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Hey guys. I was hoping to avoid this as the HP-athon has stretched out enough already but due to the week I had to take off to recover from my laser eye treatment and the upcoming trip to Detroit in November, I might have to mix in one or two shorter, none LiA videos into the works in the coming weeks.

As you guys are the ones funding this stuff I was wondering which of the following you'd most prefer as a stand in.

Another reaction video where I look at submissions.

A Patreon only Q&A (Will try by best to answer every question).

A Harry Potter themed round table discussion livestream.

Or if you have some ideas of your own please feel free to suggest them.


Chad Roy

Just do a review of a movie. Or TV show. Should be easy.


Reaction video and Q&A would be awesome. I mean, I'd love a livestream too but with you being in England I'd probably miss it. But I hope you do one sometime. Wouldn't even have to be HP related, just The Dom being The Dom and talking to people. Oooh! You on a livestream with Count Jackula would be fun! He tells the best stories. I'd also love to see you put together a few blooper reels from your different reviews. Not just Harry Potter but Dracula, Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter, Neverending Story, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, etc. Bloopers are always fun.


I understand, and while I will miss seeing one of your videos I'll opt for a Q and A, however, I would ask that it could be shown to your regular subs as well. Wouldn't be quite fair for people unable to support you to be left in the lurch :). Also, as a request, as much as I love lost in adaptation, I'd love to see some dom reviews at some point...perhaps another retro one? I loved your take on the prisoner!


To do those right takes almost as long a as LiA episode, which would kind of defy the point.


By "Patreon only" I mean I'll only be answering questions from Patreons, I'll be sure to show everyone the video ;)


Q and A would get my vote. Though wouldn't that would be the third you've done this year? Seems a bit much.


I like the Q&A but I think a round table would be fun. Theres enough HP lore just in the 7 books.

John David Tibbetts

I'd like a Q and A. Should we send the questions to you via patreon or email?

David Perez

I really like the Q & A idea personally!


Q&A or a discussion.


I think you should do a short ramble about The Cursed Child. Hearing people's opinion on that script is always fun.


I vote for the HP round table discussion. Also, if you don't mind me asking, if you're going to be in Detroit in November, does that mean you'll be at Youmacon?


Round table or a and a sounds awesome to me. Perhaps a slight mix of the two? Maybe spend some time with HP for a whole, then a general q and a for the remainder?


Reaction vid sounds the most fun.


What about a tour of The Dom's studio?? I love behind the scenes stuff!!


I like another reaction. Banana and two cookies!!


I'd love a sound table talkie ^^ - I meen round! Sound could be to Sirius ;)


I'd love another reaction video.


I'd like the HP roudtable-- not a fan of reaction vids or Q and A videos in general.


My alternate suggestion is a compare/contrast analysis of why Harry Potter succeeded but other popular YA series have struggled

Brandon Beamish

I think this might be one of the coolest ideas for a "filler" series of episodes ever. At the very least, you can do it post HP-athon to act as a finisher to your series and a retrospective on HP's success.


In order of most wanted to least: 1) Reaction 2) HP Round table 3) Q & A


The roundtable discussion about HP would be neat! The reaction would probably be my 2nd pick after that.


i vote harry potter round table, but i'm scarred of it to considering this is the internet.

Chelsea Monk

harry potter round table


I think anything that isn't HP related :)


I found the last Q&A video interesting so would like to see another one of those :)


My vote is for Q&A


Last Q&A was fun, more of it!

Andrew Kilmer

HP round table sounds awesome!


the livestream sounds the most interesting


Either the Live stream or the reaction video would be good.