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                                      [Journeyman Fisherman job has increased by one, 47/50]

A massive fish thrashes wildly, its greenish scales glinting in the sun as it dangles from the hook. But this one’s a real prize - has to be at least the size of my forearm, if not bigger. I carefully unhook the slippery fish, its mouth gaping, and swiftly whack it on the head to put it out of its misery before sending it to my inventory with the rest. The cool thing about storing stuff there is that it stays fresh indefinitely.

I take a deep breath of the salty sea air, relishing how good it feels to be fishing again after a long time, months. The rhythmic cast and reel, the gentle lapping of waves and the potential of catching something really big at any moment. A much-needed break from the stress and self-loathing that’s been weighing me down lately.

And it’s definitely not just because I’m still seething at myself for wasting those quick, free level-ups like a brainless idiot. I should have known better… I KNOW better.

Fuck, what was I thinking?

Oh right, I wasn’t thinking goddammit. 

But no use crying over it now. I need to focus on fishing and hopefully have a breakthrough to become an Adept Fisherman, just three more levels and discover what bonus do I get from that improved job. I’ve been at it for hours, reeling in all sorts of weird, exotic catches - thin as a pancake flatfish, others with wicked spines protruding all over its body. All of them edible, my culinarian job instinctively telling me what is safe to eat and what isn’t.

As bizarre as some events have been, it’s still so damn peaceful and enjoyable out here that I’ve completely lost track of time. With the sun’s already high overhead, it must be close to noon. Maybe one more catch before I head back to the hotel for a hot shower and a short nap.

Carefully reeling in my line, I take a step back and flick my wrist, sending the baited hook sailing out in a high arc to land with a satisfying ‘plop’ far out in the clear waters. Now it’s just a waiting game to see if any monsters of the deep take the bait. A really big one would be ideal for racking up some solid experience points.

I wonder if the waters around Patch are deep enough to harbor any sharks? Catching one of those would be the ultimate challenge for a fisherman. Fighting against a thrashing shark, its massive jaws snapping just inches away… now that would be an epic way to cap off this excursion and the main ingredient for today’s lunch. Filleting and cooking a shark would very likely give me good experience points for my Culinarian job as well.

However, my daydreams are abruptly interrupted as something incredibly strong suddenly yanks, nearly pulling me face-first into the sand. I quickly plant my front foot to brace myself, fighting against whatever powerful sea creature that is trying to drag me into the ocean.

Digging in with a solid stance, I fight back - reeling slowly when I can, giving a hard yank every so often to try to throw it off balance. Soon enough it becomes an intense tug-of-war, but one that I’m slowly gaining ground as I watch in satisfaction the line drawing nearer to the shoreline. Just a little more and I’ll have this beast on land for sure.

Except it’s not making this any easier. With a renewed burst of strength, the ridiculously strong fish regains all my hard-won ground, very nearly ripping the rod from my grip. But this minor setback only fuels my determination to win. Bracing my feet, I start taking big steps backwards, leveraging every ounce of my strength into reeling this fishy bastard once and for all.

A cocky smirk tugs at my lips as I watch it losing ground again. I cannot help but imagine the sheer size of this monster, practically tasting it as I will turn it into my lunch. However, those visions instantly evaporate as a sickening crack rings out - followed by me landing hard on my ass in the sand, staring dumbly at the now-distant bobbing line before disappearing into the depths of the ocean.

I... I’ve never failed at fishing before. What did I do wrong?

Frowning, I examine the broken rod in my hand, wondering if it was just low quality. But I bought this from a reputable shop in town. It had felt sturdy enough up until this point.

So could I have simply forced it too far past its limits? I never anticipated having to fight with something so insanely strong on the other end. Makes sense that a standard rod wouldn’t be designed to handle that kind of strain, no matter how well-made.

Either way, my prized catch that was supposed to be my hard-earned lunch has now literally slipped through my fingers. I’ll just have to accept it as an unforeseen accident and invest in some top quality gear next time. For now, though, I should probably take this as a sign and call it a day.

I slowly rise from the soft and warm sand, brushing the grains off my shorts and shirt before turning to make my way back toward the hotel. Of course, I leave the broken fishing rod behind, as it is essentially useless to me now.

The wooden boardwalk feels warm underfoot as I keep walking, the salty ocean breeze ruffling my hair. Before entering the hotel lobby, I give my feet a couple of firm kicks, dislodging any lingering sand.

Since I have my inventory, I always carry the keys with me, so I head straight upstairs and unlock the door to our suite and find Neo sitting at the table inside, wearing nothing but a large blue shirt, happily devouring a big bowl of tri-colored ice cream, with plenty of strawberry chunks.

And I’m sure that I haven’t brought that, so that means she called room service.

“Did you happen to get anything for me?” I ask, eyeing her dessert.

She pauses mid-bite, spoon still in mouth, and gestures toward a second bowl resting nearby - this one piled high with fresh pineapple slices, glistening with juice.

I can’t help but roll my eyes, although the sweet fruity scent is inviting. “More pineapple, huh?” 

Grabbing the bowl, I take a seat across from her and dig in, ignoring the fork next to it. Why bother when I can just use my hands?

And it is as enjoyable as yesterday’s breakfast, the pineapple is incredibly juicy and refreshing perfect for this afternoon. I’ve demolished my entire bowl by the time Neo polishes off her ice cream, running her tongue along her lips to catch any lingering sweetness.

I swipe my chin with the back of my hand to catch any stray drops. “So, what do you want to do? It’s still early.”

Neo taps her chin thoughtfully, before her mismatched eyes light up and she sits upright, slamming her hands on the table. ‘I want to build a sandcastle!’

I open my mouth, then close it a few times as I process her… innocent answer. Only to end up releasing a long sigh of defeat and a scratch at the back of my head. “Fine by me, I guess.”

At least I’m already beach-ready in my casual trunks and shirt from my morning fishing. I just need to wait for her to get dressed, because she likes to stay in her underwear or, in this case, just wear a single large shirt that reaches her knees…

Can’t deny how sexy she looks, though.

Neo grins impishly, waving a dismissive hand. ‘Find us a nice spot on the PUBLIC beach. I’ll catch up.’

Why does she insist on going there when we have our own private strip? But I merely shrug in resignation. “Sure thing.”

She stands up and quickly takes off her shirt, revealing that she isn’t wearing any bra under it, and gives me a wink before leaving towards the bathroom, swaying her hips with every damn step.


Pushing back from the table, I head out of our room and make my way down toward the public beach.

A relatively long walk stretches before reaching the bustling beachfront, as expected teeming with people scattered all over. At a glance, I can only spot humans, which I suppose should be expected.

Ah, wait - there’s a Faunus napping under a parasol, the pair of jagged horns protruding from his head giving away his heritage. Either way, everyone seems occupied, either resting or busy having fun. Like the pair of kids running around with a ball.

With the sun’s rays beating down, I’ll need a place with shade, but I didn’t think to bring a parasol - just our towels. I scan the area until my gaze lands on a chubby, bearded man reading a newspaper while sitting on one of those long reclining chairs that resemble hammocks, and he’s surrounded by closed parasols and folded chairs.

I approach him, but before I can get a word out, he points a finger at the sign next to him listing the rental prices: one hundred lien for a parasol and another hundred for the hammock chairs. I guess the price is okay, reaching into my inventory to secretly withdraw the required lien and hand it over. “I need two chairs and one parasol.”

He pockets the payment without counting or checking, simply grunting and returning to his newspaper. “Grab whichever you like. When you’re done, just leave ‘em. I’ll pick them up later.”


I move away, selecting a blue-and-green striped parasol along with two matching blue striped chairs. With my selection done, I head for a relatively empty patch of beach, keeping a bit of distance from the people. It’s quieter over here, the shouts and laughter of excited kids faintly audible, only the waves crashing on the shore.

Setting up is easy - I just dig a hole and impale the parasol before unfolding and arranging the two chairs beneath its shade.

With my work done, I opt to settle into one of the reclined seats and simply watch the ocean. Of course, I could pull out my scroll to play games or read, but there’s something uniquely calming about observing the rhythmic ebb and flow of the waves crashing against the shore. Pretty relaxing, even.

I let out a long yawn, hand rising to cover my mouth, as I appreciate the natural scenery. This really is a nice spot. Another yawn escapes me, and I feel my eyelids growing heavier.

Wait...isn’t this just like that time...?

My heart leaps into my throat as I jolt upright, frantically scanning our surroundings before giving my cheek a sharp slap to fully rouse myself.


Ma’iq Rakhan

Race–Feline Faunus

Age 18

Class: The pugilist

Level–17 (2%)

Mentor – Blake Belladonna

Apprentice– Jeanne d’Arc

HP – 800/800 [60 regen per minute]

MP – 2240/2240 [350 regen per minute]

SP – 3010/3010 [250 regen per minute]






CHA– 45


Only once I verify that my stats are perfectly normal do I allow myself to exhale in relief, feeling assured that nothing is actively trying to knock me out. I won’t be kidnapped twice.

I return to my chair, taking deep, calming breaths to settle my racing heart while closing my eyes. That small fright has left me wide awake though. No chance of taking a nap now.

Right on cue, my scroll chimes with an incoming message. I opened it to find just two words.

 ‘Turn around.’

I glance over my shoulder and blink once when I find Neo dressed in a two-piece swimsuit that perfectly matches her heterochromatic hair and eyes. Her swimsuit hugs her supple form snugly, perhaps even a bit too tight. She also wears a semi-transparent white cover-up, reminiscent of her usual jacket.

And she has noticed that I’ve been staring for too long as a mischievous glint in her eyes appears and she puffs out her chest, giving me a much better view. I can’t help but roll my eyes at her obvious attempt to provoke me and get a reaction out of me. It’s clear she just wants to have some fun at my expense.

“It looks nice,” I offer her a compliment, anyway. One can never go wrong with a compliment... or so I hope.

But as soon as the words leave my lips, something cold hits my stomach, causing me to jolt upright. Looking down, I find an orange oval-shaped bottle resting on my lap – sunscreen. Neo has given me a bottle of sunscreen.

Before I can even question her about it, she’s already gone from sight as she is already lying face-down while playfully wiggling her legs. With her back fully exposed. 

Like, how was she so fast to even unstrap her bikini chest piece?

“Seriously, Neo?” I let out another sigh, realizing that she’s just using this as an excuse to tease me even more. “You know what? Fuck it, don’t complain about what happens next.” With that declaration, I grab the bottle and move, because I too will have some fun of my own.

She glances over her shoulder at me and winks before turning back over onto her stomach.

Since she offered, I might as well use this opportunity to practice my skills.

Kneeling next to her, I pour some sunscreen into my hands and rub them together to warm it up before applying it onto her back in long, smooth strokes. I can’t help but notice how perfectly smooth her skin is despite everything. I make sure to cover as much skin as possible, even using a bit of pressure to work out some knots that have formed in her muscles.

Even some old knots seem to have returned, but I work through them diligently.

Moving down to her legs, I use a bit more pressure on her thighs, trying to ease more knots that I’ve found. Slowly, I work my way up her legs, pausing briefly when my hands reach her plump ass, causing her body to tense up. 


Smirking mischievously, I give it a light squeeze, causing her to gasp and shoot me a disapproving look.

‘Bad kitty!’

“Warned you.” I simply shrug in response, raising both hands in mock surrender.

But Neo’s pout soon turns into a sly grin as she settles back into position.

‘Just ask, kitten.’

“Shut it.” I retort with a chuckle.

Refocusing on the task at hand, I continue applying sunscreen until I’ve covered every inch of her legs. Moving on to her neck and shoulders, I take care not to get any sunscreen in her hair. My thumb circles over a particular spot on her neck, earning a pleased sigh.

And I’m done.

                                                     [Novice Masseur increased by 3, 35/50]

Wait, just three levels from that?

The last time I gave her a massage, I was rewarded with a whopping 20 levels. This measly increase seems like a letdown in comparison.

I look down at my hands, still coated in a layer of sunscreen, and rather than waste it, I decide to rub the excess over my arms and neck.

With that done, I stand up and return to my chair, content to let my petite companion either sunbathe or laze around while I attempt to catch a nap again.

But just as I close my eyes, my hands are abruptly seized in a vice-like grip and I’m yanked upright. My legs react quickly, holding my weight so I don’t topple forward. I shoot Neo a reproachful frown as she smirks mischievously back at me, my hands still trapped.

Rather than offer any explanation, she simply takes a few steps backward, pulling me along until we’ve left the shade of the parasol and stepped out into the blazing sun. Neo doesn’t stop there, continuing to drag me further until our feet meet the cool, damp sand where the waves lap ashore.

That’s when she finally releases my hands, immediately attaching herself to my arm and gently nudging me to walk alongside the shoreline. I give her a sidelong glance in confusion, but she just smiles in response.

The things I do.

With a resigned sigh, I move my arm around her slim waist and tug her closer against my side. Neo looks up to me and pouts exaggeratedly before giving my stomach a few halfhearted pokes, though she doesn’t try to get away. Instead, she simply rests her head against my arm - she’d be leaning on my shoulder if she were just a bit taller.

Rolling my eyes, I start strolling down the beach just as she wanted, the ocean occasionally lapping at our feet when a stronger gust of wind rolls in, though it’s not forceful enough to be annoying, it is actually refreshing and the water isn’t freezing cold, but pleasantly cold.

We walked a relatively long stretch for a while, but I gradually became aware of the curious looks being cast our way, clearly interested in our unusual duo. But whenever Neo nuzzles herself closer with a content hum, those curious looks from certain guys instantly sour into frowns.

I don’t know why, but I can’t help the self-satisfied smirk that tugs at my lips. My hand slides just a bit and reaches her hip, while I turn to meet everyone’s envious looks head-on. Causing them to awkwardly avert their gaze, making me feel higher and better than ever before.

There’s something undeniably pleasing about winning like this, about being the center of attention and having others look at us with envy. And it seems my actions haven’t gone unnoticed by Neo either, as she giggles beside me, no doubt also enjoying this moment just as much as I am.

But then Neo breaks away from my grasp with a spin, quickly grabbing my hand with both of hers and tugging me insistently toward the sea. I offer no resistance, letting the mischievous girl lead me along as she pleases into the ocean until the water reaches just above my knees, although it’s nearly up to her hips due to her height. Not like she cares about that, though.

The chill is pleasant rather than biting, as it envelops my lower legs. The petite girl finally releases my hand, drifting a few feet further out before whirling around and flicking a handful of saltwater directly into my face.

“Hey!” I sputter, gritting my teeth at the sudden cold splash. I quickly retaliate, cupping and hurling my own wave back at her.

Neo gasps in surprise as the liquid hits her square in the chest, only to let out a giggle and immediately return fire, scooping up a larger cascade that she flings towards me with both hands. However, I throw up an arm to shield my face.

“Oh, it’s on now!” I laugh, stooping down to scoop up a large amount, which I promptly throw back at the giggling girl. She tries to sidestep it but isn’t quite fast enough, the majority of my attack catching her back, eliciting another gasp and emboldening her to do worse.

Our aquatic skirmish quickly devolves from there into an all-out war - water spraying in every direction as we relentlessly volley back and forth until we’re both thoroughly and utterly soaked to the bone.

I pass a hand through my sopping hair, slicking it back from as it is obstructing my vision. My shirt, too, is absolutely soaked through, so I simply take it off and send it into my inventory, as I won’t walk around like that.

Meanwhile, Neo squeezes the excess water from her long hair. When she catches me watching, she winks slyly and tosses her semi-transparent cover-up in my direction. I easily catch the hint and also store that garment away.

And we stand there still dripping and staring at each other’s eyes before I suddenly burst into laughter, one hand on my head while the other clutching my stomach that starts hurting a little. 

That was so dumb. 

Incredibly dumb... yet also unexpectedly fun. I didn’t think I’d be having this kind of fun.

Neo silences my laughter by poking my stomach again, this time with more forceful jabs. When I glance down at her, she simply nudges her head toward the beach, signaling for us to head back.

As we step out of the gently lapping waves together, Neo suddenly jumps up and hugs me tightly, resting her head against my bare chest with a contented giggle. I can’t fight the small smile forming in my lips, wrapping one arm around her shoulders.

Our playful display seems to have made us the center of attention again, drawing numerous curious looks from other beachgoers - especially those around our age. I flash a smug grin to every envious soul watching, daring them to do something.

Yeah, we’re not actually together, but they’ll never know that for sure. Better for them to watch and seethe in jealousy. And if any of them are stupid enough to try something, I’ll shut it down immediately. Nobody here even looks remotely trained to handle me, much less this crazy girl in my arms who has taken down guys much bigger than her.

Together, we make our way toward a small wooden bar, if the large sign above is to be believed. A few stools line the counter. Neo rushes ahead to quickly claim a seat before pointing excitedly at something on the menu that is above.

I eventually join her, taking the stool beside her. But rather than taking my order, the server simply sets a glass of pineapple juice with a floating pineapple slice in front of me.

“Pineapple again?” I frown, glancing at Neo, who is happily sipping a strawberry milkshake drink through a straw. Although it doesn’t look creamy enough to be a milkshake.

She merely scoots closer and plants a kiss on my cheek, fluttering her mismatched eyes at me before returning her attention to her drink.

“Fine,” I resign myself, lifting the drink for a sip. I don’t know why she’s so fixated on only feeding me that particular fruit. It’s tasty and sweet, sure, but eating so much is starting to get boring for my taste buds.

Then my ears twitch a little before they perk up as I focus on my hearing, managing to catch the sound of muffled giggling from behind me. Confused, I turn to find the source - only to instantly realize the cause of the laughter.

“God dammit!” I growl, grabbing my stupid tail that was wagging and forcibly tucking it underneath me so I can sit on it, preventing it from embarrassing any further.

The action only seems to spur more giggles from the group of young girls openly gawking and laughing at me.

Don’t laugh, damn it! It’s not like I can control that thing!


Obviously, we returned to the hotel to wash all the salt and sand off our bodies after playing on the beach for a while longer, and Neo took way too long in the shower, as expected. By the time we were done, it was already evening. Time really does fly when you’re having fun, I guess.

Yeah... I’m actually having fun on this little vacation. Who would’ve thought?

Now we strolled through the lively central plaza, the bustling heart of this town. It reminded me of a quaint, quieter version of downtown Vale - no looming skyscrapers, no bullheads cluttering the sky, no blaring car horns. Just a cozy cluster of shops, open-air cafes, and other small businesses giving a strange but humble charm. A far cry from the frenetic energy of the mainland city.

We end up taking one of the numerous benches lining the plaza before Neo suddenly darts off somewhere, and knowing her antics she will return, so I wait for her and lean back against the bench, gazing up at the darkening sky.

Moments later, Neo returns carrying a large paper sack, her mismatched eyes dancing with mischief, as she thrust the bag into my hands. Looking inside, I find it stuffed with yarn, a lot of yarn of every color. Or at least I think there is every color inside, considering the size of the bag and weight.

I open my mouth, ready for something today, but the words die on my tongue as I realize something. This is an opportunity to level up my skill I’d neglected for too long, as I’m still a Novice Weaver. And now Neo has given me the chance to make some real progress. And raise my stat increase for my next level up. 

So instead, I accept the bag and set it beside me on the bench before retrieving a pair of needles from my inventory.

I glance at my companion, who settles herself on the bench at my other side, watching me with keen interest. “What do you want me to make?” I ask, clicking the needles together.

Neo taps her chin thoughtfully for a moment before her gaze lands on something, and she points toward an orange stray cat lazily sprawled across a nearby rooftop.

I squint to get a better look at the cat’s coloring - bright orange fur with darker stripes and a sun-like yellow face. Nodding in understanding, I pull out a skein of bright orange yarn and a sunny yellow one from the bag.

Wow, Neo really did buy every color.

I start knitting, slowly giving shape to the base of the cat plush. Then move to the bigger details like the round belly.

Soon, I notice Neo isn’t the only one watching me work with rapt interest. A small group of human children has gathered, their wide eyes fixed on my every movement as my work takes shape.

Well, I guess I’ll work with a bigger public now, not like it will stop me or hinder me in any way. A slight smirk tugs at the corner of my mouth as I continue knitting, giving shape to a simple head before carefully adding the big, pointed ears. For the finishing touches, I sew on the whiskers with precise little stitches and add two glossy buttons for the eyes.

With my plush completed, I proudly show it off to the kids, holding it up for them to see. They let out a collective “aww” at my handiwork, giggling and calling it cute. But before I can enjoy their innocent praises, Neo quickly snatches the plush from my hands, hugging it tight against her chest. Her mismatched eyes sparkle with joy as she nuzzles her new toy, then places it possessively on her lap.

Then, her finger points toward another thing atop a nearby lamp.

A bird now?

Wait, I remember I knitted plenty of those goofy-looking angry birds with bushy brows back in Menagerie. A nostalgic smile spreads across my face as I retrieve a ball of vibrant red yarn and get to work once more.

Quickly, the simple shape takes form–a plump, round body. I add the short curved yellow beak, slightly open as if squawking. And for the final touch, I fashion the signature feature: the exaggerated bushy brows, frowning in an eternal glare so it looks perpetually angry.

The kids erupt into laughter again. Looking at them, I notice that there are more kids watching me work. Although I stop paying attention, as Neo once again snatches the plush from my hands with a mischievous grin. Instead of cuddling it, she sets it aside and throws her arms around me, planting a sweet kiss on my cheek. A chorus of dramatic “ewws” and laughter rises from the crowd of children at the unexpected display.

I roll my eyes and decided to ignore it. Reaching for more of the red yarn, I proceed to make another angry bird plush.

“Mister, are you selling them?” A young girl with short black hair wearing a bright one-piece sundress approaches me shyly, pointing a small finger at my incomplete work.

I stare at the girl for a moment, noticing the expectant gleam in her wide, hazel eyes. 

“Ummm, sure, just...250 lien,” I say, naming a price that I’m sure should be fair for Patch, as I sold these plushies for much cheaper back in Kuo Kuana.

“I want one!” the girl exclaims, her face lighting up with excitement.

“Me too!” Another child’s voice pipes up from the crowd.

“Make it green!”

“I want bigger!”

Almost immediately, the group of kids seems to explode with energy, jumping up from where they are seated and swarming around me. My bench is practically surrounded in every direction with eager faces and a lot of noise.

Caught off guard by their sudden, enthusiastic reaction, I quickly glance over at Neo, seeking her advice on how to handle this situation. But instead of offering help, she simply flashes me that impish grin of hers and gives me a playful wave before turning and walking away.

She didn’t shatter like glass or vanish into thin air using her semblance as always–she just straight up got up and left with that knowing grin, as if it were all part of some grand plan.


And that’s when it clicks in my head, understanding dawning amid the relentless barrage of the kids’ demands. Neo has been planning for this, whether to mess with me in her usual mischievous way or to offer some weird, roundabout form of help.

But I can’t deny that in the end, I’ll earn plenty of experience for my Weaver job, not to mention getting paid for it.

Time to get to work then.


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