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I'm going to need some time to get this organised so we'll probably film it next month some time. This month I decided to talk about my Lasic experience, hope you enjoy that.

These are the discussion subjects I've thought of so far, you can either comment or message me about which one you like to be a part of. If you could also mention your 2nd and 3rd choices in case too many people ask for the same one that would be great.

1) Harris Vs Gambon: Who played the more accurate the the book Dumbledore?

2) Hot Hermione: Was Emma Watson right for the role?

3) The very insecure Hero: Did playing down Harry's flaws help the films or hurt them?

4) S.P.E.W: Should it have been included?

5) Was Ron good enough for Hermione: Is the answer different in the book and film?

6) Everybody loves Snape: Would the films have been better if Snape had been more hateable?

7) Definitive opinions: Can we agree on a "best" book?

Also willing to accept suggestions for more categories 

I will try my best to make sure everyone who wants to be involved gets a chance to be but bear in mind we're going to be dealing with a lot of different timezones and jobs here so I just might not be possible that everyone will be available at eh same time.

In regards to that could you also let me know if a weekday or weekend works better for you in regards to this.





Just for fun we should (if I get to participate that is, otherwise you guys should) do a list of alternative horcruxes and do some fancasting. I would've much rather seen Patrick Stewart as Dumbledore and Patricia Routledge as Umbridge, for instance. I mean, Umbridge is just a more evil Hyacinth anyway.


1) 7 2) 2 3) 6


6) Everybody loves Snape: Would the films have been better if Snape had been more hatable? snape certainly needed a hat. very very hatable


I would love to be in on #6, (And then #7, and #5, if my first choice gets filled up). Also, another interesting question could be: "Which is the worst/weakest book out of the seven?"


Is Harry really that good at Quiddich, or is it just the broom he's flying? How does parseltongue work? Should the cursed child be considered canon? Does Deathly Hallows suck? (I only suggest this one because I remember a lot of people saying it did when the book came out, personally I liked it.) Were they right to make Deathly Hallows two films? Should some of the other books have been two films?


Actually I liked that idea so much I thought I might do a short video on it. I'll post something for suggestions soon.


I was thinking the Art of the Dual. In the books and the movies we see mostly 1v1 battles. Giving how big and powerful some spells are, what does this say about the culture of wizards!


# 7 is my first choice, followed by 4 and 6


I like 3, 4, and 6. I'm free from Sundays, to Tuesdays


5,6 and 7 seem interesting! I'm free every day after 5pm Eastern


All of these topics are interesting, but if I could throw in my two cents, I'm interested in 4, 7, and 3. For me the weekends work best, but I'm free on Tuesdays as well.


5! I want 5! Pretty please with whip cream and cherries on top, I want 5!


5, 2, 6. I am available Monday - Thus day anytime and Fri - Sun After 6pm UK time so either GMT or BST


These are all very good points. Though I'm a little weary on the "Too Hot for Hermione" one... Seeing as Emma Watson started off bucktoothed and bushy haired and was very glamorized from movie four on. Also, seeing as the actual character of Hermione is underage through the whole series up till the last book (as was Watson for a majority of the movies), talking about her being "hot" at all is kinda creepy. But that's my opinion. I am also... Not that into women, so my opinion on that might not be worth much. Anywho. I'm in the states and work 6 days a week so... I'd like to be part of the discussion if I can, but weekends are probably best.


I'd be happy to discuss any subject.


How about the age of the actors? As i recall during the time these movies came out there were alot of jokes being made toward the actors about getting too old for the roles and i was curious what you thought throughout? Did you ever feel the actors looked to old or did you think they represented the age of the characters decently?


I guess my top choices are 1 (since no one's chosen it yet?), 3, and 5.


Guess my choices would be 1, 3 and 4. Also it might be interesting to talk about whether they should have waited a few more years before beginning the films so that more of the books were out giving the filmakers a better idea of the overall story.


i dont work so anytime is good.