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My new toy gradually takes shape in my hands, its sleek metal chassis and cubic design materializing before me. I run my fingertips along its sides, searching until I find a small indented button which I press firmly and the small machine whirs to life, its engine rumbling louder than I expected. Without thinking it twice, I throw it high into the air. The robot’s propellers burst into motion, stirring up a flurry of leaves and sending a gust of wind rippling through my hair. But it quickly stabilizes, hovering with a steady buzzing thrum a couple feet off the ground.

The camera then focuses on me, but instead of rushing to attack me and try to cut me to pieces, it simply remains in place, awaiting my next command just like I asked.

Satisfied with the initial impression, I bring out the short manual, quickly skimming through it to get a general idea. According to the instructions, I can sync it with my scroll and download an app, so naturally I also summon my scroll and slide my thumb across the screen. Both devices instantly connect and a new app appears on my screen, which I don’t wait to open. A new interface automatically pops up and a loading screen.

It takes a couple seconds before it finishes and reveals a new interface - an array of virtual controls surrounding a video feed...a video feed with me as the subject! 

My ears perk up in surprise as I spot the bot’s flashing red indicator light. Glancing between it and the screen, I realize it’s transmitting live footage with perfect synchronization.

No lag, no delays whatsoever. I let a low whistle escape. Pretty damned impressive, if I’m being honest.

Testing the virtual joystick, my very special toy follows my inputs without a hitch, maneuvering at my whim. Whoever did this job must be some kind of genius inventor. I can tell even a kid could probably learn these simple controls in minutes. Neo certainly has some amazing contacts on her network. Makes me wonder what other special contacts she has access to.

Trying out the controls further, I tap the button that says ‘Flight’ and my drone quickly ascends straight up until I’m just a tiny figure on the video feed, no larger than an ant. Which accidentally ends up as the perfect for now. This altitude will let me get a good look at my surroundings. I swipe to rotate the drone’s camera view, getting a panoramic view of this lush forest that reminds me a bit of Vale’s Emerald Forest back Vale, but with subtle differences in landscape and vegetation.

Tapping the rotation button to get a complete 360-degree turn, I even catch a glimpse of the clustered rooftops of Patch’s main town peeking over the horizon through the trees.

After taking in the aerial view for a few moments, I decided to do a quick test flight as the manual mentioned that it has a very strong signal, so I hit the descent button and it lowers smoothly back down to the ground level. With these controls, I’m able to easily maneuver the compact robot in loops and some air-rolls around the thick trunks and branches until I discover a bird's nest.

The temptation gets the better of me and I fly it closer to the birds, sending them frantically flapping away from their nest in a whirlwind of indignant chirps and caws. I know they are making those noises because I can hear them in the distance.

Seriously, what a cool piece of tech. I’ll have to send my thanks to Neo and whoever is her secret contact.

I wonder how this drone would perform if I used it in the city. The video quality is incredible. I could scout locations without physically being there and at a safe distance. This would definitely help me a lot on my delivery runs in the slums.

Right, forget work. I’m here to have some fun.

I check the signal strength on my screen - it’s still strong, so I pilot my robot deeper into the forest, maneuvering it to the right and avoiding low-hanging branches and leaves. Although I end up hitting a couple leaves, thanks to the speed and sharpness of the propellers, the leaves are cut instantly, doing no damage.

However, I stop it from moving any further as the camera reveals a lone Beowolf sniffing at the ground. Yet this one is strikingly different from any I’ve faced before. Instead of bony armor, its body is wrapped in a sleek, pitch-black coat, eyes glowing a deep, menacing red. Inching the drone closer for a better look, I realize this grimm lacks protruding long fangs, and it looks slightly smaller than me. And I know that those bastards should be at least one head taller than me.

If that strange appearance doesn’t set off alarm bells, two more Beowolves come into view, snuffling intently along the forest floor as if they are tracking and hunting for something. They, too, share the same small and underdeveloped traits as the first Beowolf I discovered.

So those are what they call newborn or infant grimm, so small and weak that even an armed civilian has a decent chance to kill them.

However, suddenly, all three of them stop sniffling and snap their heads in my direction, ears perked and tails raised high in rapt attention.

Not toward my flying robot, but directly at MINE.

And then they start prowling forward, causing me to frown deeply.

I fly the robot deeper into another part of the forest, only to encounter another small pack of these young Beowolves, and when I check another place, I find another group moving in the same direction. A lot of newborn grimm moving together as a large decentralized group and clearly converging on my location from different directions.

So it seems this is how grimm attack waves start, at least that is what I can understand to some degree. If I eliminate this first wave, then stronger and older grimms are likely to follow in the next waves until I end up fighting a single but very dangerous grimm.

The sensible choice would be to retreat to safe place and leave this situation to the guards or local Huntsmen to deal with, seeing as I’ve discovered the threat before they could attack first. But then again, why turn tail and run from mere newborn pups? They look so pathetically weak and frail. 

Why not have a bit of sadistic fun killing the dumb monsters?

I pilot my bot back to my position and carefully land it on the ground, remotely powering it off before scooping it up and storing it in my inventory. 

                            [Modified Atlas Manhack has been added to your inventory.]

With my toy safely stored, I slip my scroll into my right pocket.

With all my preparations complete, I summon my claws with a feral grin, turning to face the direction the grimm wave seems to be amassing from.

Seconds tick by in tense silence until howls and snarling barks erupt from the treeline. A pack of the newborn Beowolves bursts forth, only to skid to a halt as the large group locks their deep red eyes with mine. We simply stare each other down, unmoving, until one slightly larger Beowolf steps forward and releases a long, reverberating howl. 

A howl that the rest of the newborns take as their signal, recklessly rushing me in a wild frenzy, jaws gnashing as they seek to tear me apart with their underdeveloped fangs and claws.

Rather than wait and take a defensive stance, as I’ve done many times before, I take the initiative and charge forward, picking up speed. Using my newly acquired momentum, I leap into the air and come crashing down, obliterating the head of the supposed pack leader. Not wasting a second, I lunge at the nearest monster, grabbing its head and smashing it brutally against the ground before whipping the limp body into the assaulting pack, briefly creating an opening. I rush through the created gap, swinging my claws in a vicious arc to cut down another in half and send its upper half flying with a kick.

‘Class change!’

My claws dematerialize, replaced by my new sword and shield just in time to meet the newborns’ retaliation. But I don’t give them a chance to counter-attack, bashing my shield hard into the snout of one mutt, practically crushing half its head and sending it flying. I use that same momentum of my bashing attack to swing my sword in a wide arc, cleanly bisecting another Beowolf that got too close.

The remaining grimm from the first wave predictably tries to surround and overwhelm me with their remaining numbers, but I merely smirk, tensing my legs before leaping high into the air when they all jump to kill me. I initiate my spinning slash attack, cutting down every grimm within its radius. Except for one straggler that managed to avoid the brunt of my assault. A mistake I can’t allow. As soon as my feet touch the ground, I rush the lone survivor, burying my sword deep into its chest with a vicious twist before pulling it free, watching as the monster crumples on the spot.

I take a step back, rolling my neck as I survey the now empty field, the dissipating black smoke the only remnants of the dumb beasts. Just as the stories claimed, newborn grimm truly are feeble, fragile creatures - hardly a threat at all. I’m confident I could slaughter a few dozen more without breaking a sweat. Although, I should verify one thing first.


Ma’iq Rakhan

Race–Feline Faunus

Age 18

Class: The gladiator

Level–17 (4%)

Mentor – Blake Belladonna

Apprentice– Jeanne d’Arc

HP – 800/800 [60 regen per minute]

MP – 2182/2240 [350 regen per minute]

SP – 2979/3010 [250 regen per minute]






CHA– 45


Barely any experience points from that fight. I guess that’s to be expected when dealing with such weak enemies. Hunting them would be counterproductive and a total waste of my time unless I want to test something, like a new weapon, for example.

Taking one last look at my surroundings, I store my weapons back into my inventory as I have no plans to stay around any longer and draw more newborn grimm towards my position. 

It is still early, so I should go back to the hotel and keep making plushies and reach the first breakthrough of my weaver job. I still have some yarn left and if that isn’t enough, then I can always buy more, and Neo will appreciate it. Maybe I can bribe her with those cute toys. Or return to the streets and sell them again. Yesterday it netted me quite a sum of money.

Or perhaps now is the time to try knitting some actual. I remember knitting a simple but saturated scarf back in Kuo Kuana… maybe I’m ready to move on to more difficult stuff like a sweater or beanie hat.

My thoughts are suddenly interrupted by the unmistakable sound of a dog barking, growing louder with each successive bark. My ears instinctively perk up as I look in the direction the barking is coming from, spotting a small black dog with a white underbelly running toward me.

The little guy wags his tail excitedly, circling around me while barking before standing up on his hind legs, resting his front paws on my shins for a moment. Then he darts away again, only to come bouncing back and do another lap around me.

I can only look at the strange dog in confusion, unsure why he’s behaving this way. For that reason, I kneel down and extend my hand, trying to invite him to get closer.

The little guy stops in his tracks and extends his neck, his black nose twitching as he sniffs my hand. He takes a few tentative steps closer, his short tail wagging excitedly, and somehow manages to guide my hand down to pat his fuzzy head and scratch behind his perky ears.

“Aren’t you a cute little mutt?” I smirk, playing with his big ears before moving to scratch under his chin. He seems to thoroughly enjoy the attention, leaning into my hand and closing his eyes and letting out a yawn, which reveals a flash of his pink tongue.

Okay, that’s pretty cute.

As I continue petting him, I can’t help but notice the bright red collar around his neck with a golden tag. My hand pauses briefly before grasping the dangling tag and turning it over and finding his name ‘Zwei’ engraved along with a scroll number under it.

“So your name is Zwei, huh?” I give his soft head another pat and look around, surveying our surroundings, before looking back at him. He appears well-cared for, his coat shiny and clean, and he is very friendly to be a stray. It’s safe to assume this small dog has simply run ahead of his owner in excitement.

“Zwei! Zwei, where’d you go?!” a voice calls out, confirming my suspicion.

Zwei’s ears perk up instantly at the voice, and he turns his furry face towards the source of the call. He turns his head and gives another lick to my hand and scampers off in that direction, disappearing from my view.

Brushing off my shorts, I rise to my feet, an amused smile across my lips. This was certainly an unexpected but welcoming encounter. A little weird with the timing, since I’ve just finished killing a bunch of grimm but I won’t complain. 

Just as I’m about to continue on my way, Zwei comes running back, tongue lolling happily as he barks and immediately starts circling me again and jumping in excitement.

And before I can say something, Zwei suddenly comes jumping back into view, his tiny paws kicking up leaves and twigs as he runs towards me.

“Zwei! Don’t go running off like that! I’ve told you many times it’s dangerous!” I hear a feminine voice shout in frustration, making me turn my head and find a short girl wearing a red cape.

I tilt my head curiously as our eyes meet, and notice she has silver eyes, causing her to abruptly pause mid-scolding. Her mouth opens and closes wordlessly, a rosy tint spreading across her cheeks. “Oops, sorry! I didn’t see you there. I didn’t mean to scr-yell like that.”

Glancing down, I notice the small dog has come to a full stop, sitting obediently at my feet while gazing up at me with those puppy eyes. Without thinking it twice, I gently scoop him up, earning an excited bark of approval.

“Don’t sweat over it,” I shrug nonchalantly, closing the distance between us to hand the little guy back to his owner. “He was very nice.”

And unbelievably cute, I can’t help but silently add.

To my surprise, instead of taking him into her arms, she carefully deposits Zwei into the cozy basket she’s carrying, where he quickly circles a few times before finding the perfect nesting spot to rest his head, letting out another of those irresistibly adorable yawns. Shit, it takes actual willpower not to reach out and playfully poke that tiny pink tongue.

“Hehe, Zwei is the best dog ever,” she giggles, her previous frustration melting away before pouting adorably. “But he always runs off like that when we need to cross the forest.”

“Good thing I was here, right?” I chuckle, crossing my arms with a lopsided smirk. “I certainly didn’t expect to find anyone else out here.”

“Yeah, you’re right! I’m really grateful you were around to keep an eye on Zwei,” she says, smiling warmly at me. “He’s such a handful sometimes, but I just can’t stay mad at that cute little face.”

I nod in understanding, glancing down at the now sleeping dog nestled contentedly in her basket. “I can see why. He’s an adorable little guy. Must keep you on your toes, though.”

“You have no idea!” She laughs, running a hand through her short, dark red-tinted hair. “I’m Ruby, by the way. Ruby Rose.” She introduced herself as she puts down the basket with her dog on the ground.

“Ma’iq Rakhan.”

“Ma’iq?” She tilts her head, brow furrowing in mild confusion. “That’s a strange name...” Her expression morphs instantly into one of panic, silver eyes widening as she waves her hands frantically in front of her. “No wait! I didn’t mean strange as in rude! Like, it is strange in the good way, yeah, very unique and cool kind of way!”

I let out a chuckle, reaching up to rub the back of my neck in a self-conscious gesture. “Yeah, I get that a lot, but that’s how names are back in Vacuo.”

“Oh, you’re from Vacuo?” Ruby asks as she leans in slightly.

“Not the city itself, but a small village.” I explain with a casual shrug. “A village in the middle of the desert, a dry and boring place, if you ask me.”

Ruby giggles lightly at my dismissive tone, her free hand reaching up to grasp the edges of her cloak and pull the fabric snugly over her head.

Ah, he isn’t wearing a cape but a red- HOOD…

The realization hits me like a sledgehammer to the gut, the air forcibly expelled from my lungs. I double over, dropping to my knees as an invisible vice constricts my chest, leaving me gasping desperately for breath. My vision blurs alarmingly fast, darkening at the edges as my skull explodes in searing pain.

With a harsh, ragged gasp, I wrench myself back to the present, hands still clutching at my chest as if trying to claw out the lingering phantom pain. Sweat beads on my brow as everything becomes a mess.

I don’t think... I know something. I truly know something is wrong. But I think I know what I shouldn’t know…

But no, that snippet of something spinning everywhere in that hole, and everywhere closing down on me… No that isn’t real, so why the fuck I see myself in there? No, it’s distorted, always has been…because it not fucking real!


I blink rapidly, her concerned face slowly coming into view before me. “Ma’iq, are you okay?!”

Even Zwei has been woken up, letting out a few loud yips from the safety of his basket.

“I...I’m alright,” I rasp out finally, slowly regaining my composure as the pain subsides to a dull pulsing at my temples. My breath still comes in ragged pants, but the vise-like tightness in my chest has begun to loosen. “Just... a headache. It comes and goes.”

It’s a blatant lie, and by the skeptical downturn of her lips, Ruby doesn’t seem entirely convinced. However, she doesn’t try to pry further...for now, at least.

“Well, if you’re sure...” she trails off, still looking concerned, but nevertheless she offers her hand to help pull me back to my feet. “But let me know if you need to rest or anything, okay?”

I give a small nod and accept her aid to stand up, my legs still feeling somewhat unsteady. “Thanks. I am fine now.”

However, my body betrays me as a harsh coughing fit suddenly wracks my body. Ruby’s silver eyes widen with alarm as I double over, hacking violently.

“Do you want me to take you to…” she tries to say but I raise my hand to stop her, shaking my head adamantly between wheezing coughs.

“No, really. I’m fine,” I force out my answer once the spasms finally subside, taking a few deep, calming breaths as everything seems to return to normal. I do my best to compose myself, offering what I hope is a reassuring smile. “See? Just a headache. I… I forgot to take my medicine.”

But that answer only elicits a deeper frown from Ruby. Rather than allowing her to speak again, I raise my hands in surrender, releasing a resigned sigh. “Okay, fine. I will head back to my room and rest it off. Maybe see a doctor if that doesn’t work.”

The frown melts away from her face, replaced by an enthusiastic nod. “Okay! Do you want...”

“Just tell me where the road is,” I interrupt her, holding up a hand. “I have my aura unlocked. I’ll be fine.”

“Oh, it’s over there.” She points behind her but then looks at me with a raised brow, skepticism creeping back onto her face. “Wait a minute. How can you be sick if you have your aura unlocked?”


“Okay, nice to meet you, Ruby!” I blurt out, ignoring her further questioning as I swiftly turn and run towards the road she pointed, putting distance between us.

Once I’m certain I’ve covered a good distance away from her, I let out a long, tired sigh, drawing in a few deep, steadying breaths. My hand reflexively reaches up to massage my forehead, a lingering phantom pain still throbbing dully.

What the fuck happened back there? Why did that even happen?


Ma’iq Rakhan

Race–Feline Faunus

Age 18

Class: The gladiator

Level–17 (4%)

Mentor – Blake Belladonna

Apprentice– Jeanne d’Arc

HP – 800/800 [60 regen per minute]

MP – 2240/2240 [350 regen per minute]

SP – 3010/3010 [250 regen per minute]






CHA– 45


It is perfectly fine and already back to full health, so it had nothing to do with it.

A memory of sorts, then? But I’ve never met Ruby Rose in my life, nor even heard that name anywhere before today. And she herself didn’t seem to trigger anything... it was when she pulled up her red hood.

I shake my head.

It was a weird thing but I cannot let something like that get me worked up and ruin my day. I still have a day left for my little vacation and I will enjoy it. Yet, I’m out of ideas at the moment what to do with the remainder of my time.

And I wasn’t entirely lying to Ruby about needing to sleep off whatever that episode was. Heading back to my hotel for a nap does sound like a good idea right about now.

Although a strange sense is still roiling in the pit of my stomach, and I can’t seem to fully shake the impression that I somehow know things I absolutely should not.

No, whatever. Fuck that.

I want to sleep, that’s all what matters.


I wake up lying on my right side and my right arm is completely numb, a pins-and-needles tingling sensation prickling all over it. But that strange feeling isn’t the only thing I’m aware of – I also sense the warmth of a petite body pressed against my back and a pair of hands wrapped firmly around my waist, pulling me closer.

With my left and free hand, I try to pry away Neo’s grabby hands, but the moment my fingers brush against her skin, she tightens her grip, her arms constricting around me.

“Okay, very funny,” I grumble, losing all semblance of caution as I try to remove her hands, because she just confirmed that she is fully awake and aware of her actions. “Dammit Neo, let me go already!”

I never should have agreed to be the ‘little spoon,’ as she called it. She may be petite, but she’s deceptively strong for her size. And with our height difference, it just looks utterly ridiculous having her as the ‘big spoon’. But damn, even with my newly gained strength, I find it very difficult to break free from her viselike hug.

Finally freeing my other hand, I use both to slowly pry and push against her locked arms, and make some progress. At last, with a tremendous effort, I manage to break her grip and quickly roll away, jumping off the bed. Turning to look at her, I find Neo grinning from ear to ear, her mismatched eyes dancing with amusement.

And she is in her underwear, which isn’t a surprise anymore. She just likes to walk around like that. For no other reason than to tease me and keep findings of ways to provoke me.

‘Naughty Kitten.’

“Fuck off,” I growl, stomping towards the bathroom and slamming the door behind me.

Stripping off my clothes as I move and scattering them on the floor. Why is Neo always like that? Acting nice and helpful one moment, then turning into a total bitch, an insufferable pain in the ass the next.

I crank the shower on full hot and let the steam quickly fill the bathroom as the water heats up. Once it’s nice and humid, I step into the shower, closing my eyes as the scalding streams pound against my skin. For a brief moment, I can find a bit of peace, the water somehow cleansing both body and mind.

With my head finally clear, I can start thinking rationally about my plans for the rest of the day. Maybe I’ll go for a stroll around the plaza and pick up some books on a new skill. While I still need to reach a breakthrough for my Weaver job, it couldn’t hurt to learn something new– the more jobs I unlock, the more stat points I’ll gain on my next level up.

Wood carving could be interesting. I’d need to buy some basic tools and manual books, but there’s certainly no shortage of raw materials on this island. I could stock up on wood before heading back to Vale.

Yet, all those thoughts evaporate the instant something soft and squishy presses against my back, followed by the sound of Neo’s

all-too-familiar giggling.

Opening my eyes, I turn to glare at her, but she simply holds up a finger to her lips, failing miserably to conceal that mischievous smile of hers.

With a playful push of her finger against my chin, Neo turns me away from her before I can catch even a glimpse of her naked body. Her hands begin to roam over my chest, tracing sensual patterns all over it before sliding down to my stomach but stopping just above my groin. My words catch in my throat as she squeezes her breasts against my back and traces teasing lines with her nipples all over my skin while her hand slides ever so slowly lower and lower, making my heart race in anticipation.

But then she stops and starts playing with the base of my tail.

Oh no, this bitch

“Neo!” I growl in frustration, but she bites down on my shoulder in response, causing my hips to jerk forward involuntarily. “Fuck…”

‘Wanna have some fun?’

I just mindlessly nod.

‘Close your eyes and no touching~~

I bite my lip in doubt, trying to come up with a shitty excuse, but it doesn’t take long before I comply, closing my eyes and silently accepting her conditions.

I can only hear and feel the shower running, but my ears twitch when I hear and feel her moving around me until she stands in front of me, a fact that is quickly confirmed as squishes her big breasts against my chest. 

But that doesn’t matter as it is her hips that press against my crotch and move it in circles ever so slowly, but fuck me, it’s driving me fucking wild that she’s teasing me like this—and by god does it feels good.

My hands clenched into fists at my sides, fighting the urge to grab her, especially that plump ass of hers. I had a small taste of it days ago, but now I want to fully enjoy it.

Neo continues to tease and torment me with her slow grinding, feeling my shaft pressing against her navel until it slipped under her- finding a very wet and hot spot. She lets out a gasp, but it doesn’t stop her from wrapping her arms tightly around my waist and continuing to move her hips back and forth at an agonizingly slow pace.

But each motion only adds to the fire building inside of me.

The pleasure begins to build and swell, growing stronger and hotter every second. As if to emphasize the point, she slips a hand between us and takes a hold of my cock, guiding it to her entrance, and immediately starts manually rubbing the tip through her folds.

She moans loudly, her breath coming out in short bursts, clearly enjoying herself as much as I am.

My brain screams to thrust and bury myself deep inside her and break her stupid conditions, but my body won’t listen. It’s like Neo has taken control of it, directing it to continue doing what she wants.

I feel her hand tighten around my length, almost painfully, but she starts stroking it faster and harder, forcing a groan from my mouth. And it’s at that moment I realize I’m about to lose my last shred of sanity.


No way in hell am I going to make it to the end with my eyes closed and let her play with my body.

With a primal roar, I open my eyes and lunge forward, capturing her wrists and pinning her against the tile wall.

A moment of shock crosses her flushed features before she flashes me a wicked smile and gives a playful wink.


And she fucking shatters into thousands of glittering pink shards.

“Fuck! Shit! Fuuuuuuck!” I pound the wall in sheer impotence as I have been blue balled... AGAIN?! 

No… I refuse to let things end like this.

Pushing all rational thoughts aside, I storm out of the shower without even bothering to turn it off or grab a towel. Water drips from my body as I march towards the door and I slam it open with such force that it feels like something must have broken, but I don’t fucking care.

And there she is - the crazy, sadistic bitch - lying on the bed as if nothing happened. But it clearly did happen, as evidenced by her still-wet body, not even bothering to cover herself.

“You!” I growl through gritted teeth, pointing an accusatory finger at her.

I stomp my way towards her, but Neo tilts her head and shows me a smug smile, completely unbothered that I’m fuming.

But that doesn’t stop me in the slightest, and I keep my pace until I reach the edge of the bed.

Only to find myself staring at the ceiling.

“Wha-what? Again?!” I sputter in disbelief.

How did she fucking beat me again?! I should be stronger, I AM stronger! 

Her semblance…

Of fucking course, that could only be the answer.

Before I can dwell on it any further, a pair of mismatched eyes move into my line of sight, amusement twinkling within them.

And before I can curse at this smug bitch, she silences me with a single finger pressed against my lips. 

In defiance, I shoot her a glare, but she turns a blind eye as she trails that same finger down my body, pausing briefly at my member before locking her finger around it and pulling gently. 

The sensation sends a jolt straight to my core and I instinctively try to pull back, but she grips my length tighter.

‘Not so fast kitten~~’

She teases, tugging again with a sadistic glint in her mismatched eyes.

“You can’t just toy with me like this!” I hiss, trying to twist away. However, she quickly moves her other hand and grabs my shoulder, preventing me from getting away.

Neo releases a soft, sultry giggle, pressing her chest closer to mine. Her wet hair tickles my skin as her breasts rub against me. Finally releasing my aching cock, she swings one leg over my hips and straddles me.

My breath hitches in my throat as she immediately traps my hardened member between her soft thighs, her folds teasing my shaft with a delicious pressure before rubbing up and down in a tantalizing rhythm. Every movement sends waves of pleasure coursing through me, causing an involuntary moan to escape my lips, much to my horror.

Something that doesn’t escape her ears as she smirks down at me in victory, before leaning in even closer and kissing along my jawline, nipping the skin there. I can only turn my head, my face burning in embarrassment. But she takes that as an invitation and rests her head on my chest, slowly rocking her hips again, ensuring that the tip of my cock brushes against her dripping hot entrance.

I close my eyes tightly as a low groan slips past my lips, my mind reeling from how good she feels. My hands slowly reach up to grab her hips and guide her even closer as she continues to grind down onto me, her pussy coating my shaft with her own juices and feeling her swollen clit rubbing against me.

But without any sort of warning, she pinches the side of my stomach hard.


‘No cheating~~’

I grit my teeth and glare at her as I let go of her body and lower my hand. “Fucking hell.”

As if to mock me, Neo kisses along my neck again and runs her tongue across my earlobe, making me shudder lightly.

This time, however, when she lets out another sultry laugh, she presses her palms against either side of my head,forcing me to meet her gaze.

With a smirk, she leans forward once more, planting her forehead against mine and tilting her chin upwards for a kiss…. she is just kissing the tip of my nose.

Oh, come on! 

But all I get in response is a mischievous smile and a wink, and Neo lifts herself from me, freeing my now pulsating and unsatisfied erection.

“Hey… wait!”

I try to protest, but my words are cut short when I realize she’s adjusting herself into position further down, trailing her fingers along my abdomen and dipping down towards my throbbing manhood.

I watch in silence as she traces circles around it with a smirk, occasionally brushing her fingertips against it, sending wave after wave of pleasurable shivers throughout my body. Finally, she lowers her head ever so slightly and teases the very tip with the wet warmth of her tongue, drawing an involuntary gasp from me.

Her eyes lock on mine with a devilish grin as she keeps licking and swirling her tongue around my sensitive flesh, slowly dragging her lips up my length until they reach the base. Only to flick her tongue across the underside of my member. My body nearly betrays me with another moan that I manage to stifle just in time.

It’s not long after that I feel her lips wrap around my throbbing cockhead and start sucking. A whimper escapes my lips as she starts bobbing her head up and down, her saliva running down my shaft and lubricating her movements. She pulls her lips back and swirls her tongue around my head before taking it in deep again, humming as she does.

My breaths are coming faster now, desperate gasps escaping me every few seconds as she sucks harder, her slippery saliva coating my member as best she can. With each stroke, I feel something growing inside me. Something that threatens to burst forth at any moment.

Until finally, I’m unable to hold back anymore.

With a deep, unrestrained grunt, my climax overtakes me as I release my load, shooting rope after thick rope of cum straight into her waiting mouth. It coats her cheeks and drips down her chin as she greedily swallows everything she can manage, swallowing loudly and grinning wickedly at me.

As the intensity begins to subside, she uses a towel to wipe her face clean before sitting up on top of me, looking down at me with a satisfied expression.

I stare back at her, dumbfounded, unsure what to say or do.

However, Neo surprises me yet again by rolling off of me and settling onto her side next to me. She nestles her head against my bare chest, the soft strands of her hair tickling my skin. A giggle escapes her lips as she snuggles up closer, wrapping her arms around my torso and placing one final tender kiss on my flushed cheek.

Tentatively, I let out a long sigh and slowly drape my arm around her petite form. Neo seems to melt into the embrace, making a contented humming sound as she presses herself against me. 

                                    [Affection with (Neo Politan) increased by 5, 31/100]

Why are you so fucking complicated?


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