter was almost double my minimum word count (9,000 words vs 5k minimum), so hopefully you enjoyed the much longer chapter!


 ALSO, I've gotten a comment or two about concerns with things feeling like they are dragging on. I'm sure many of you don't mind the time spent with Miriam and Gwen, because you've been asking for more slice-of-life interactions with the women, but my goal is to have a balance of both.

And the thing is, here in just like 1-2 chapters, things are about to get pretty crazy/exciting, and stay pretty crazy/exciting for a few chapters.

Several mysteries are going to get resolved, even as we learn some new stuff about the world they live in.


Chapter 65 >>


Martin Baute

After Chapter 43 on Literotica, I had the feeling that Kai's sudden character change in that chapter had killed the story arc. I came here to Patreon with pretty low expectations for how the story would progress. But I have to tip my hat to you -- you pulled off the "more assertive" part of Kai beautifully without making him just another "pathologically" dominant character.

Clear Muse

I have not been worried things are dragging. There's a ton going on, honestly. Like a lot!


Damn glad I waited a week to read the previous chapter. So Natalie's hot and I hope she ends up feeling more comfortable around kai and the others. I think the transition to kais emotional change was well done and made sense. I will also say his reaction hit me in the feels so excellent job. Kinda off topic but would you ever consider commissioning character art for a higher patreom tier? Gwen has me wanting to shell out more money lol.


i think the emotional reaction was a good way of showing that he's still mostly him when he's in his fully transformed state.

Christopher Miller

Suggestion? With both Serenity and Gabriella (sorta) teasing Kai about giving them more attention, how about when they go home tonight Gabby permanently moves into Serenity's bedroom? They don't have to go full lezbo, but just being beside each other while Kai has sex with the other should start moving things along nicely to the next stage of their relationship. Natalie could take over the couch if she needs time alone to process her life changes now that her old pack will be dead. If she needs comfort and a shoulder to cry on I suspect Michelle would be the best option and they could share Kai's old room. Nothing sexual needs to happen between them, just a maternal nurturer helping another woman in pain. If Natalie doesn't need emotional support (or more likely Just says she doesn't need it) Michelle and Avery can share Kai's old room. It would be a temporary solution to finding enough beds for everyone to sleep in. Also, Kai now has two house women (Michelle and Natalie) who have nothing to occupy their days until Kai and the others get home from work or school. It sounds like Michelle will be taking Natalie under her wing while they figure out ways to pass the time until they move into Miriam's place. Either way, I could easily see Natalie becoming a second daughter to Michelle. Oh, and for their first day together alone Natalie definitely needs a wardrobe! A mall trip is definitely a necessity. Again, these are my thoughts and suggestions. Ignore or use anything I bring up as you see fit.

Christopher Miller

Oh, just realized. How are they going to handle Avery's obscene new appetite at lunchtime? Is her Mom going to have to pick her up every day and go out to eat instead of sitting with Kai and her friends? It's going to be hard to explain why she's putting away four times the food she used to without some creative lies.

Christopher Miller

In part maybe, but the 6 of them (5 house girls &amp; Kai) ate enough at lunch "for 20 people" according to Kai PLUS a whole cheesecake and a pie. Figuring Kai, Serenity and Natalie at least had a large brunch then Avery and Michelle didn't and were "famished" they probably had more than the others. Meaning it will be a similar situation at school. For Avery to not feel starving she'll have to put away several more pounds of food than she should be physically capable of eating. Maybe using stress binging at lunch as an excuse plus attacking snacks stashed in her locker between classes would be enough to tide her over till she'd get home? I brought it up because I think there's potential for a hilarious scene where her friends are stunned at how much food she's capable of putting down.

Christopher Miller

Well yeah, I get that. It's something that should work for few days at least. It's a solid idea, but my point was the evidence says she's been eating four to five times as much as what even an athletic girl like her normally eats. Even if she doubles her old diet at lunch that's less that half of what she eats now. That's literally physically impossible for a slender, albeit athletic woman to pack that much food away day in, day out. And eventually when she never gains a pound her friends are going to be.... seriously, WTF!


I liked the fact that he had that reaction while in his larger form as other have said. Shows that it’s still him and he’s not influenced by something else. I guess the only thing that concerns me at this point is the timeline. 64 chapters in and about 5 days have passed in the story. Just a few days ago, Kai was curled up on the couch freaking out about Gabriella getting closer to him in a room and now has the confidence to handle someone in Natalie’s situation. Just seems kinda off. I know him dying and coming back changed him but his sexual confidence was already quite high before that for someone that was a virgin less than a week ago. I felt the same about the MC in the Naughty friend story line. After resolving the werewolf and biter story arc I think it would do the story good to let some time pass. Get Avery and Kai out of school and then move on to some bigger story arcs. At this rate it feels like he will have a final showdown with his dad or some other big bad guy before he graduates. Just my 2 cents. Love the story overall and look forward to new chapters.

Christopher Miller

Seconded! I love this story, and consider myself a huge fan of KW. BUT, it does feel super rushed. Thursday evening to Monday evening currently and soooo much has happened and changed for everyone. I understand and agree with the timing of some of these points, but this whole werewolf arc in particular feels like it could waited a couple of weeks until everyone got a chance to get their feet under them. Apart from the Werewolves and the biter so much else needs to be addressed that isn't action based. Kai solidifying his relationships with Rebecca, Natalie, Michelle and Avery for one. Dealing with the stone, getting through HS with Kai &amp; Avery, getting the expanded family moved to Miriam's place and they need to start making long term plans. Some of them becoming Miriam's apprentices? Some of them going to college? Are they going to start being more proactive in taking out supernatural threats in the human community? So many questions to be answered without the threat-of-the-day distracting everyone.

Christopher Miller

::To Darksidex3x:: As far as Kai's sexual confidence goes he has had doubts crop up occasionally. He just had them several times with Natalie actually. But I'm sure he was helped along by figuring out that he has supernatural gifts that can satisfy uberhot and experienced women to an insane degree. Having multiple sex demons tell you that no one ever has made them cum as hard as he did has got to be a huge ego boost! KW has said that his confidence is going to continue to rubber band back and forth and that's realistic. In his time with Natalie alone he kept asking stuff like "is this painful?", and "Are you okay with this?" So yeah, I think he was really unsure of himself dealing with Natalie's situation. I think normally that lack of confidence would be off-putting for a female, but I think it kind of reassured Natalie. It let her know Kai was a decent guy.


I completely agree. All the points you made are perfectly logical progression for the character. My issue is just that it happened over the course of 4 days. If we think back on the fact that he couldn’t even be in the room with Gabriella without turning grey on Thursday/Friday, to now being able to handle millennia old sucubi, balance multiple women that are older than him, and handle someone in Natalie’s state of mind, it just seems unreal. It’s like a kid getting his drivers license and racing Nascar at a competitive level 4 days later. I know it’s fantasy and magic is involved here. Just offering my constructive criticism. For me personally. I would like to see some minor storyline progression. Where are the all going to live? The story hints at the mansion being perfect for everyone but they do have money. Will anything happen with Avery before the story is over? 4 days have passed and they agreed to wait till she’s out of school so she won’t shift. So does that mean chapter 200 will have them progress? Serenity seems to be part Imp. What about the blue and white of Avery and her mom?


Yeah, I think my biggest critiques are characters being pushed to the back burner for new ones and how rushed the time frame is.

Christopher Miller

I concur. From the start, the only real complaint I've had about the story has been the speed of developments happening. Ideally I would have preferred to keep the family limited to just Serenity and Gabriella for the first 15 - 20 chapters, maybe add Rebecca near the end of that as a logical progression. Make those chapters last a few weeks to allow everyone time to stretch their legs and adjust. Miriam and Gwen make more sense to be pulled in next, or if Serenity "forgets" about the stone for another couple of weeks you can introduce Avery, then her Mom several chapters later. My sense though, is KW wants the cast assembled ASAP. And we still have at least one more girl to go. It does feel like we might have a break coming up after Natalie's sideplot concludes though. Well, unless KW decides #9 needs to be introduced sooner rather than later. But yes, I believe you are right in that his nature and personality are being coaxed along by magic. Even before he died I felt like having Rebecca, Miriam and Gabriella as partners was having a huge effect on his confidence and willingness to experiment to an unnatural degree. Like by being succubi they were magically reinforcing sexual behavior, and his submissive girls (Avery and Serenity) were encouraging him to embrace his dominance inherent to being an incubus, even nonsexually. But yes, even taking that into account it felt rushed. So, KW does like feedback and is pretty willing to listen to his fans. So please continue with the positive and constructive criticism, I will to! lol


His reaction hitting you in the 'feels' was the goal, so glad to hear it! As far as the art thing goes, not sure. A really good artist is going to cost upwards of $300 to $1,000 for character art. Unless it's more anime-style, in which case I could probably get something made under $300. It's just that, it would be anime-style, which may or may not be desirable to most. I guess it kind of depends on what you'd want to see, and how high of a tier you'd be willing to go into. If I did a $50 tier and 20 people joined, then I could commission a $1,000 character art. Or even if 10 people joined, I could do something that cost $500. Obviously, if I did a lower tier, such as $30, then it would depend on the amount of interest. If I had 20 people interested in a $30 tier, then I might be able to make it work. Obviously, it would be different if I could do the art myself, but unfortunately I'm not that talented, lol. Edit: It's also possible I might be able to just add the art to the $20 tier, but I would need quite a few people to join to make that feasible.


@Darksidex3x I will go ahead and reassure you that the sexual interaction between Avery and Kai will advance prior to Ch 80 (I will make it happen, lol). Might even be able to get it to happen prior to Ch 70, but just depends on how the upcoming chapters unfold. We'll eventually learn what other reasons she has for wanting to wait, and how they can get around those concerns.


@Christopher You're correct about me wanting to introduce the full cast as soon as feasibly possible. Part of the reason is because this is supposed to be a harem story, and if I took that long to introduce more characters, then I know for a fact I'd have people complain about it not being a harem (even with Gabriella and Serenity involved). However, the other aspect is just wanting to get everyone introduces so that they all have a fair chance of being liked. For example, I have some who are finding they like Natalie a lot, but if I waited a really long time to introduce her, then people would already have their solidified favorites. Same with kind of putting off advancing things with Serenity and Gabriella. Those two are just about everyone's favorites, but is it because they were the first introduced? Or is it because they are truly the most likeable? Either way, I just want to get to a point where all the girls have a chance to be known and liked, with the story progressing with the full female cast being known, even if not everyone gets a ton of screen-time. Also, as far as the timeline goes, I do understand that it's felt rushed, but the timeline is so ingrained in the story that changing it would be nearly impossible. For other stories (and for future plot for this story), I can keep that in mind, but making a change to the existing chapters would require almost a full rewrite of the story, simply because of constraints, such as people having to go to work and class, etc. Spacing things out by weeks or extra days would be nearly impossible for the existing chapters (again, without doing pretty much a full rewrite of over 400,000 words).

Christopher Miller

Personally I think if you could have given a half of a chapter early on to Kai, Serenity and Gabriella and just said they spent time together for 2-3 weeks growing closer and learning about their new situation. You could have brought Rebecca in and tweaked Kai's situation with learning about how his feeding on passion works. That said, it's not that big a deal. I compare this small little detail in your huge story to eating at a 5 star Michelin restaurant and finding the vinegrette dressing on the salad to be a touch to bitter in a seven course meal that is otherwise completely exquisite. It's a relatively small thing that is mildly annoying when focused on, but is not really a huge deal compared with the enjoyment that comes from this epic story.

Christopher Miller

As to you going through to rewriting this story? I'd buy it, but I think I'd enjoy you creating new content the way you have been more. I think every artist can look back on earlier projects and can see things they would improve on. After all, any serious author works on improving their craft and growing as a creator. I'd say though just keep on doing what you've been doing, it's obviously working. I do appreciate you being open to feedback. You are probably the author who is the most responsive to their fanbase and I love that

Christopher Miller

As to the need to introduce everyone ASAP? I don't think it's an absolute necessity. You gave the example of Natalie becoming some people's favorite, but being afraid people would have left the story before she showed up and not gotten the chance to know her. The fact of the matter is all the girls share most of their personality traits with some of the other girls. Natalie's defining traits seem to be her inner strength to take her own path, her feistiness and her good heart. Those characteristics are in other characters in your story, but they are combined in Natalie in a distinct package. Seeing those traits in other intriguing characters will keep readers who are attracted to those things interested. They are not going throw their hands up in the air and say "there is no character with exactly this mix of traits in this story, so I'm giving up on this author." Not to mention the fact that if they are interested in only 1 or 2 of the girls are they going to hang around for two or three months until their favorites are in the spotlight again? You've done a good job creating a diverse cast of female partners for Kai. Four seem to be switches (domme, equal or sub, depending on the mood) and four seem to be submissive. From the start, you introduced a switch, then a sub, then a switch and sub together, then a switch, then a switch and sub together, then a sub. At least, Natalie seems like a sub to me. She's feisty, but ultimately it feels like she needs someone to take control to make her feel safe and protected. My point is there is something for every reader, and has been ever since Rebecca, Michelle and Avery jumped in at about the same time. There shouldn't be a race to get every harem member on scene yesterday. For whatever it's worth I'd say let the cast you've already assembled really shine before yanking in the remaining couple of girls. For example, I wasn't really a fan of Gwen at all in her first several chapters. But when you took some time to develop her she fast became one of my favorites. I think the same could probably be said about any of Kai's women. As for Natalie herself, her sarcasm and feistiness can be seen in Miriam, her strength and independence could be compared to Michelle and Rebecca and her kind heart is similar to Serenity and Avery. But yes, she has parts of them, but is unique on her own. But readers who like the other women will probably like her as well. But that's my opinion, you are the one in the driver's seat sir!

Christopher Miller

As an example, Tefler who writes TSM (the only other author I support here) is up to almost 150 chapters and 3 of the 4 most popular members of the harem weren't introduced until after chapter 70. He didn't have the fourth harem member join until about chapter 21, but two other members were teased before they joined. Currently there are a whopping 39 active harem members, plus one that is deceased and another half dozen that are being teased as possible future members. He has a system that works for him. When he brings a new girl in he develops them before a new one joins with a distinct personality and role. While this is going on there are one or two side plots going on with other harem members plus one or two side plots going on away from the harem. Each and every one of the harem feel unique and different even though many of them share common traits. He can do so many subplots because he basically does 2 chapters/month for a total of about 25-30k words. But he does this full time. So it's possible, but yes, it's a very different situation from yours But yes, a harem of 40 women ::shudders:: nice fantasy, but IRL, no thank you 🤯 I wrote you a book again 😕 sorry


@Kaizer Wolf Please don’t adjust your story too much for us. I appreciate the response to the feedback but in the end we are all here because of the story YOU wrote. My only goal in speaking my concerns was to help you from painting yourself into a corner. You said yourself on the naughty friend story line that you had hit a wall and I enjoy this story even more and want to see it continue.

J Bone

I like how Kai is slowly building a strong female army. He has women of all walks of life around him. But they are there because they want to be, because he's good to them. It's crazy that so much happens in just a few days. Isn't this whole story only a few weeks long?


Would love to see more than one or two hours in this day covered in a chapter. This is the longest fucking 24 hrs Ive ever read. Im loving it, but you are streching it out too much, it is kiling me bro.


I already have a chapter coming up where like 6 hours is summarized, and then another future chapter will have another 6-8 hours summarized, so it'll happen.


Lol, this whole story is only about 5 days long so far. Starts on a Thursday, and I think this chapter is the end to the following Monday.


I'm not sure, but think he meant to the completion of the story if there is one would only be a few weeks long


This has been a really great arc. Although it's kinda funny you made werewolves disgusting creatures considering your username 😅


Well, in Wolfgirl's Pet Witch and Vampire Slayer, werewolves are as you expect them. I wanted to do something different and not make it a 'cool' thing to be a werewolf in this story (although, small spoiler...) . . . . (Not all werewolves are this ugly. Basically, the average 'werewolf' cannot fully transform as they should, and end up as this hideous monstrosity.)

Michael Spence

Wonderful story, the progession is moving well. I liked the sex in the lab was great, the additional sex in the BR did kind of slow it a little. Kai's strong emotional response was perfect once everyone realized he lost control. Luv this story!