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In preperation for hitting the next subscriber milestone I asked on facebook what I should do to celerbrate and they chose "more Terrence stuff" for some bizzah reason SO: 

If theres anything you've wanted to ask Terrence I'll be doing a short Q&A in charictor. Wont just be picking from Patreon but you'll get high priority.

If you could try to keep the questions short and concise, also I'm doing a sketch about Hufflepuffs (its not all bad trust me) so can't field questions about them.




I don't know if this counts as a question, but if you could tell an embarrassing story I'd simply love it :)


When would you go to if you had a time turner?

Serpen Thrope

If you attended Hogwarts, and your years at least somewhat overlapped with Harry's (since you fought in the Battle of Hogwarts), why do you always refer to the characters as if they're people you've never met, and refer to information about the school as if it's unknown to you?


So Terrence what did you think whole Chamber of Secrets fiasco?

Serpen Thrope

If my question is too complicated/long substitute: "what did YOU wear outside of class?"


What's your favorite spell?


If magic can fix most any damage, why the glasses? How dark was the dark magic used that took your eye?


How did you learn so much about Hogwarts?


Since when can I keep anything short and concise? Okay - um - What is your favorite book series involving magical characters written by a muggle?


what elements of the Cursed Child work well? and if you were writting it, what would you do?

Robert Griffith

How good at quidditch are you?


What is the one piece of Muggle technology that you think the Wizarding World would benefit from the most?


Which Illvermorny house do you associate with most?


Having seen what you thought about HP and the Cursed Child; what would your HP Fanfiction look like? (tell me about it please)


How did you do at the OWL and NEWT tests?

Dominic Ford

I would very much like to hear an origin story. Perhaps you could give Rowling a run for her money?


Are time turners ever a good idea?


My cousin is getting sorted into Slytherin. Should I be concerned he will turn into a racist or supervillain? Any precautions you recommend following?

Matt Storrs

What is your patrons?

Matt Storrs

What is your patronus?


Hey Terrance, how was it going to school with Fred and George Weasley?

Jo and Gareth

Hi Terrance, if you were present for the Battle of Hogwarts why are you still wearing your school uniform some 20 years later? Also, do you wish you had external pockets in those robes?


are you putting on the dyslexia more than usual to fuck with grammer nazis?

Your Librarian

since you've mastered traversing alternate worlds including Westeros and this one where you're a fictional character, can you choose a favorite universe you've visited?


What are terrences favorite muggle films?


What was your favorite class at Hogwarts?