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So what has been going on with me?

I have mentioned once or twice that there is some stuff going on, and that has delayed some content.  I felt like taking a moment, and giving all of you a peak behind the curtain so to speak. Before we continue, however, I am not looking for sympathy here and I am fine. No need to worry about me. I'm just letting you know what's up.  :)

So first off, a very good friend of mine is going through a very tough time. Over the last six months there have been some serious troubles in his family (though not with his own wife and kids), he has been working way out of town in the middle of nowhere to try to earn some extra cash, and he has just generally been struggling over the last year or so - as so many of us have over the last few years since COVID arrived and was mishandled so atrociously.

Anyway, that has all caught up with him and he is suffering from a fairly deep depression. Totally understandable, given what he has been through. As such, I have tried to make myself available to him for anything he needs. 

That is a situation that I need to keep my eye on. In addition to that, somebody got access to my credit card somehow. I am pretty careful with these things now, and I am surprised that it happened. It's weird, but these things do occur. 

The other thing that I am surprised about is that Visa did not contact me. Historically they have been very good about calling me when there is abnormal behavior on my account. This time they didn't. They let it go on for nearly a whole month, and the perpetrators rang up almost $3,000 worth of charges. :/

Now it is very unlikely that I will be on the hook for that money, as it's pretty much Visa's screw up for not calling me and checking. However, it is still upsetting and concerning to me on multiple levels. So now I have to take some steps, and I need to consider just what steps I am going to take.

It's just another thing that I have to deal with. Sigh...

But wait... there's more! If you have been watching the news at all, then you should know that Alberta is burning again. This Spring has been very dry, and wildfires are rampaging throughout our province. Some are claiming this is worse than the Fort McMurray disaster back in 2016. 

As far as I know, my immediate area hasn't been under threat, but my roommate and I have been making bug-out bags in case we need to evacuate. Tens of thousands of people have already been evacuated from various communities, so I am trying to keep a watchful eye on the progress of the fires. 

We've been calling in fire fighters from all over the country, and even internationally. We also got some rain the last couple of days. However, there are still multiple fires that are out of control despite these measures. I am praying for more rain!

So as you can tell, I have a lot going on right now. Or at least, there is a lot going on around me.

Because of this, I am going to ease off on the schedule for a bit. I don't think it's going to affect the Saturday weekly comic or the pinups, but I am not doing more pages of Sapphire the Medic today for the $10 patrons, and it is highly unlikely that there will be more pages of April Fools on Friday.

I would really appreciate your prayers and understanding during this time. Hopefully some of these crises pass quickly, and we can get back to our boobies. :)

In the meantime, I hope all of you are well and not dealing with issues such as these. 

Peace be with you! :D



I'm sorry to hear the harships you're going through. It really must take a huge toll on you to be constantly on alert, I hope everything turns out okay and if you need some help or just someone to talk to, i'm here :) Also, regarding your credit card. There might be something you might find useful. They might have hijacked your date by some online transaction or something, you might be able to get a virtual credit card from your bank that you can use for online transactions. I can explain it further if you want.


Further to that thought, it is all of you that help to keep me sane. You, DC, and all of my patrons! :D