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The Last Battle and all the problems of Susan discussed.


Last Battle V1


Eustacia Vye

I think it speaks a lot about Lewis´s views that he considers killing off his protagonists as children is seen as positive (can you imagine the Famous Five being killed off????) and Susan growing up as a normal young woman in wartime (where society would expect her to look nice, get married to a young man with prospects, settle down and have 2.3 children of her own) is presented as a terrible thing. It reminds me of those ghastly syrupy Victorian novels (which my cousin used to collect with titles like "Her Benny") where the flaxen haired blue eyed 12 year old heroine (always flaxen haired these young girls) would be coughing up their last somewhere while their little brother (and/or dog) would be on the streets begging and then she´d die of consumption and the brother would be a bit sad. Then he´d be run over by a cart and lie dying mangled in the gutter thanking God for having allowed him to get to heaven so soon and see his sister... I´m not exaggerating, there was an entire literary genre of the nobility of children dying in Victorian times. I think Lewis really absorbed that lesson as a child and therefore killed them all in Narnia as a "kindness". Susan´s trauma at losing her family doesn´t matter as Lewis is of my grand parents generation where you just had to lump it and say nothing.

Jorel Hamilton

The ending almost sounds like a type of hit the reset button on a game kind of deal. Also has a big "fuck it" bit, like from the Simon Peg and Nick Frost movie, At Worlds End.