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So Patreon has finally added the option to be billed on your anniversary date. This is how things always should have worked in my opinion, just like every other subscription in the world.

Anniversary billing means you are billed each month on the date that you joined. If you joined on June 12, then you would be billed again on July 12.

Monthly means you are billed at the end of each month, regardless of when you joined. If you joined on June 12, then you would be billed again on June 30.

My understanding is that this will not affect current Patrons, just new people that pledge. Current Patrons are already billed at the end of the month, so that is effectively your anniversary date now.

My question to all of you is, "Should I turn this setting on or leave it off?"


The Joker

Me personally, choose to pay on my anniversary date. There's many times where I'll catch a glimpse of something on Twitter that I really enjoy and may join last minute like when there's only 15 days left in a month. Anniversary date alleviates me getting jipped.

7h3 Unkn0wn

Bill me on the anniversary, why would I subscribe if I see something on the 25th and only get 5 or 6 days of content ?


Right? If I see something I really like, then I wait for the first of the month. And I often then forget to join when the month starts.


I just read this message as well and I'm thinking about it. You think it would be a good thing to do? Maybe I do a poll as well.


It really makes no difference to me personally at this point. I've adapted to how they do things, though it never made any sense to me as I said. :P It's really just up to what my patrons want.


I guess they bill at the same time so that multiple subscriptions come out at the same time? That may be better for foreign currency exchange?