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it's more than a p̶̥̝̖̅r̵̭͠ǫ̴̧̪̽m̶̳͖̰͗i̶̠͎̒̀s̴̩̱̓̇͐e̶͖̙͆̀́

Trigger Warnings: [discussions of large-scale existential threat][authoritarian regime/discussions of government control][references to violence/dehumanization/torture of characters][references to character death][reinforced hopelessness][arguing]


Cataclysm | The Luxury of Morality [Audio RP]

it's more than a p̶̥̝̖̅r̵̭͠ǫ̴̧̪̽m̶̳͖̰͗i̶̠͎̒̀s̴̩̱̓̇͐e̶͖̙͆̀́ Trigger Warnings: [discussions of large-scale existential threat][authoritarian regime/discussions of government control][references to violence/dehumanization/torture of characters][references to character death][reinforced hopelessness][arguing] --- we're back on the wrong side of the mirror now for those of you who are unfamiliar, the Imperium is an AU reimagining of the normal universe here on the channel, one which was explored over the course of last October and which we will be revisiting for this month as well. this is a continuation of that anthology, starting up one year after where that one left off. you can check it out at this playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEm8kgm65Yt6QuDzFvnIxPoGBo5ctLrlf hope you guys enjoy! --- written and recorded by yours truly All my links, including Patreon (vote in polls, get credited in videos, get early access, get bonus audios, and more): https://linktr.ee/redactedaudio This original content has been created exclusively for this YouTube channel. No permission for this copywritten audio to be distributed, copied, shared, or plagiarized is granted to any person, organization, or entity.


Cinnamon Sugar

David and Asher!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹 My heart!

Cinnamon Sugar

I think we learned, last season, that it was Darlin’s friend who was attacked, and Darlin and David who arrived first on the scene and were killed. I think the video is saying David and Asher were mates in this universe and I think the listener here is Babe. But I would love confirmation!!!


Ohh ok 😯 I’m more confused now…


The listener in this video is "Babe" (the same listener from the Imperium Pack audio last year. "Darlin"s unnamed unempowered friend (the Imperium version of the person that Quinn attacked in the Prime Universe that set them on their quest for revenge there) was found and tortured by Quinn and Alexis in this universe. "Darlin" and David were the two pack members that got there first to try and save them, and were killed. David and Asher were mates in this universe.

Green Blue

the way I dramatically gasped, rolled over in bed, and clutched my heart at the reveal of ash and David….


Someone please do me a solid and write me the world’s sappiest fluffiest Asher/David being in love and happy fic please 😭😭😭 I need it


Hearing Asher describe what Alexis does for fun was soo chillin... the mental picture in my head was so heartbreaking, to know she likes the spice families have. 🥺 I wanted to hug him when he said David died in his arms and to find out his mate died by her as well. You convinced me sir... she needs to go


Asher: “I’m already dead.” Me: (Points to the floor) “You see that? The pile of dust on the ground? Yea, that’s my heart and it’s been pulverized to smithereens!”😭💔 The math makes sense to me, Alexis needs to go!😡 My moral compass broke years ago so I completely stand with Asher and the pack hunting her down and destroying her. She’s sick and twisted and had a part in David and Darling’s death. Those are good enough reasons for me. Revenge can sometimes be sweet, especially if it will possibly help save the world.🤷🏾‍♀️


That’s true in the canon-verse, but not in the spoopyverse. Erik posted a clarification above!

Muffin’s Merit

BABE IS WHAT?!?!?! Lord have mercy😭😭😭The way I’ve been crying screaming and rolling around in my chair for the past 25 minutes!!!! Ash, I feel so sorry for him but Alexis gots to go, we gotta avenge David😭 As soon as he said she hated wolves, I knew where this was goin


God these are so painful but so good, I hope we get to see more of “Angel” and Damian


THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE FOOD MR REDACTED THIS WAS AMAZING!!! Lol i had a hard time thinking up the Dialogue for Babe this round, because I was too busy agreeing with Ash with all the extra grudges against Alexis I have from the main canon! It sounds like having no consequences brought out the absolute WORST in William's Hellion in this AU, which makes....a horrid amount of sense, great writing, sir. As SOON as Ash said her territory was out by Ferris I was like Oh No but getting what happened to the Keaton pack confirmed, and that the Imperium not just okayed it, even sorted the fucking logistics? Damn, you just keep on reminding me its the worst timeline. You're doing a really great job! I also like ok not like but the way Alexis' hunting grounds kinda reinforcing the way this world works; unempowereds are the lowest class who cares if they go missing, but if she gets bored her next step is wolves, shifters....because they are fun enough but also just a low enough rung on the departments list of citizen priorities that they don't give a shit. I wonder if she's ever hunted an Empowered, and what the department response to that would be. Does she know her place in the ImpAU, or doesn't she? I also wonder why Alexis specifically hates wolves when it seems like they would make an excellent but low-imperium-comsequences hunt target, like I would almost think she wouldn'tneed a reason to hunt them other than convenience. I can't wait to maybe hear what happened! Also wondering about the family dynamic thing again, and thinking, perhaps this is part of why the Imperium is particularly F That about shifter packs; it must harder to keep the imperium loyalty overriding the wolf pack instincts? Lots of thoughts, little sense. I can't wait for the next video!


RIP to "Darlin"s unempowered friend who absolutely cannot catch a break in any universe xD


Oh how I love this world! There is so much good lore and story telling. But oh how I want an Ash and David mate video from before David died! If anyone writes some fanfic hit me up! Erik you are an amazing storyteller in all ways! Your skill us unmatched and I just love it!