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All the weird shit I've been doing for the past few years in one video ^^





Btw thanks for voting "B" everyone. I had a lot of fun talking about this.


Very interesting video, and I've noticed your career rise is very similar to fellow Channel Awesome alumni, Bennett the Sage. He also started off making video game reviews, which were good but easily lost in a sea of competition. But then he started Anime Abandon, which made him stand out from the crowd. Although there were other Channel Awesome reviewers covering anime, Bennett was the first to really apply the Nostalgia Critic format to bad anime and do it well. It just goes to show that all you need is a unique premise and polished presentation to make a success on youtube.


I'm one of the new "50 Shades" subscribers. I saw the book analysis in my YouTube suggested videos feed, watched it, and was immediately hooked on your style of video! Thanks so much for creating this fantastic LiA series. :)


I first found you because of your 50Shades videos, and I subscribed because your analysis and rage at them mirrored my own exactly. And as a bookworm who is hyperanalytical of adaptations, your LIA videos are really enjoyable as well! I've been working my way through your back catalog and enjoying everything. Thanks so much for all your work, and can't wait to see more!


Great video, cant wait to follow your projects to come. You have come a long way since you started and it is always a pleasure to watch your videos 😊


Really interesting seeing your deserved rise to fame. Made up for you


Cool Vid. I'm glad to have been one of your beautiful watchers all the way back from Homeworld 2!


Awesome video! looking forward to your future videos!


You are definitely not alone in your experiences post-college. I too expected different things once my two Bachelors and a Masters degree were complete...and now I'm a glorified fraking secretary. Enjoying the videos and happy to support your efforts!

Jo and Gareth

Well done mate! We're looking forward to what you've got lined up. I'm sure this wasn't an intended use, but I have added the '50 Shades' videos to the recommended viewing list for some of my students as it can function as a list of red flags that can come up in bad relationships. You've done a good job separating the abuse from what is supposed to be 'passion' is a way that's easy to understand and isn't preachy.


It's wonderful to see someone so talented, intelligent and kind get the recognition they deserve. I loved hearing about your journey to this moment and wish you many more years of LiA success! Keep doing what you love! :)


You prisoner reviews are awesome. Continue them!


I would like to see more of this! You don't need to go into too much detail I just think its interesting. Congrats btw!


So wait, you plan to move to one of the best states in the US, but one of its worst cities? (j/k, but NorCal/SoCal rivalry is a thing you will need to learn about) Best of luck with your moving plans, sir!


I know we have no right to your personl life, so i am asking out of curiosity but you don't need to answer: Is Calluna your Girlfriend? Becaue at one point you said "the perks of datng an american" I cant for the lov of me remember if you said it in a review or in a post on facebook... anyway, i noticed it was timed near the Hobbit review, so i was just wondering :)


Your quick thoughts on the Eragon mini-review? Also I started getting the idea for Narnia after the watching Dagon and realizing we both seem aware of the "foggy mirror" effect (my own acting term that I made up when a films disagreement with an authors worldview focuses on superficial elements of the worldview, thus "fogging the mirror image" and creating a poor ideological statement without​ realizing the horrible action is still in there to be seen by the people that are already familiar with the original work​)


I began subscribing to you since "The Prisoner" series and I look forward to more of those. However, I greatly enjoy your LiA series a lot and I share your videos with my friends all of the time. Keep up the good work and congrats on your 50,000 milestone. :o)

David Perez

I don't even remember when I started to watch or even when I became a patron, but I am glad i did. It has been a pleasure to see your work evolve and continue to get better! In the beginning I did enjoy how connected you were with all your patreons and even managed to chat with you a few times on Skype (quite a fun guy to chat with). I'm not sure it's my place, but I'm proud you and all you've accomplished. I'm here for the foreseeable future and look forward to every video! Cheers!


I like the project narcissim video and I'm glad you did them! :) I agree that they aren't very well done but they definitely work when I just want to watch a short video to make me laugh.


I hadn't noticed you limited the number of people who could get the top-tier rewards. Hrm. As one of them I feel a little guilty, since I've got a list of requests that could stretch for ages, but I don't feel comfortable occupying a slot someone else might want for so long. :\ But anyway. We love you, the Dom, and hope your move to the US is as smooth and stress-free as possible.


I really surprised you don't have vastly more. You're so entertaining! You AND your magnificent eyebrows.

Philippa Taprogge

You are by far my favourite provider of entertainment. Thanks for being you, Dom.

Chelsea Monk

In many of your reviews you put into words something that always frustrated me when watching a particularly bad adaptation (even if it was a good film) which is if you want to tell the authors story tell it. If you want to tell your own story, don't take the authors story and try and turn it in to your story. I had never realised why that annoyed me so much until you said it. Congrats on the 50,000




jesus, the Dom, not LA, from someone trying to get the hell out; enough seeing the air you breath, 2-4 hours traffic to go 20 miles, watching prices go up (its a hobby, don't judge me). San Bernardino, Chino, or even me home grounds of OC. Basically the hills or the beach, but if you insist... Welcome and thanks for choosing here (like everyone else), and we apologize in advance.


Thanks for this recap video, it's nice getting to know you a little better.


Started watching your Lost in Adaptation videos about two weeks ago with Ella Enchanted, it was just a random Youtube recommendation but as I absolutely adored the character of Terrance I enjoyed it thoroughly and have been merrily devouring your videos ever since (which has been a bright spot in an otherwise politically dark world at the moment). I think what really hooked me was your 50 Shades of Grey book review; I really respected that you went out on a limb about it and the way you spoke on it. While I skipped the movie and all but a satirical review of the book I knew enough of it to really appreciate your commentary and was grateful that you put in a trigger warning and treated those who might need it with respect. This all said, it is good to learn more about you and how you came to this as well as the background behind the videos. I absolutely just adore you. Quite literally, supporting your efforts is the reason I have a Patreon account now. I'd give more but I think I kind of missed the boat on that. Keep up the good work.


Congratulations on 50,000 Subscribers! I love your channel, keep up the good work!


Ironically, Mike Jeavons' first episode of Shameful Sequels was also for a Starship Troopers movie (although for him, it was one of the sequels). If you ever do refilm it, you should bring him in for a cameo. After all, he too is British, a Channel Awesome producer, and someone who refilmed his first episode for Starship Troopers too!


Quite interesting to watch your post-degree path! I am currently engaged in a similar effort to wrench a living out of my fancy piece of paper. All the best in your move to LA!