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Ok so it looks like this got the most votes... So I guess I'd better learn how to livestream real fast...

Rather then just having you guys posting comments while I waffle, I think it would be more fun for some of you guys to join me in a skype video chat for the video. 

I'll post some subjects for us to talk about (e.g. Who played the best Dumbledore and should Harry have taken SPEW more seriously), then if you want to take part you can volenteer for a particular category. I'm thinking 2 patreons to a subject seems logical.

Obviously we wont have time for everyone to be in it but I'll try to cycle through as meany people as possible. 



Sign me up, I mean I will volunteer.


Well, I want to jump on volunteering but a lot depends on the time of the chat cause there are times I absolutely must be in bed early cause I have to be up super early. And if you can put up with my crappy laptop camera and mic. It would be nice to have someone else try to add me on skype then random military men. (I don't know where they're coming from!) As for learning to livestream - ask Jack and Josh for a crash course. They're constantly doing Count Jackula livestreams.


hermione: do you hear the elven sing?!


I would enjoy doing this


I'm in


I'm in