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Hey all. I'm trying to update this in real time from now on. If I've missed you let me know in the comments here.



You missed me, I had The Great Gatsby (2013)


Oooooo! If you're going in order then it's just two more until it's my turn! YAY!


Seeing as I don't have the income for this level of reward, I just really hope that someone requests 'The Sword of Truth' book-tv series for an episode.


I see Tintin's on the list, great! I found Tintin to be an odd adaptation, it drew from several of the books and left out stuff from all of them.


thanks for putting my request down on the list really appreciate it


Well, I know my next request! I freakin' love those books! :D

Your Librarian

OMG! I can't believe you've been assigned The Princess and the Goblin! That silly film was a huge part of my childhood and I still have chunks of dialogue memorized. The book is similar enough, but the film is just so cheesy if you watch it as an adult. Can't wait!


Yay! You got Last Unicorn on there! 😄


Holy crap, I missed that! This is gonna be a great year!


I think it is worth clearing out the list as you have now done a few of them namely The Princess Diaries, The Godfather, Ella Enchanted and First Blood.


Metro 2033? Are you doing the game or is there a film I don't know of?


No joke. I cheered in Joy seeing the Princess and The Goblin! I saw the film as a child and while some of it made little sense, the animation is very nice for an independent film. I read the book and its sequel in the past few years and found it quite charming... I'm actually disappointed that the nostalgia critic hasn't done it at all considering he is the NOSTALGIA critic. But you're the first reviewer I've seen who is actually going to do it.


Dom, I just wanted to let you know that even though Lord of the Rings is definitely more fun, I really appreciate​ you doing the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. One of my major complaints​ in Narnia is the fact that the Talking Animals say things that make no sense coming from the mouths of human actors but are very charming, and in fact, very funny. I consider it very unfortunate that the Walden Media jokes about animals basic boil down "animals talking: British edition. You don't need to nationalize a badger! He's a badger that complains about wife's festidouness! That's all the Humor you need!"

Serpen Thrope

Fyi, it's Interview with THE Vampire, not A Vampire.