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Make this one last as I'm off to America for a fews days so can't work on anything new till the 10th lol.

Because I did this before power rangers but then decided to switch the release order this video has a older version of the Patreon credits on it so don't panic if your name disappeared, you'll be back in the next one.


Ella Enchanted, Lost in Adaptation ~ The Dom

The Dom delegates the task of comparing Ella Enchanted to the book it was based on. Do they have ANYTHING in common?



I don't know if its just me but this video didn't start at the beginning :/


Hey The Dom, I think you're accidentally using the "share" feature on Youtube's UI wrong when you post these to Patreon. You've got to make sure that the "Start at" box is not checked. Otherwise, we'll get a version of the video that starts at whatever timecode you've currently got the video paused at.


I'll read the book I think I avoided it because I was avoiding princesses at the time this came out. Same with the Princess Bride.


I'm just copy/pasting the URL, not using the share tool on youtube.


It's okay Dom. When I first read the book I didn't get the Cinderella thing till Lucinda was helping Ella for the ball either.


Yep, me too. The video starts at the one minute mark.


The start issue has to be an issue with Patreon... I tried resetting the link to time code specific 00:00 and it still does it.


Love this! Well done, Sir :-)


Another great review! Loved this! ^-^ (Also, i'm only one of 27 people to read the book? Yay! I agree, it's a great book!)