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Just wanted to give you guys a quick update; using the Patreon money, I've purchased the excellent Pocket Primers bundle from Humble Bundle (https://www.humblebundle.com/books/pocket-primers-books), which has resources on CSS, HTML, HTML for mobile, and the incredible d3 library, which I plan on using for map generation (which is going to be like... 3.0. Or 4.0. Don't hold your breath for it, I'll be taking a while). 

I likely wouldn't take the leap of actually *gasp* paying for resources without you guys, so I'd like to thank you for giving me the extra nudge needed. 

I'm currently restructuring a lot of the underlying code behind NPC generation, which means that you might not see much development on the front-end for a while, but the end result should be a more flexible codebase that can handle things like multiple taverns! Hooray!



Very nice work! I'm absolutely LOVING the tool so far. Any thoughts about exporting to pdf eventually?


Yes, definitely! As far as the roadmap for the generator goes, export to PDF is after mobile support, and before mapping functionality. I know that there are a couple libraries for HTML > PDF, I just haven't gotten around to researching them.