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Patreons at Bronze Level or high now have access to our Situational Report [SITREP] for Russia and Ukraine, with annotation and links to supporting source(s).

The report is the foundation of our updates on TikTok, and at times will contain additional information that was not shared in our videos due to time restrictions or a need to be concise.

Malcontent News creates one to two SITREP reports a day, based on operational tempo in theater, and world events.

Thank you for supporting independent journalism, and for being a Malcontent.



"Prime Minister Sanna Marin on Saturday, that any decision to join NATO must be made this spring, and that it was time to seriously reconsider its stance on military allegiances.48" Marin also stated that we could join very quickly after the decition is made and that we would have some sort of safety quarantees during the process. I think (hope!) that this is already an on going operation, they are just with holding information as an additional safety measure.


Also I want to personally state that I am appalled (as are many many other Fins) by the fact that our national railways are still running to the RU and delivering cargo both ways. I mean really? What the duck....