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Official tweetstorms, following hashtags on Instagram and why Patrick thinks there may be an anti-bubble that's ruining your day.

With Tom Merritt, Sarah Lane, Roger Chang and Patrick Beja.




Patreon is not going to tax patreons 38% tax on each dollar donation! so, I'm back baby! BUT I don't like that it has to charge creators 38% of each dollar donation... Starting in Jan, I'll just do a one-time yearly donation so you don't get hit by that tax. I'll miss the rewards, but that's better than paypal and stripe earning 0.38 for each dollar donations.


Also back, subbed Sword and Laser as well Tom because I enjoy your content. Veronica is ok too, I guess :)


I’ll be honest I’d rather you stay here. A fee comes out no matter who you use unless you mail a check but then I have to deal with paper things.