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Just a little thing I decided to do while I'm struggling with Deathly Hallows.Let me know if you think theres any potential in this "reviewing real life" thing I'm trying.


The Dom Reviews: Getting Lasic

The Dom talks about his recent experience with Laser eye surgery. Support the show on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/DomSmith?ty=h The Dom on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/The-Dom-1384329085170616/?ref=hl The Dom's twitter: https://twitter.com/Dominic__Smith?lang=en Check me out on Channel Awesome: http://channelawesome.com/category/videos/producers/dom-reviews/ Royalty Free Music: http://incompetech.com/



This was interesting to hear about. Before you even brought it up, I was thinking about how squeamish I am when it comes to my eyes, but I've made peace with that a long time ago. I've never had much problem with wearing glasses outside of a few very minor annoyances and I do like the look of it. But don't take that the wrong way, I'm just talking about my opinion of my own eyes. I recently got all four of my wisdom teeth removed, and though obviously there's a lot key differences, I couldn't help but be reminded of that while I was listening this. Also, first.


"i was gonna fuck you. but then you for rid of your glasses" :P


If you still have the eye shields you should see if you can get someone to help you make a giant fly head mask around them for cosplay reasons - or just to freak people out.


Yeah! it was called "Review" and starred Andy Daly. IDK if it's still on but it was a good show.


How is the quality of your vision so far? I've heard that Lasic can't replicate the precision of glasses so you'll always have vision a bit worse than with glasses. This is the reason I've been hesitant to pursue it. I'd be interested in a quick update after a few months, like a retrospective to see if your eyes have healed up the way you'd like and if your vision holds and so on.


I'm so happy for you! Thanks for sharing about your experience!!!


Hey! Congratulations on joining the post-op club! It just gets better from here! I can tell you why you lost vision and what that pressure was but I’m not sure you actually want to know. So just ask if you do. But I am surprised they didn’t offer you Valium before the surgery. I totally took my doctor up on that offer, which meant five minutes after the surgery was done I was super sleepy. Passed out right when I got home and woke up to clear vision. Also got offered a nurse (which sounds dirtier than it was) she basically just held my hand and told me what was going to happen. She was great! I was told to focus on a red dot during mine, mind you this was nearly ten years ago, and I kept feeling like the Trench scene from Star Wars with the doctor constantly telling me to look at the red dot. I thought I was messing it up so bad, glad they seemed to have done away with that, but it was fine despite my terrible focus. Hope you continue to feel better!


I really appreciate this Real Life Things review and would love more. I don't have a stable prescription and I can't bear to use contacts so this surgery is a no for me. And I can show your video to people who keep pestering me to get it.


I second an update later! And also an anniversary update. ^_^


I really love this Real Life Review. Your natural flair for humour shines and it's very interesting to hear about your experiences. I would love to see more!


I'm actually waiting for my eyesight to stabilize so this video was actually a good help for when I do manage to do the surgery.