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Sometimes when you dig into your library you find some really sexy stuff that makes you go, "Why have I never used that?". And sometimes you find something all together different...

I noticed that I had this spider in my library recently, and I don't think I've ever loaded it into a scene even once. Lol!

My ideas for the next chapter of TBND 3 are still percolating. I still don't have a really good idea of what to do for it. I know there I want it to go, but not exactly how to get there. This is by far the biggest writer's block I have ever experienced.

The boobies will prevail though! I'll figure it out! :D



Terry Stokes

Tastefully heavily tattooed on the boobies? Oh, and went for another MRI scan, whilst still waiting for the liver cancer surgeons "in out," hokey cokey appointment dance. Got an actual one with Immunology/Anaphylaxis too, which we assume involves insistently yelling at them about all the sneezing and burping vomit for 8 years.

Terry Stokes

Well yes, all the sexy trashy tattoos, really yummy goth ones. *glares maniacally*

Terry Stokes

And the shiny nasty nipple rings and skyscraperous hooker heels! And steampunk pimp blimps? Oh, and I just got back from that appointment. Unfortunately it doesn't sound like they can directly order chemical testing on what horrible comes out of me, but they have taken a blood test for allergens and given me a snot bottle to fill up, plus at least they did take me seriously with all the symptoms. I assume some reports from the various wards I've terrorised turned up there first.


Huh, that seems odd. I wonder why they can't just test the stuff that comes out of you?

Terry Stokes

Different laboratory, microbiology, instead of "why does whatever's in this smell/taste horrible and dissolve paint." Got another MIDRU appointment this morning, probably to find out the MRI and CT scan results on those suspiciously rapidly shrinking liver lumps, and thus whether surgery or some more chemotherapy first. And dropping off a bottle of carefully collected snot. Oh, and I've been burping vomit without stopping for 12+ hours at a time now, and my abdomen shrinking inwards even further, definitely something happening a lot in there.

Terry Stokes

Very bad news yesterday. They waited so long to do anything at all about the liver surgery referral, and or all the chemotherapy drugs leaving my body first that the cancer lumps have all grown back to nearly their original size, plus several new ones. Blah blah something about a discussion meeting regarding the exact MRI results, signing consent forms and straight back onto chemotherapy all over again. The little bastards grew back so fast in fact I suspect the mystery nasty chemicals I keep sneezing, burping and pooping out were probably pickling them in my liver too, as well as filling my sinuses and intestines, would certainly explain the original chemotherapy's suspicious effectiveness, plus somehow surviving that long beforehand in the first place.