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A.k.a. when you try and turn one tenth of a book into a film.


Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire - Lost in Adaptation Part Two

Uploaded by The Dom on 2016-08-22.



Okay, I want more of that Stormtrooper blooper. Also maybe in the future text should be shrunk a bit so those of us with long names can fit. ;-) Oh, and some gal needs to teach you the Safety Pin Trick for shirt gaps. Or you can make bigger fake boobs and exaggerate it for comic effect.


Oh sorry Jami... I was shrinking the name font as needed but forgot theres 2 Ls in Russell


YES. YES. I'm a minute into the video and I already like it just because of what you said about Harry Potter and the Unnecessary Play.


The movie edits at the beginning were so hilarious! I didn't realize how much I'd missed these until you showed them again. I hope you'll do more in the future. As for the film: "This adaptation cut its own legs out from underneath it and then was surprised when it fell flat on its face!" I think that sums it up perfectly. Well-said, Dom--er, Terrence.


Also, still no mention of pure-blood wizards being confused on how to wear muggle clothes since in the book it's made clear they all wear robes their whole lives? There was a whole Quidditch Worldclub subplot (albeit minor) about wizards wearing ridiculous and unusual muggle clothes (like a man wearing a lady's nightdress), and the hilarity it caused. "Terrence" is a wizard, yeah? I imagine he'd have something to say about the film acting like witches and wizards go around wearing muggle clothes all the time. I know, it's such a minor thing to nitpick about, but it's really a pet peeve of mine about the later film adaptations. (It really killed the magical atmosphere to me.)


12:02 best part.


The clothing thing will come up soon. Though I'm not as certain as you that all pure bloods are as ignorant of muggle clothing as the bloke at the cup. Ron certainly knows what a jumper is seeing as he gets one from his mother every christmas , and it hard to say what the Hogwarts students wear when their not in uniform as Harry never once goes shopping for casual wizard wear.


I laughed waaay harder at the sad window bit than I was expecting! Also, since as the movies progress they start to do more wordless magic, will that pop up in your analysis?


My goodness those were your best "insert Dom (er...Terrence) into scenes from TV and movies" effects yet! Not just on a technical level but also the funniest I can remember! And the whole video was delightful as well--when Terrence first showed up I was a bit uncertain but I think you've nailed him at this point.


I'm getting an error when I try to watch this: "This video is private". What's the deal?


Its been replaced sorry, watch it here: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_3VgSX84cBQ" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_3VgSX84cBQ</a>