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So for the last 4 episodes of connected tech (http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/connectedworld/connected-cities/vi-BBll29t) Luria Petrucci and I are headed to Detroit.

we have some free time Tuesday evening, August 18 at 7 PM. Can you make it downtown?

We're going to be meeting up in the lobby of the Crown Plaza Hotel

2 Washington Blvd, Detroit, MI 48226

We;l be around for at least an hour, probably more. So if you're in the Detroit area and can make it by, come say hi!



NOOOOOOO!! I am going on vacation next week!! Tom, please hang out in the D for another week so we can hang! :-) Pretty please! :-) I hope you enjoy your visit and please come back soon! :-)


btw, I am one of your bosses and I didn't see any request for this "vacation". In the future, please submit a formal request to visit the D with me so it can be properly processed (and I am available). This will be going into your personnel file. ;-)


Oh I submitted it a few months ago... er... check with HR?