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Jennie and I are extremely excited to announces that starting mid-September, Patrick Beja will join us as a weekly co-host and contributor to Daily Tech News Show. This is the kind of thing we want to continue to do to develop the show as it grows. Patrick brings a wealth of experience in podcasting and tech, as well as a French perspective which is sorely lacking in me. If you haven't looked at Patrick's French language shows, drop by http://frenchspin.com/. Hopefully this will be only the first contributor we can hire. We're going to figure out some math and set a Patreon level to unlock another regular contributor who we've talked to and has agreed to do it if we can swing it. So look for that coming soon. In the meantime give Patrick a warm welcome! We're thrilled to have him on board. Tom and Jennie




Merci bique monseigneur Patrick Beja. The long awaited news. I was waiting for this since the early TWIT days.


I really like Patrick, he is not afraid to ask "duh" questions. Thanks Tom for choosing co hosts that care about making the world a better place.