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Still a Patreon exclusive for now until youtube gets its shit together. Just in case you haven't seen it.


Howl's Moving Castle, The lost Lost in Adaptation ~ The Dom

Uploaded by The Dom on 2016-11-10.



I love this book. I remember watching and rewatching the movie, trying to figure out what the hell was going on, and then wondering where on EARTH the movie came from after learning about the book.


Nice to be able to see this again.


This one has one of my favourite introductions in the show ever. "I REGRET NOTHING!" LMAO


Thanks for posting this for us new comers. I really enjoy how honest you are regardless of how popular things are.


Fair Use act? Sadly, Youtube might be in the right here since it uses Japanese animation. Joys of laws.


I didn't even know that review existed, thanks for posting it again! Though I consider HMC not to be Miyasaki's best picture (that would be Spirited Away IMO), it might be my favorite as it's incredibly visually interesting on top of having a good story and Miyasaki usual masterful directorship. You made me curious as to the book though, maybe I need more sexually obsessed wizards in my life.


I actually like the movie better then the book. And yes, the Japanese voice acting in this Studio Ghibli film is way better...think you'll do a LIA of Sailor Moon. I know, I know, I know


Oh I love this movie :)


You brave beautiful dead man


Could you please post the ender's game one on here too? I couldn't get that one to work either.


Thank god someone else said what I was thinking. Love the movie, and the book, but they're two separate entities in my book