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Hi all,

I'm back home from the trip. It was a lot of work, but it's good to be done. I've got a lot to get caught up on (including editing the repeated lines in the most recent Imperium video-- not being able to fix that on mobile was such a pain lol), so the early access for the next vid will likely be a bit late. Thank you guys for the well wishes for the trip, it's been a very hectic 5 days, but it was a success and it's done, and you can't ask for much more than that. Excited to get back into the swing of things and get some more content out there. See you soon.



im glad it was a productive trip and i’m glad you got back safely. please take some time for yourself, we’ll be here and we want you to take care of yourself first and foremost. you’re amazing, erik


Welcome back. Leaving for my work trip today. Hope it's a productive as yours seemed to be. Looking forward to more content as you have time. Hopefully you have some time to relax too.


Da boi is back! Glad your trip went well and you're home safe.


I wish I could hug you through technology, you work so hard and you deserve a big hug. We love you very much.

Green Blue

Glad it was a fun trip :)


Welcome back! So glad to hear you had fun :)


Happy to hear it all went well and things are getting back to normal.


Welcome back! Glad the trip went well, but nothing quite compares to coming home again after being away 😌

Lovely Deviant Alyssa

Welcome back, Erik! I'm so glad things went well, and that the trip was a success! 🥳 That's always a great feeling, being able to cross a big work task off of the to-do list! It's awesome, congratulations! And as always, take all the time you need with the content, and everything involved with the process 🥰 No worries at all 💖 All the content has been spectacular, as it always is!!! 😍😍😍 Thank you so much, for all you do. Knowing that you're also excited about what's to come on the channel, that makes me even more happy and excited for it all, even more than I already was to begin with!!! YAY!!! 😄💖 Again, thank you so much, for all you do, Erik! You rock, and your hard work/dedication is so deeply appreciated! I hope you get some time to rest and relax, after having such a packed schedule. You deserve all the best! Thank you for this update, as well. It's wonderful to know that you're back, and doing well! 😊 Sending lots of warm wishes and good vibes your way!


welcome back Erik! thanks for the updates 👍🏻

