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DTNS Begins at 13:22

The movement to remake the Last Jedi, the new fall fashions, the falafel that made Sarah feel awful. Justin uses a tux to get away clean. 

And on DTNS: The US Supreme Court rules that states can force online stores to collect taxes on goods sold in their jurisdiction. How will this ruling shake up the e-tailing space in the USA and what will it mean for smaller players? 




Just took my RJ-11 cables and adapters out of my computer bag. I decided that they really won't be needed since I haven't had a dial up modem for about 10 years.


There's a really simple solution to this. If you eat so many churros that you can't wear yoga pants just switch to sweat pants and a head band. In the home nobody cares and in public people will just assume you've just been jogging.