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Hey folks. Wanna ask me a question. ANYTHING? Here's the link.




Aside from elevator pitch stuff, what are your brand aspirations for DTNS and ditto on your subtext? (the underlying feelings you'd love to have listeners share with others) For instance, for many the Apple products may be seen as sleek, sexy and simple to use while the subtext might be to make you look and feel smart. More here: <a href="http://www.forbes.com/sites/willburns/2013/06/11/the-brilliance-of-apples-new-ad-is-in-its-subtext/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.forbes.com/sites/willburns/2013/06/11/the-brilliance-of-apples-new-ad-is-in-its-subtext/</a>