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DTNS Begins at 14:17

A little about Zug, Switzerland and our sleep routines, and Tom remembers a childhood friend's phone number. And on DTNS What's the state of diversity in tech and are the steps used to help improve the situation working? Plus YouTube announces new revenue options for creators and US Supreme Court rules that privacy in the digital age includes cellphone data held by 3rd parties.




I had a second line for my Commodore 64 2400 baud modem, so people could dial into my bulletin board and download files from the 1 MB drive (dual sided 5¼" floppy drive).


I have been a patron since the 2nd or 3rd episode. A few months ago I discovered these full broadcasts in the Patreon posts. I had been missing all of the pre and post shows until then because I was listening to the regular RSS podcast feeds. Today I discovered that there is a link on the Patreon Overview tab that allows me to create a Patreon download feed in my podcast player for all of my Patreon only content. This should help me because when listening with the Patreon player I often drop connections every 10-15 minutes (perhaps when switching between cellular and Wi-Fi or between cell towers or just bad cell connections) then have to restart and locate where I left off. This will probably also reduce my cellular data usage. I hope this helps others.